Battery City | Teen Ink

Battery City

May 11, 2014
By Mason.May SILVER, Marshall, Texas
Mason.May SILVER, Marshall, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Crying isn't a symbol of weakness, but an emblem of strength.

Welcome to Battery City. Land of the free and over charged. No pun intended. A land where flying cars, dry land boats, and sub-aquatic planes aren’t just things of a distant utopian future. It’s all here. It’s all now.

They sell fame in little glass cylinders tipped with tiny metal rods. A prick of the rod into any major vein will do the trick. I chose to inject the shot between my bicep and forearm because that’s how the doctor did it when I was a little boy. All I needed was one, and look at me now. I’m doing quite well for myself. Imagine if I had the money to actually buy some. They say one is enough, but I promise you, more is more in Battery City. You may ask why anyone would like someone as simple as me. My thin black hair, I could barely afford to cut would be a symbol of how poor I am if I hadn’t ever stolen that shot. Now it’s like my trademark or something, the emo guy, hiding his soft and loving side under the tattered 4066 leather jacket, and the jeans that hugged his legs so tight everyone wondered how he breaths. The girls love the look, and me. But I mean who wouldn’t now. One injection, that’s all it took to go from the juvenile halls to the hall of fame.

So, it’s like this. I have a record, but it works perfectly with the bad boy thing my label is trying to sell. I am a thief. If I can’t afford it, I take it. These days I can afford almost anything, nevertheless, I still find myself sprinting down the back alleys and jumping onto flying cars when the alleys open to a street. “Streets” is a relative term, because Battery City is the 2nd city to ever be built completely free-floating 100 miles off the ground. The reason it’s ok for me to be a criminal and a celebrity is all thanks to the Truth Act of 4122:

In an attempt to avoid the harboring of information, the inception of malicious intent, and prejudice against all peoples who have something to hide, this law here by, and forever, states that anyone caught in the act of any of the previously mentioned crimes must take the fall.

“The fall” is the most inhuman punishment our “perfect” society has ever put into practice. When you break the law there won’t be anything to break your fall; just 100 miles of air, then… well ya’know.

So basically, anyone can choose to do whatever he or she wants. Complete and total autonomy, or anarchy, your choice. Again, no pun intended. We have the freedom to choose, the freedom to tell the truth, and the freedom to be somebody. To be somebody famous when really all any of us are, are the people who spend way too much time and money in the dream simulators of “The Boston City Arcade: Battery City.”

The author's comments:
This Short Story was inspired by the song "Planetary(GO!)" by My Chemical Romance.

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