Employee 7569 | Teen Ink

Employee 7569

May 21, 2014
By Anonymous

Employee 7569 had finally decided on where to go for his vacation. After many long days of work, he needed a break. Employee 7569 had been saving as much extra money as he could, even though he didn’t make much. He had to save all his extra money for many years so he could afford one. Now that he could go, he decided to go to a place far away from any city. He chose a small town.
Before he could go he needed to report the information about his vacation to the government. The government tries to keep control over everyone and they would be deciding when he would be leaving. Employee 7569 walked up to the desk in the government office. “I would like to schedule a trip away from the city,” he said. “Where are you planning to go to?” said a robotic sounding voice behind the desk. The government never had humans work at the front desks, it was too dangerous. Riots often broke out in front of the offices and often the police needed to use gas to stop them. “A small town away from the city,” Employee 7569 said. “Your request has been sent to government officials, you will be notified when the time of your trip has been chosen.” said the voice.
Employee 7569 heard people shouting outside and decided it would be a good time to leave. Outside people were protesting the extreme government control. Employee 7569 decided to go home even though if he was caught he be severely punished. He heard screaming from the street he had just left. The police must have came and ended the riot. He wondered what happened to the people captured during the riots. No one saw where they went after they were captured and anyone who asked at the government office disappeared shortly after. He decided it would be better not to think about it.
When he got home he noticed his mail had already come and in it was a message from the government office. It was strange that he would get a message with the time of his vacation so soon, it usually took weeks for them to schedule a vacation time. Vacations aren't a priority for them. He opened the message and it said: “Your request for a vacation has been accepted. You will be leaving for your desired vacation location immediately.”

Employee 7569 immediately began to pack everything he needed for the trip. He wondered what the land outside of the city was like. It had been years since his last vacation and he couldn’t wait to go. When he had everything ready went out into the city streets and walked to the airport, avoiding any garbage or ruined vehicles that was left on the roads. Employee 7569 didn’t have a car. only the rich and government officials had cars. They were too expensive for most people to buy so they just walked.
To get to the airport that still is being used he had to pass through ruined runways. They were a common location for people who want to overthrow the government to meet. The destroyed airplanes made it easy to hide and the police can’t use gas because most of them illegally owned gas masks. It is a very dangerous place but much safer than the wastelands that surround all other parts of the airport. Employee 7569 walked by many police and tried to draw as little attention to himself as he could. If the police thought he was a rebel, he could be killed or captured. He stayed far away from the airplane because they were a common hiding place.
After a long walk, he reached the airport unharmed. There were few people other than police there. Defence drones were everywhere. Even though the airport is surrounded with
dangerous places and rebels, it needed to be defended. The airport connected the city with the rest of the country. It is one of the most high security places in the area.
Employee 7569 noticed a car in what was once a parking lot. He knew there must be someone very important here. He went in to the airport and paid for his ticket. Then he went through a very long security area. When he got past he saw his plane ready to leave. He was last person on and it almost left without him.

Employee 7569’s seat was near the front of the plane. The plane was nearly empty but he still had to sit in the seat assigned to him by him government. He look around the plane. It was huge compared to the number of people in it. Near the back sat a man with four armed guards. He must have been the owner of the car. Employee 7569 had seen him before, he appeared on the public television sets. He did not know when this government official had arrived in the city or why he was there. He decided not think about it. Nobody, not even people who supported the government, trusted most of the officials.

The plane ride was long and Employee 7569 couldn’t fall asleep. He looked at where the pilots were and saw a map. He noticed something very strange, the map showed them out of the country’s borders. He heard a loud noise outside the plane and felt it move downward. He grabbed the chair in front of him and saw the altitude dropping fast. Then, there was another loud noise and a flash of blue light in the back of the plane. Employee 7569 looked back and saw that the back of the plane was gone and what was left was burning. Outside, there were two aircraft behind them and the ground was getting closer. The aircraft flew past the plane and disappeared, just as the plane hit the ground.

Employee 7569 woke up with a bad head injury. He looked around and saw most of the people on the plane dead. A few were missing, including the government official. Employee 7569 got up and walked around into the forest that surrounded the plane crash. After walking a short distance he found the missing people. They were together in a way that made it look like they were brought there before they died. “Stop!” said a voice behind him. Employee 7569 turned around to see a man holding an object that resembled a gun. “Follow me and you won't be harmed!” said the man. Employee 7569 followed him to a small camp. There were more people there and technology like nothing he had seen before. “I’ll explain everything,” said the man. “We are part of a neighboring country that does not agree with the country you live in. We have started many rebellions inside of your country and have been capturing government officials.” “What do I do now?” asked Employee 7569.

Ten years after Employee 7569 decided to move into the other country, the government began to fall because of the resistance against it. When the government was weak, the neighboring country took control with their advanced technology and support from the people. In the years after that, they rebuilt what the government had destroyed. With less government control there was peace for many years.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 29 2014 at 12:50 am
I really like what you've done with your main character.  This has so much potential for expansion and has a very Ayn Randian feel - similar to Anthem.  Cool!