Takeover | Teen Ink


February 28, 2014
By Jetplane14 BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
Jetplane14 BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The moon just peaked past the clouds, allowing a glimpse of moon light through. The ray pierced through the darkness, illuminating a metal building. The building shimmered, reflecting onto the neighboring window.

Lara was sleeping in her bed, but seemed to be restless and suddenly she started screaming and calling “run, run for your lives before the hu….!” She woke up from the middle of a trance before she could finish the sentence. Tryx also woke up from the next bedroom, she walked in the door of Lara’s bedroom to check on her.

“Same darn dream?” Tryx asked.

“Yeah,” Lara answered.

“That’s the tenth time. Do you want to try to talk about it?” Tryx asked.

“No, it’s nothing,” Lara said. For a split second, she wonders, “would this become reality?”

Profile: Lara Jet
Current status: Alive

Born: June 17, 2977 in Manchester, United Kingdom.
Parents: Mother is unknown and the father, Demetri, died in an explosion when Lara was 13.
Family: One older sister name Luna, who currently lives in Florida, United States.
Heritage: Norwegian.
Description: Height 160.02 m and weighs 54.43 kg. Pale blue silvery eyes and short burgundy hair. Athletic, broadish shoulder.
Conditions: Suffers from depression and sleep insomnia.
Current Occupation: Artist. Weapon expert.
Living situation: She lives with her black, Cairn terrier, Webster, and her roommate Tryx. They live in Manchester, United Kingdom in an old, small, metal brick apartment that they rent together on the ground floor.
Note: Isn’t exactly patriotic and doesn’t support the government, but doesn’t cause trouble. Further data needs to be collected. All current information is from the past two years, what she did before she was 21 is unknown.

In the morning of March 14, 3000, the humanoid government, Wolvstin, had conquered the neighboring countries around Germany, confining every pathetic human being in Europe because of the possibility of revolt. The humans in Europe were very afraid for their wellbeing. Yet, they also feared that this was just the start of spreading Wolvstinism throughout the world.

The Wolvstin military humanoid force had started to invade Lara’s hometown; going to each house occupied by humans, taking and throwing them into a metal box shaped vehicle like a convoy, to be transported to a prison or labor camps. The humanoids were marching up to Lara and Tryx’s apartment.
In the apartment, Webster was hiding under the bed, not being himself. Lara knew something was wrong and told Tryx to go hide with Webster. Someone knocked at their door, Lara turned around to face the door and understood what was going to happen next. It was her dream.
The captain of the military police knocked harder but still no response. They broke down the door and walked into the dust but Lara, Tryx, and Webster had already escaped through a hidden door that was hidden underneath the couch in the living room. The hidden door led to an underground tunnel made in the early 2000 that was long forgotten.
After the invasion, Lara, Tryx, and Webster managed to escape being detained by the humanoids. They hid underground and started a resistance group to fight back and save humans. Lara discovered that she was an asset to the resistance and believed they had a chance of defeating Wolvstin. With her weaponry and fighting skills and knowledge of a deserted humanoid lab, she decided to look clues. Her goal was stop them before spreading overseas to conquer the United States where her sister lived.
Lara went to the humanoid lab, the scene of the past explosion, looking for lab research of how to stop the humanoids. While snooping around in the scorched rubble, cold synthetic hands snatched both of her arms, restricting her. She couldn’t move or use her legs to fight her way out of the mechanical clutches. Her head turned around to see her captor, expressionless, red eye, stare back at her. While Lara still tried to struggle to escape, she heard a deep masculine voice say:

“Well hello there, Honey,” said the unknown voice.

Honey? I haven’t heard that nickname since I was a child, Lara thought.

“My, look how much you have grown,” continued the unknown voice.

Lara looks up thinking it can’t be as she came face to face with her father, Demetri Pottsy.

Profile: Demetri Pottsy
Current status: Died in an explosion in Manchester, United Kingdom on June 1, 2990.

Born: September 3, 2947
Parents: Unknown
Family: Married, had two children, first child is Luna, second is Lara.
Heritage: German
Description: Height 165.00 m and weighs 81.65 kg. Hazel eyes and black, fine, short hair.
Conditions: None
Current occupations: Inventor and engineer.
Living situation: Unknown
Note: Gathering other information was unsuccessful.

“I thought you died when I was thirteen in the – “ before Lara could finish her sentence.

“Lab explosion,” said Demetri.

"Lab?” Lara said. Why didn’t I know this?

“I faked my death and came back to this lab and created my lair after everyone deserted so I could continue my work with the humanoids and lead them,” replied Demetri.

"You are behind the takeover?!” Lara shouted.

“Well yes Lara and I have a proposition for you since you are my daughter,” responded Demetri.

He offered her to come to his side, to see his ways and she abided (but really was only tricking him). She pretended to stay loyal to him and only addressed him as father, making her peers believed she betrayed them even. She did it to learn about the enemy, to discover its core, its nervous system and take it down from the inside, which she did achieve by getting the information. However, Demetri soon found out Lara’s true intentions and confronted her.

Demetri marched to Lara’s room, pulled a knife on her, threatened to kill her.

“You lied to me, well it’s too late – the humanoids had begun to advance overseas.”

Lara realized there was no other solution out of this. Lara quickly leaped for the knife. Turned it and stabbed her father. Demetri is dead.

Is it too late to save Luna and everyone? Lara thought. Lara then traveled to the United States to stop the takeover.

Profile: Luna Jet
Current status: Alive

Born: May 25, 2976
Parents: Mother is unknown and the father, Demetri, died when Luna was 14 in an explosion
Family: One younger sister name Lara.
Heritage: Norwegian
Description: Height 157.00 m and weighs 45.36 kg. Hazel eyes and short, fine, light brown hair. Thin but athletic.
Conditions: Unknown
Current occupations: Unknown
Notes: Still gathering information about this individual, not much to find.

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