Dreams | Teen Ink


March 28, 2014
By Anonymous

My life began as a child like everyone else. Yet I grew up differently than most. I was an orphan, abandoned by my mother who probably lost her sanity after my father left her, after he left us. I wanted to make her happy, so when she told me to wait and that she’d come back, I listened to her, trusted her, however she did not. I guess I kind of expected that from the start, but I just refused to believe it, to acknowledge the possibility.
I was locked up in our old house for a few days, it wasn’t located in a very populated area, so not many people passed by very frequently. Someone eventually found me of course, however I can’t say that I’m grateful for that. My “savior”, that’s what everyone else called him, brought me to an orphanage. There I met a kid who was around my age perhaps, I never actually found out how old he was, or even if anyone even knew. His arrogant and cold attitude annoyed me, so when I accidentally broke something valuable in the orphanage, the fact that he took the blame for me surprised me. However he had a large pride and soon left the orphanage due to that. He couldn’t stand relying on others since, as a child, everything he had at the time was provided for him through the money of others. In the short time I knew him I had actually grown closer to him than any of the other children at the orphanage. There were awkward moments between us, moments where I wanted to punch him, but I didn’t hate him.

After a few years, I ended up attending a college and getting a part time job. My boss just naturally got onto my nerves, I couldn’t stand him. He was very prideful, cold, arrogant, and demanding, but at the same time I couldn’t quit, I had goals, things that I couldn’t give up even if the world gave up on me, instead, I tolerated and suppressed my anger. My time here passed slowly at first and then gradually sped up. Slowly, I began to enjoy my life there.

But, it’s a pity that it had to end. I thought I knew not to expect too much form others, to not trust. After all, my mother who abandoned me is now living happily without me, with another child. I had cursed my efforts to make her happy and decided that I would become able to support myself, to become someone respectable, to make her regret leaving me. My anger burned fiercely, however I guess at a point I realized that what I felt was actually sorrow. I thought I could endure, but in the end I could only helplessly cry by myself in a corner in a locked room curled into a ball. I hated myself for the fact that that I was weak despite the fact that I had resolved to become stronger.

School ended for the day and I headed to my work place. Along the way, it started to rain. I had watched the weather forecast, so I knew that there was a possibility that it was going to rain, so I opened up the umbrella that I had brought with me when I had left the house that morning. I walked on the street amongst the many other similar mushroom-like figures. I looked up to see the traffic lights at the intersection and saw my boss. He caught my attention since he was the only person that wasn’t carrying an umbrella. At first I thought he was someone else, someone familiar. He started to walk towards me when he noticed me. I shouldn’t have been scared, frightened of my boss, and yet my first instinct was to run. I ran through the alleys trying to escape, but as you’d expect, I got caught by people who threatened with a knife at my throat. They spoke to me about a person, they told me to call him. Who, Is all I could think of when my pursuer appeared. He was soaked, but not even panting even though I was on the verge of fainting due to a lack of air.

The person these people were looking for appeared to be him, since they left me alone after shoving me to the ground when he came. I leaned against the wall and tried to catch my breath. It took a while, and when I looked up, my pursuer was standing above me, but strangely not facing me. I caught sight of a reflection of light coming from an object around his abdomen. Shortly after, people began to rush into the alley from where I had entered; chasing away the people I met in the alley. Terrified, I ran out of the alley in the other direction and disappeared before they could catch me.

I retreated to a place where I thought he could never find me. In short, I was hiding. I sat on a cliff that overlooked the ocean, since it was quiet, peaceful, and soothing. I stared out at the horizon from morning till sunset. During that time, I pondered, questioning my own actions, asking myself why I had felt fear at that moment. I’d planned to leave in a couple of minutes, but I heard a low voice call out to me, or at least I thought it was directed towards me. “Hey”, said the voice. Slowly, I turned around. It was my boss. He motioned me to walk over to him. I shook my head in response. Apparently that annoyed him, since he frowned and began to walk over to me. Quickly, I stood up and began to run away again, but it was futile, since he caught up with me in just a few seconds despite his stab wound from a few days ago. After he caught up to me, he asked to be brought to where I was staying, saying that it was already too late. I turned to look at the horizon, he was right, the sun was already almost gone below the horizon, and you could already see a few stars.

At the house I rented, I sat in a corner while he walked around. I leaned my head against my knees, and after a long silence I looked up. He had already fallen asleep on the floor. I tried to sneak out of the door, but it seems as though he was pretending to sleep and he grabbed my hand. “Where do you think you’re going?” he said, before I could say anything, he pulled me to the ground and covered my eyes. “Sleep” he said, and surprisingly I did.
I woke up because I felt a cold, almost warm liquid on my back even though I was lying on the floor in an empty room. I turned around to where the liquid seemed to be coming from. It was too thick to be water, but not to the point where it was like syrup. I shook my boss to wake him, but he didn’t respond. I grabbed his side and attempted to turn him around onto his back, but when my hand came in contact with his shirt, it was damp, soaked, and warm. Then, with a sudden burst of energy I turned him onto his back, his wound reopened. The expression on his face was enough to determine that he was in pain. I stood up and headed towards the door to get his phone from his jacket pocket, however he grabbed me before I could get far.
“Where are you going?” he asked. “Are you going to try and run away from me again?” he said in a weak voice. “Let me go! I need to call an ambulance.” I responded loudly despite the fact that my voice was trembling. However, he did not let go, rather he succeeded in pulling me down to the floor even though I was struggling with all of my strength. Blood continued to pool out from his side. “No…this isn’t happening. I don’t want someone else to disappear. I’m dreaming…” I thought to myself as he lost conscious. Then, at a point, I guess I lost conscious as well.

“Hey…HEY!” I sat up suddenly sliding my chair back a bit. “I know it’s the last day, but you could’ve at least gone to sleep at home”, said the voice that had woken me, which turned out to be my classmate. I stretched, and after I yawned I said, “I had a strange dream, it was strangely…realistic…” My friend showed a strange expression for a moment, but then it disappeared. Her energetic attitude returned and she pulled me up and out of the classroom. We exited the college through its oversized and extravagant glass doors, today we had just graduated and I was still covered in confetti due to someone’s “joke”. My phone rang; I looked to see who the caller was. I ignored the call the first time, but then I got a call from the same number a few seconds later. I grumbled as I picked it up. “Hello?” I said, the voice on the other side responded, “You actually dared to ignore my call? Do you find it that terrible to pick up the phone when I’m calling?” Confused, I looked around. “To your left” said the voice on the phone. I turned around and saw my boss from work or a friend from childhood, whichever you prefer, somehow we met and he was kind enough to hire me at the company he was in charge of. I went to him and deeply “apologized” for my rude behavior and we left to go to somewhere. I don’t know where but apparently he wanted to celebrate my graduation despite my unwillingness.
At a red light he asked me, “Do you remem-…actually never mind”. “What were you going to say?” I asked, but he never responded. “Was he going to say remember? I don’t think I’ve forgotten something though”, I thought to myself. We haven’t seen each other for quite a few years, and that seemed to be a reasonable amount of time to change someone, such as the scar he has somewhere around his abdomen, I knew he’d probably gotten into fights with his disagreeable attitude, but I didn’t think that any of them would’ve been bad enough that he’d receive that kind of a wound.

A dream, a variation of one, or is this a nightmare?

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