The wrecking hands: Billy Bob Joe | Teen Ink

The wrecking hands: Billy Bob Joe

March 9, 2014
By OsmanB BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
OsmanB BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“To THINK BIG and to use our talents doesn't mean we won't have difficulties along the way. We will--we all do. If we choose to see the obstacles in our path as barriers, we stop trying. "We can't win," we moan. "They won't let us win''(Ben Carson).

‘‘Woah, the heck is that?’’uttered Jill. Initially a flying speck in turn became a comet to the eye that immediately shot down through the sky displaying beautiful radiance. As it approached the view of the sky, one could see the atmospheric pressure it accumulated as it broke the barriers of the sky. Swiftly but surely, the comet no longer collided with the earth and an ear-erupting noise could be heard within 20 kilometers . A fairly tall individual, about six feet with a draped shawl and gigantic wing-tips appeared within the field of view of the crash scene, glaring at the prospect in wonders. The expression on his face was bewilderment, but before fear could stop him curiosity took its place so he persisted onwards. Finally he could see the anomaly, but however it looked subtle; therefore, he stood on his tippy-toes for vantage and stared at what seemed to be a large eruption that ensued a meteor was rather a minuscule capsule. He was forever stupefied by the finding.

Once upon a time there was a boy named Billy Bob Joe, or Billy for short. No
one knew of his origin or his real parents, but it was said that he came from a foreign planet from outer space. Yet he still established a successful life on Earth. Weird isn’t it? Allow me to explain: Billy Bob Joe was first pursued by a clown on his way to lay waste on the outskirts of a circus. After witnessing an eruption to which a capsule was spotted, Jill transported it to the circus at once where it was prospected until curiosity found a way to open the capsule. The capsule suddenly grew in size and expanded to a third of Jill’s height. A pod materialized and opened on its own behalf, leaving behind a stark and gaseous white ash, as it cleared up, it welcomed to the world a baby boy(to the surprise of many, in humanoid form). ‘’My goodness a baby! Lord it’s a miracle!’’Janoko screeched. ‘’Hip hip hooray!’’ the rest of the congregated circus folk chanted. The child’s first action instinctively was to cry, Jill tried desperately to sedate him, but unfortunately to no avail. Then Jill decided to bring out his honker and squeezed it with a fair amount of force, still no progress. The crowd shook their head in dismal.‘’Wait, I think I got an idea!’’ Jill enthusiastically stated. He finally got the idea to grab ahold of an abandoned pie that was silhouetted by a table. Quickly he took a good look at it and mumbled under his breathe ‘’I’m gonna regret this...’’ and whoosh! The pie went smashing straight into his face, smothering cream custard all over his feature. By this time everyone clamored with laughter, including the child until Janoko cut in to make a brief statement, chuckling with residue laughter ‘’I think it’s clear to me that you get the real honor of having him Jill, so take em. Ahahah!’’ Ever since then, Jill and Billy were inseparable and Jill filed him for adoption.

Everything went well till when Billy was about 9 years old. Jill noticed that he had acquired a strange capability to be able to break whatever object or anomaly he could put his hands on, if desired. On one occasion Billy would be holding and playing with his toy truck until Jill would come into the room stipulating him to clean the room because guest were to be coming over momentarily. However Billy was reluctant and when Jill decided to confiscate his toys for a day as punishment, Billy got angry. So he held up one of the big trucks that usually lie in the corners of his room and snapped it in half. This was absolutely startling to Jill, and he looked over to Billy in aghast. Who was unaware that the Truck weighed about half the amount he did. By that point Jill realized that he had to be more careful with instructing Joe or he may end up like his truck or would he?

Surely Jill was not the only person to notice this alien faculty. Many of his classmates from 5th grade could always sense the distress in Billy’s eyes whenever it was time for arts and crafts because Billy began to become more aware of it too. For example, Billy would be given a pencil and before he could even finish writing his name, the pencil broke. His classmates began whispering to each other until the entire class clamored,‘’Billy has ape hands! Godzilla! King Kong!’’ classmates would tease. He would always be the main topic of conversation amongst his classmates whenever they were instructed to do an assignment that required hand work. Although Billy tried to display a pretense that these remarks never bothered him, the actual truth was that he began to feel so insecure about himself from the constant battering of his classmates; sometimes he would question why he could not do the most rudimentary of things without causing destruction.

On one day Billy finally confronted his father, ‘’Papa, why do I always break things?’’ Billy asked curiously. ‘’Well golly I wonder boy, was it after I took you home or was it after you began to potty train?’’ Papa Jill said. ‘’Boy, you remember the time I asked you to get my Snugga Bottoms from the shelf?’’Jill said with reminiscence. ‘’Hmm..yes papa, well why I do’’ Billy said. ‘’Yes that’s right, remember when you did that, you caused so many darn rick rackets and everything came crashing down! Woo, believe me when I say that I was sleeping and heard that rub a dun dun, then my belly was vibrating on the sheets, then next thing you know I was rolling on the floorboard. Afterwards, when I came to check what all the clamor was about I see you holding my Snugga Bottoms. You scared the poop out of me.’’ ‘’I know that much, but tell me really why?’’ After a long and dignified pause, Jill was almost abashed saying this, ‘’You’re not from here.’’ ‘’What do you mean, like you mean I’m from another country? Gasp! I’m an immigrant?’’ ‘’No, that’s not what I meant, you’re not no dang immigrant boy! You’re not from here, Earth!’’

Eventually, Billy graduated from Middle school and moved to a more emotionally and mentally challenging occasion- High School. High school proved to be the most ridiculing and intimidating experience Billy has gone through in his entire life. With growth, came a greater ability to break things. He was like bob the build except he did the reverse, you could almost call him bob the destroyer( please note everything he broke was never intentional). Literally, that was his label in high school, and whenever Billy would walk down the hall or towards his locker he’d get such rude comments like ‘’Hey Billy how is the destruction project so far?’’ Another followed, ‘’Hey peeps, let’s sing his theme song: Bob the destroyer, can we destroy it? Bob the destroyer, yes we can!’’ However goading these comments were, they never seemed to stir bob, well at least not immediately. He’d usually shrug it off and act nonchalant as if he weren’t bothered by the rude comments he were getting, teachers would often notice the hounding of Billy from his classmates and they would offer recourse. However so Teachers would endeavor to help him, Billy was always reluctant to accept ‘’deeming solace.’’

Although he gained a sense of pride in himself and entitlement from rejecting numerous offers for help only to rely on himself. He would continue to be battered and this would prove to be detrimental. For instance, Billy’s defensiveness and temper only elevated through high school. By the end of Junior year not only had he gotten into 3 fights, but he ended up severely damaging a boy’s nose for teasing and goading him about breaking a drum during band class. This had a profound effect on the direction Billy’s life and if it continued he would go down the path that Jill never wanted for him. If it hadn’t been for the boy being so forgiving and reasonable with the circumstance to not press charges, Billy may have been jailed or prosecuted and his school life and hopes of becoming a musician would never be revealed. Billy ran home after the incident and wept sheepishly because of his freakish abilities that led to so many injured and frightened classmates that he encountered. He now truly believed what Jill had told him so many years ago.

Billy stayed secreted until dusk, this was the time when Jill usually came in from work. As Billy folded himself, he looked through his window and saw a bright and prominent star. Actually an array of stars for that manner, and they all seemed to make a junction to form a constellation. Coincidentally, it was the shape of the pod he first landed in now when he had first entered upon the communal lands of New York city on Earth. However, he hadn’t known that but, hadn’t that had to be unorthodox? Jill called up ‘’Hey Billy! Billy boy! I’m home, and as Jill heard no response(which was unusual for them) he quickly went upstairs, he knocked on the door once, Billy had not shown any responsiveness. He was mesmerized by the light of the star body, it was as if it was hypnotizing him. Jill knocked twice, Billy’s eyes dilated as he began to stand. Jill knocked a third time and by this point he was getting quite frantic and assumed the worst, Jill battered the door until its hinges could take no more and as he came in he saw that the light Billy had been staring so hypnotically at magnified and Billy was taken into the twilight. The light consumed him at this point but at last he could make out subtly, ‘’Thank you Jill’’ Billy said with mystique.

The author's comments:
I really just wrote this based on what caught my interest at the time and what would be the most thrilling subject to project my thoughts into. However so, it was a joy to write!

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