Ashen | Teen Ink


December 27, 2013
By Falconess22 BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
Falconess22 BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Four, five, six. Six? You said you could do fifteen!”

“My arms are getting tired!”

“You just can’t do them,” Emily insisted, crossing her arms. She narrowed her brown eyes at Grady and shook her head. “I bet Sven can do twice that!”

“I probably could,” Sven replied, standing to the side. He surveyed his two friends and debated on proving his strength.

Emily ran her fingers through her auburn hair, glowering at Grady. “You get one more try. You’ll be a liar and a wimp if you can’t do fifteen pull-ups.”

“I can do them! Watch and learn!” Grady reached for the ash branch and braced himself for the fifteen reps. After five, his arms burned from the repetition of the movement. He doubted Emily could complete one with her scrawny build, and Sven always barked with no bite. Taking heavy breaths, he passed the ten mark and felt his weight shift. With a loud crack, the limb suddenly gave way.

“Way to go, Fatty,” Emily teased, giggling. She poked the muscular heap with her sneaker, watching Grady brush leaves off himself. Crouching down, a frown spread over her features. “Oh man, that branch hit you pretty hard.” Her fingers grazed his forehead and lifted his hair up. A gash stretched across his hairline while blood seeped from the wound. “Grady, you’ve really done it now. I hope that doesn’t scar.”

Grady swatted her hands away and cursed from the pain. He landed on his a** when he fell, and the branch decided to smite him over the head. Warm blood dripped down his cheek, teaching him a lesson. “What are you looking at?” he demanded, shooting Sven an embarrassed glare.

The lanky boy rolled his eyes and crossed over. “Maybe, you should pick a stronger branch next time.”

Helping Grady to his feet, Emily glanced to the graying sky. “We need to get home. It’s supposed to storm. I’m going to walk you home, kay?” she muttered to Grady. “Sven, get home safe.”

Sven nodded and tossed the branch aside to prevent someone tripping downhill. He waved to his friends as they descended the incline and approached Lake Dian’s banks. Thunder rumbled overhead and warned of the oncoming storm. The weather mentioned two fronts colliding tonight; staying indoors would be wise.


Emily changed into her pajamas and listened to the sheets of rain cascade outside. It began sprinkling before she arrived home, turning instantly into a monsoon. She remained partially dry and covered her bed in three extra blankets. Her mother went out of town for the weekend, so she would be alone for tonight. The wind whistled and chilled her to the bone, whisking leaves and branches toward the lake. “Maybe, I should have stayed there.”

Grady’s mother urged her to spend the night next door. Their houses stood close with only a few minutes walk in between. She assured the woman she would be fine, yet a peal of thunder beckoned her to text Grady. Are you awake?

Five minutes passed.

Yeah, can’t sleep…it’s too loud.

Is your head okay?

I’ve been better.


Shifting underneath her mountain of covers, she stared at her cell phone. I’m going to bed now, night.


She placed her phone onto her nightstand and squeezed her eyes shut, feeling drowsy. The rain pattered against the roof, playing a constant lullaby. A mild bing drew her attention. “C’mon, I’m trying to sleep.”

Scooping her phone up, she saw the snapchat notification going off. Emily opened the picture and saw Sven sticking his tongue out, telling her sweet dreams on the bottom. She found herself frowning when the picture timed out, taking his dark hair and handsome features with it. Shaking her head, she turned her phone off and forced herself to fall asleep. The raindrops pattered their song.


Emily rattled awake and clutched her chest, feeling her hammering heart. She rubbed her itching nose and smelled smoke. Curiously, she slid out of bed and peered through her window in alarm. The lake lit up with deafening red light. Flames licked Grady’s house and sent black smoke roiling into the air. “Oh my god!” she muttered over and over, glued to the window. Rubble tumbled to the ground while the white walls grew black. The smoke rose thickly to the sky and blotted out the stars. Flashes of light dotted the darkness, followed by thunder rumblings. She reached for her phone to call 911 and froze with a petrified stance.

A dark figure stood near the lake with a gleeful green gaze. His shoulders shifted up and down like an amused child. The firelight illuminated his tattooed skin, but as he turned, she realized she was wrong. The tattoos were divots, ringed lines and knots embedded into his rough features; pointed ears extended from his head. With a start, he turned and stared at her window. She woke up.

Emily, shaken from the nightmare, raced downstairs despite the peaceful sunlight pouring through her window. As she stood on her porch, Grady’s house was obliterated, a burned husk. Caution tape surrounded the destroyed home, barring intruders. Tears spilled down her face, and she spotted Sven staring with pallor. She sprinted across the ashen ground and coated her feet in a muddy soot mixture. “What happened?!” she shrieked. Emily pressed her face into Sven’s chest, sobbing with fear. That man…had he been real? How did his house catch on fire?

“They’re all safe. I spoke to the police as they were putting the tape up. I was just coming to tell you. G-Grady, he was hurt really bad. They said they’re going to remove his left arm from the burns, that there’s no other way…”

Her body trembled against Sven, digging her fingers into his clothes. They’re removing his arm?

“But, a limb for a limb, don’t you think?”

His words sounded twisted, and she stared up at Sven’s bright, green eyes.

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