They Live Among Us | Teen Ink

They Live Among Us

November 18, 2013
By Tayduty BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
Tayduty BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They Live Among Us.
For thousands of years, people everywhere have been searching for one of the universe’s unanswered questions: Do aliens really exist? Little Sammy Jo from Western Virginia knew the answer to this very question. Sammy Jo had lived with her grandmother for about two years when she realized that aliens did live all around us, but not necessarily in the places that we would expect. When she was five years old, Sammy Jo’s grandmother picked up a lost tea cup poodle puppy off the street, it was wet and pitiful looking. This puppy was not like anything that they had seen before. It had two snow white eyes that could pierce into the very soul of any person and as soon as this intriguing, new member of the family arrived, strange things started happening around their quaint house. To begin with it was little things like the porch lights flickering at all hours of the night or Sammy Jo waking up to find Prissy, the poodle, out of her cage sitting on the bed beside her, but as the years went by these occurrences became more frequent and more out of the norm. On one late December night when Sammy Jo was home from college for the weekend, Prissy started acting odd. She whimpered for hours on end in a pitch so high that Sammy Jo could almost not hear it. Then next thing Sammy Jo and her grandmother knew Prissy’s once snow white eyes became as bright green as a newly grown blade of grass in the summer and she started to rise into the air like a dandelion blown in the wind. They didn’t know whom to call to get help for their beloved dog, so they started with the veterinarian. The very next morning Sammy Jo and her grandmother went to get x-rays on Prissy, however the machine blew up as soon as the little dog went inside it. They knew something was very wrong. Next they called the nearby extraterrestrial expert in town, Marcus Flint. He came up with the theory that their precious dog was just a visitor to our planet when he watched Prissy in his lab the next night. The same thing that happened the first night happened once again and it began happening each night for the next month and a half. But even Marcus’s specialized machines blew up when they began to read Prissy’s strange calls. The family and Marcus thought that after Sammy Jo’s grandmother fell on the little dog, and nearly killed it that these things might end, but even with a broken back the fourteen year old poodle was still alive and calling to its unearthly family. Prissy lived with Sammy Jo and her grandmother for nearly twenty years, much longer than any dog should live. She would have stayed with the family much longer, but one day when they came home and their little dog was gone along with any sign that she had ever been there. Marcus had been monitoring her since the very first time they had meet and said she rose into the sky and out of view within minutes of when they left. Sammy Jo knew that her dog was not from our world, but one very far away sent to see what the human race was really like. She thinks that all of our pets could be special like Prissy was, but we choose not to see their differences. They live among us everyday.

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