Cast Away | Teen Ink

Cast Away

January 24, 2014
By Zac Graves BRONZE, North Richland Hills, Texas
Zac Graves BRONZE, North Richland Hills, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“You are to leave this city! Never step a foot in here again or that is your life X! I don’t care how many people like you. You are too leave this city as soon as you leave my office. And I’m serious about that being your life. Such a disgrace to the Jones name! Never will I or the people of this city understand why you would commit such a crime! Goodbye Xavier!”

Just like that I was exiled from the city that raised me, the city that got me to be a highly recruited prospect, the city that made me into the fine young man that I thought I was. A seventeen year old being sent into the world that he is very unfamiliar with by himself. I have nothing but the clothes on my back. I didn’t get to say bye to no one. My own mother wouldn’t even look me in the eyes. Every long step away from the city a memory pops in to my head and I try to fight back the tears but just can’t. I guess that’s it. It’s time to start a whole new life.

I accepted the fact that I was on my own. For a choice I don’t understand that is so serve that I got thrown out of a whole city. But I guess it’s me, myself, and I. The world was against me, and I had to make do with what I had, and that was nothing. Like that my journey begins.

Where will I go? What will I do? Who can help me? The next city is miles away. How will I get there? All these questions racing through my head and I only had one answer for all these questions, and that was to walk and find out. So I began walking, don’t know where, but hopefully it would bring me to a place that I can start my new life.

I was walking for almost three hours now. The quiet back roads, all I hear are the wildlife that surrounds me. Then all of a sudden I see birds fall down from the trees they were perched in. All types of animals running away from the direction of my old life. Mountain lions, wolves, bears and all the predator animals didn’t even care about all the food running right beside of them. It’s like all of the animals was scared or frightened from something. They paid no attention to me in the middle of the road. “BOOM BOOM BOOM!” three loud explosions, I wonder what just happened. A cloud of charcoal black smoke blanketed the sky. I can hear sirens and people yelling in the distance, no animal in site. They all vanished before the explosion happened. I made camp on this hill before night fall. The hill was pretty safe no person will have a easy time climbing it to get to me.

“ BANG! GET DOWN! BANG!” Someone’s out there but I can’t see anything, it’s pitch black. “Hello? Who’s there?” I yelled out trying to get a response . “ Be quiet before they hear you!” Someone answered back to me. It sounded like a female, but couldn’t tell for sure because of the ringing in my ears from the gunshots . What’s out there? What is she talking about? Then I just see a flash of white past my face and she fired, killing the white creature. “What the heck was that?” asking in ah. “ It was a bear, but because of the bomb, all the animals got affected by the radiation and turned to massive killers trying to eliminate the human race.” She answered back. So what’s your name? “ I am Lizzy,” she replied. “Are you with anyone else?” I asked in all confusion. “Nope it’s just me, but now since I found you, will you be willing to come and protect me, and hopefully find more survivors like us?”

I pondered that question for a good minute before answering. Did I want to try and survive by myself with the dangers of these mutated animal trying to kill me? Or should I go with this complete stranger that just saved my life. So thinking wisely, I didn’t want to be on my own. I accepted her request to find more survivors, if there’s any. Completely forgetting about being banned from my town. i started my new life, not knowing if any of my family was still alive, we drove back to my old town….

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