Grendel’s Declassified People Eating Guide | Teen Ink

Grendel’s Declassified People Eating Guide

December 3, 2013
By addys BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
addys BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On that night, all I desired was the warm human flesh of those God worshipping natives of Herot. The celebration and drunkenness formulated a passionate thirst for revenge. I started devouring the tender meat of only five or six people, but it was not enough; their calmed blood was screaming to me. I needed more. The Danes saw me as an uncontrollable man-eater and I felt no guilt for my actions. Their relaxed and tranquil breathing had me jumping out of my evil infected skin. I knew Herot’s backbone would be emotionally affected by this, making these killings the perfect retribution. I ended up eating a dinner of thirty people that night. I could not stop from ripping apart their rested flesh, crushing their firm bones, and drinking their thick blood. As I predicted, the ruler of Herot awoke realizing he could do nothing to protect his people from me, the blood thirsty gobbler.
?I came back twelve years later. Sneaking from my reeking swamp into Herot was not difficult because the citizens were asleep yet again. I realized I was developing excitement through the visions of those thick protectors from evil and how tough their meat should be. I could feel that my presence was not appreciated. This did not affect me for the reason that I was too excited to start eating. I tore to pieces what felt and smelt like pure perfection. It was by far one of the best pieces of meat I had eaten; it also may be my last piece of meat. At that moment, I smelt the overwhelming courage of Beowulf emitting through his blood. It was then, I came to the conclusion that the hero of all good wished to battle. The battle was going well since I am untouchable when it comes to weapons. I started feeling a bit scared once I realized Beowulf saw me as a beatable monster and began to use his enormous amount of strength against me. At this point, I could hear the land of all good shake. Then along came the memory that haunts me the most, my failure. The mighty mega man tore my arm right off my shoulder. Not only did I experience my limbs disconnecting, I could also feel my defeat. The ruler of all evil was diminished to the one armed swampy failure.

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