Park Story | Teen Ink

Park Story

January 14, 2014
By hunterdavis1234 BRONZE, Idianapolis, Indiana
hunterdavis1234 BRONZE, Idianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
yesterday hits don't matter anymore
derek jeter

One stormy night a girl named Kiara went to the park. Kiara went to her favorite park and she had found a gold coin that’s from Atlantis. Kiara went straight home and looked up on the internet to see if the gold coin is worth anything. “Mom Dad come here look what I found in the park and look how much its worth!”
“Honey where did you find this?” asked mom
“I found this at the Hunter Davis Park” replied Kiara in a sad mood thinking she had to return it
The following day Kiara and her father took the gold coin to the museum on Davis street, and asked if this coin was authentic or not. The manager of the museum took a look at the artifact and it took him a little bit loner to find out if the coin is authentic or no. “I looked at it for about 30 to 40 minutes and the coin I saw something that makes the coin speak out loudly , and that’s the symbol on it, here look at it do you see the little symbol on it ?” said the manager happily
“Yes I see it, it looks like a volcano that is irrupting” said Kiara.
“Your right this makes your coin 100% real, can I buy this off of you and keep it in my museum?” said the manager with a bad voice thinking he can buy for a cheap price.
“it depends how much money you are willing to give me?” said Kiara
“I’ll give you 1 million dollars?” replied the manager
“I don’t think so sorry” said Kiara
As Kiara was driving home with her dad she was thinking about what if she was alive when Atlantis was around? She was thinking about that all day long. As time went by Kiara wondered if she can use her grandfather’s time machine and take it back to the when Atlantis was around. One week had passed by and Kiara had broken in to her grandfather’s lab where time machine lays to rest and she sets the time machine to the 15th century and went off to Atlantis. One second had pass by and she is 3 steps away from the ancient temple that whoever steps on the land will be coursed for the rest of their life.

15 minutes into her trip she has just noticed that the clothing is a lot different than what she wears today. “Excuse me sir, where am I?” asked Kiara
“You are in the city of Atlantis” said some random peasant
Kiara was surprised. She didn’t know Atlantis was real. A lot of things were going through her mind at the time like the food looked better the cloths looked better quality there was more gold. ‘Maybe I should take some of this gold home with me’
A month later she had return back home and she showed her dad all the gold she had stolen from the Atlantis.
“People of Atlantis I have something to tell you” said the empire of Atlantis
“What is it” yelled the people of Atlantis with great force
“As you know the Volcano of Triton has or is going to erupt, that’s why there is gas or shredding coming out, we need all people to form a line to the boats to get us out of here” said the empire
During the time people forming lines to the boats they 1st erupt has started. No one was hurt just yet. This day had change the whole world. ‘Booooooooooom’ the second time and the last time it has erupted. The lava was running down the side of the volcano really fast. People where running for their lives. The boats had left without the wealthiest families and they died. Some of this kids or adults never had a chance to live their lives happily. They towns people that escape didn’t have their loves ones with them right by their side. And this was the end of the beautiful City of Atlantis.

The author's comments:
Because when i get older i want to try to find it

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This article has 2 comments.

on Sep. 24 2014 at 3:28 pm
hunterdavis1234 BRONZE, Idianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
yesterday hits don't matter anymore
derek jeter

thanks buddy 

MartinM said...
on Feb. 4 2014 at 10:07 am
MartinM, Indianapolis, Indiana
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Good story But why that picture?