Hazard | Teen Ink


April 17, 2014
By brielle1131 BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
brielle1131 BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Needles, blood, and a dying community. The three things my life revolves around. Its 2046 in Taylor, New York and the past two month a blood disease has taken over the United States. That’s the headings everywhere, news, radio stations, and newspapers. It’s pretty clear the hell our country is going through. My name is Alec Helm, not that my name matters anymore considering I have no family, the town I live in is a ghost town and anyone that is alive you can’t trust. The disease came from nowhere one reported case of a young kid dying from an new unknown disease in Colorado and a 2 months later half the country was killed off.

Families started killing their children so they wouldn’t suffer through it, people were committing suicide by overdosing on drugs, hanging themselves, basically anything to make it easy and painless, whatever you get the picture. What a joke our country is and everyone is a coward. But it’s difficult to imagine, in a matter of two months 3/4 of the country is dead. And I’m still part of that 1/4 that is alive. This was new to everyone and it was obviously strong enough to kill people and with no cure it just took over. It’s said you can catch it like the common cold and the side effects were terrible with raging migraines and body aches, your body becomes weak and unstable not having the strength to hold yourself up, and eventually you’re a vegetable all you have to do is wait for death to finally take away all the misery. But who wants to wait when you already know you’re a dead man walking.

Another thing people don’t understand that it’s your blood type that makes you less or more immune. O+, A+, and B+ are the three that can catch it the easiest which is hell considering O+ alone is 37% of the country. This easily explains why my family is dead and pretty much the whole damn country. I’m so pissed, how any of this could happen. I understand pollution and littering and everything else that is ruining the world was eventually just going to wreck the ozone and that would kill us, but I didn’t think it would happen so quickly or even in my life time for that matter. And to take my family and leave me, why am I still here why was I chose to suffer and live without them. For some reason none of this feels real to me, it was just a couple weeks ago and my parents were alive along with my little brother Jon. I was the one who found him the night he died he looked like a drug addict going through withdrawals. Blackish-blue bags under his eyes, he was very pale and the more the virus took over he became weak and skinny and unable to speak clearly. That moment was the hardest thing I have ever had to endure in my life.

Lately I have been with this girl Ryan, I’d tell you her last name but I don’t know it. She’s a great person and we have been helping each other. She has been helping more than anything else. If only she wasn’t A+. They have the worst effects, so I’ve been told. I couldn’t dare watch her suffer through it. When you get sick you can get blood transfusions but so many fusion clinics that were set up since the start have been tampered with you can’t trust any of them. The scariest thing is this is only the beginning. Everything has only just started. And I’m terrified I don’t show it but I’m scared as hell. I’m scared for Ryan just as much. I care about her, I would almost say I love her but that would be crazy. I have known her for maybe two and a half weeks but we have been through a ton. Not to mention she saved my life. Long story short I tried “leaving” and took a couple more pills then prescribed, I am I coward just like the rest of the world, but who in the right mind would want to live in this crap. Anyway there she was when I woke up from being unconscious, I was a wake for maybe two minutes when I had thrown up everywhere because she had stuck something down my throat so she probably knew I had overdosed, but after that I just passed out again. I thank her cause she is the best thing that has happened to me in this hell of a town. Why she saved me? No clue, but I’m glad she did. But then again I hate that she did, I realize I took the coward’s way out but it’s crazy to want to continue to live when you know you’re going to die anyway. As much as we look after each other I couldn’t leave her now, not only is she a great person to have my back she is partially what keeps me sane. I’m surprised I haven’t gone insane yet, after all of this we have been put through. And I hate the thought I will be leaving her soon because I’m O+.

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