The Fairy in Pink Socks | Teen Ink

The Fairy in Pink Socks

December 10, 2013
By Attic BRONZE, Montpiller, Virginia
Attic BRONZE, Montpiller, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You run about looking for little items that have turn up missing, or in strange places. Fist a spoon in your pillow and a fork in your shower. You hear a little high pitch giggle and you know right away that it is that little fairy that has causing you so much trouble. As you sit there having your morning tea, the grandest of ideas has popped in you mind. You thought to your self "I know what she wants I have every thing that she will ever have wanted."
You run about grabbing a doll house and new colorful paints hiding from the little monster hands. You stated to refresh the old little doll house, that was made for you sister now grown and away. You sigh with the fond and happy memories that you have shared with.

You hear a slight flutter of wings then silence. You that she watching. She wonders "Why is this human fixing up the old doll house, what drives this being with so steady hands and lovely painting skills to do such of thing?" She settles upon the shelve and watches intently as you work. You smiles as your own personal magic with skill of un-human quality.

An hour as passed as you look at you lovely work. The fairy is smiling as you fill the house with small toys of every day things. You wonder about looking for a good place for the doll house to have its own little property. You walk past the doors that lead to the garden, you stop in mind step and look. You see you mothers flowers beds have re-bloomed for the year. You seem to fail to recall tending to them for a while. You smile as you realized whom might have done this.

You walk outside grinning as you placed the small house in the pink flower bed. You look at the work you have done and smiled wider.

later that day the fairy investigated the house. while looking around she looks in great detail of how munch effort the human had made with the color scheme and detail in the furniture. while laying down in the master bed room, she sighs with joy and said "for once some one had finial found the answer."


The author's comments:
this was a project that was done in typing class.

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