Power Dystopia Journal Entries | Teen Ink

Power Dystopia Journal Entries

April 1, 2014
By hollywoodkatniss14 BRONZE, Fanwood, New Jersey
hollywoodkatniss14 BRONZE, Fanwood, New Jersey
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Dear Journal,

I am so glad I found this blank book, as in this country ruled by Ammon, we are not allowed to sensor our thoughts, fears, and emotions. Perhaps, I should fill you in on what our “savior” Ammon does to us. I will start with myself. My name is Scarlett, and I am enslaved under the tyrant ruler, Ammon. The world was not always like this, though. I used to live a normal life, with friends and fun and playing outside. However, when I was very little, my family went into hiding when Ammon started a war and tried to take over our world.
Ammon had been chastised when he, as an epidemiologist, had created a cure to cancer that had been deadly when used on a human, and was arrested for is creation. Since he wasn’t appreciated, he wanted to gain power to punish those who had punished him, and the power had gotten his head. He wanted the whole world to feel his misery, and revealed himself as a mad man when given the power to. Without power, he had been humble, a pacifist, and grateful. The ultimate power had taken over Ammon’s brain like his disease to the oppressed, and everyone now fears him. Since I was imprisoned, he has appeared in my nightmares, and became my biggest phobia. I can’t describe my hatred for Ammon, and my fear is even stronger.
He used a disease with a parasite that buried in peoples brains and could enslave them if evolved correctly. He used enormous eagles to transmit this disease, or kill human that got in their way. That’s how my father, the great scientist that had almost finished a cure to Ammon’s pathogen, was so maliciously murdered. I watched the eagle attack him, and then I watched him die, slowly, and painfully. I was five years old. While he was dying, I could see his eyes getting dimmer, but I was still hopeful that he might be able to get up and keep running. Once his eyes went completely lifeless, though, my whole world seemed to have crushed, to have caved in around me.
My mother and I had then been captured in an effort to save my father, and imprisoned in the new nation Ammon had created. My mother, as she was over fourteen years old, was injected with the same pathogen my father had tried to stop, which could now enslave people, forcing them to obey any order given to them. They had free thoughts; they just couldn’t refuse to do any task. The rest of us, those who are thirteen and under, we are just imprisoned in camps, supplied with enough food, but we cannot say any of our thoughts aloud. This is better than being Slaves though, who live in worse conditions, possibly. Well, good night, it’s dinner time and I want to have enough food to tide me over for tomorrow-as tomorrow is the day I get injected. This is my first, and possibly last, day with you.
Dear Journal,

Well, today’s the day. I’m sitting in my bunker/cell, awaiting my instructions on where to report for my Injection, and I’m so nervous it’s making my head spin. What will Ammon, the source of my hatred and fears, be like in real life? In my head, I imagine a monster cloaked in black, coming towards me and… what am I doing, trying to drive myself crazy from fear? I’ve heard the new 14-year-olds report to Ammon’s throne room, where he personally injects you and gives your assignment, but no one can know for sure. My bunker has always been cold, and seems like a horrible place to live, but I’ve also heard this is slightly better than the Slaves quarters after their Injection. There is no sound but the slight whirring of the heater/air conditioning, and the eerie silence unnerves me, like the calm before a storm. A feeling of peace has washed over me, and I feel, somehow, extremely optimistic, thinking that maybe having to do orders wouldn’t be so bad. It sounds crazy, but we won’t get punished for not carrying them out because we are physically forced to do them, we can never avoid doing the chores we need to do. I’m only worried because I feel that Ammon might have it out for me, since my father almost defeated him in his Overlord plot. Will he torture me, or make me do the most tedious tasks? Will I be trained to kill the innocent? What kind of conditions will I live in? My final thought is: will I ever see my mother again? What ever happened to her?

Dear Journal,

I’ve been given my assignment, and my mind feels clouded. Why would Ammon grant me such a position? Am I his second in command? When I was brought into the throne room, he was like a normal human being, except I still hated him for killing my father. The weird thing is-he almost got me on his side. The pathogen injected in me made a soft spot for Ammon. I thought he would have me tortured, or would killed my mother right in front of me, but he instead gave me excellent living conditions, and he seemed to gain my trust. He must be playing some kind of game-making me turn evil, possibly? Will he just backstab me, and betray me? Or worse-have me make a mistake, and then kill me? If so, then, with the little control I have over my mind, I will end him. He wants me to help his disease? Fine, I’ll help all I can. Ammon must pay for all he has done to us.

The author's comments:
This was last year's "Power Multigenre Project" and we had to display the misuse/abuse of power.

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