Ignition | Teen Ink


December 20, 2013
By kyle m BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
kyle m BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

3…2…1… Ignition, Said the captain, right as the ship blasted off the ground. The astronauts we’re on a mission to the moon.

“looks like a great day to go to space Conrad,” said Frank.

“Let’s just hope it’s the last time you say that,” replied Conrad

Conrad was terribly afraid of the space, but he had always dreamed to go. When he was a child he’d sit in his room and ponder around all of his space books and facts.

As Franks and Conrad entered space they both we’re blown away.

“Wow…” Said Conrad amazed by the scenery

“Captain, we’ve reached space.” Said Frank into the microphone.

“Hear you loud and clear Frank, you should be at the destination in about 2-3 days, safe travels.” Responded Captain

Franks steered the shuttle and headed to the moon.

A few hours later Conrad heard a thump in the back of the shuttle.

“Hey Frank… you hear that?”

“Stop being so paranoid, it’s probably nothing.” Responded Frank

Then again one last thump. “Ok Frank I really think there’s something wrong back there.”

As soon as Conrad stopped talking the light in the space craft started to flicker.

“Now do you believe me?!” said Conrad anchiously.

“Alright lets go check it out.” Replied Frank.

As Franks and Conrad hustled back to the engine gears, they saw that the engine was malfunctioning. They had to do something quick!” Frank immediately told Conrad to worn the captain. As Conrad was running through the space craft he had noticed that it was going off course. He quickly grabbed the speaker and calmly said.

“Captain the engines are failing and we’re going off course. If we get them running we’ll have to go back to earth, we cant risk it.” Said Conrad.

“Roger that Conrad, just hurry and try to fix the engine that the important thing.” Responded captain.

Conrad hustled back to the engine room. To his surprise Frank had almost got it back running. With a little twicking here and there it was ready to go! Frank ran back to the control panel and got the space ship back on course to earth. They thankfully arrived at earth safely and lived to tell the story.

The author's comments:
my story

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