About time | Teen Ink

About time

November 19, 2013
By melodypond11 BRONZE, Grapevine, Texas
melodypond11 BRONZE, Grapevine, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


A while ago the people of earth got tired of waiting, waiting for the seasons to change waiting for the holidays, waiting for everything. About ten years back, they invented the clocks. Everyone has a clock now, and everyone is tired of waiting for it to finish counting down. Counting down to what you might ask? To love. Silly impatient humans, they’ve got schedules for everything now, don’t they?
Jamie looked down at the clock on her wrist. It had always been there, ticking silently, she’d had it forever, well for as long as she could remember anyways. She had been waiting for so long. Years, ten of them passed like seconds as her sixteenth birthday became her twenty-sixth; Jamie was beginning to lose hope. Her next-door neighbor had met hers at fourteen, her neighbor’s twin sister, not but one measly year later.
00 yrs. 000 mos. 000 ds. 000 hrs. 001 mins. 005 secs.
Jamie’s clock read how could this be important? She was only taking out the trash, and it was even raining. A vaguely familiar figure was running towards her, just a silhouette against the grey Cardiff mist. Rubber soled sneakers slapped against the rain soaked pavement, splashing muddy water on the hem of her jeans.
00 yrs. 000 mos. 000 ds. 000 hrs. 000 mins. 030 secs.
Was it really supposed to be this guy-
“Jamie, right?” He asked.
-with wet sticky-uppity brown hair and sparkly teal eyes.
“Yea, have we met?”
“No not officially I’m the guy who lives next door,” He smiled, glanced down at his wrist and smirked.
He looks really adorable when he does that Jamie thought
“You, um might know my sisters. Listen, Jay this might sound pretty intimate but, do you mind telling me what your timer says?”
Jay? No one had ever given her a nickname before and seriously how could you live next door to someone for most of their life and not even know their name!
“Sure…I’m sorry, I don’t even know your name, and we’ve been neighbors for so long. I feel really stupid-”
“It’s Vincent, and you’re not stupid, I’m the idiot who’s out running in the pouring rain,”
Jamie quickly gazed down at her wrist. “Yea, but I’m the idiot standing out in it talking with you.”
“So we’ve reached the conclusion that we’re both complete and total idiots then?” Vincent laughed, running a hand through his hair.
“Well of course, but you’re my idiot,” Jamie smiled.
00 yrs. 000 mos. 000 ds. 000 hrs. 000 mins. 000 secs.

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