The hunt (part 4) | Teen Ink

The hunt (part 4)

May 30, 2014
By Anonymous

“I’m so sorry”
“I still have nightmare sometimes.”
I know how it feels, I lost my mother to these creatures as well. I take his hand and offer a smile. He tries half a smile. I’ve never noticed how good he actually looks. His blond hair all messy and his forest green eyes are so welcoming and warming. I let go of his hand and look out the window. We are just about to land.
Once we land in San Francisco we take a cab to a park. We walk for about 15 minutes and end up in a forest. The forest is beautiful. There are flowers and trees everywhere. The flowers blooming give the place a nice sent. There is a little house in the middle of the field. A small red little cottage. It looks deserted. The animals around us makes it feel very peaceful. There is a white rabbit that comes to say hello. But as soon as I put my hand out toward it, he backs off. Jake put his hand forward and within seconds the rabbit is in his arms. I don’t even bother asking how he does it. When he offers me the rabbit, I just roll my eyes and walk away. I can hear him laugh as he lets the rabbit go again. He’s extremely annoying, in a cute way. After I learnt about his past there’s just no hating that guy. Considering the past he has had, he seems very confident and sure of himself. He also seems to love reading my mind, which I have no idea how he does, or how I can shield myself from it. So for now, I’ll have to try to not think. I just want to sleep.
“You will get to sleep. You must be tired after all that you’ve come to know within 24 hours.”
“Right, is this the place?”
“No, this is the place where I can access the portal.”
“You’re kidding me right?”
“I told you, you wouldn’t believe me.”
“Ha, you were right. Because I don’t believe you.”
“Just watch and learn.” He says with a grin on his face.
I just roll my eyes, this is going to be interesting I think to myself. As I stand next to Jake a small part of me was keeping me at his side, even though I know it is impossible that a portal would appear in the middle of the forest. Though I would never ever in my life admit to Jake, I had to admit to myself that a little seed of curiosity was building up in me. I watched while Jake worked on some voodoo thing. He was speaking in a language that made no sense. It must have been gibberish. As much as I tried to pick up words here and there, I gave up when nothing happened.
“So where is this magical portal?”
Jake just smiles, in the same second a bright light starts shining in midair. I watch it grow bigger and bigger, my eyes have to adjust to the bright light. The portal I think to myself. I must have looked very shocked, because somewhere in the distance I hear Jake burst out laughing. I didn’t see anything funny about it at all. I have to admit, it was bigger and a lot more magical than I had imagined. But then again, who was I to expect anything else. I mean it’s not like a door was going to appear in the middle of the forest. I mean come on Jasmine; we’re talking about magic here. Jake doesn’t tell me where we’re going, and he won’t tell me how he made the portal appear. He says I’ll learn everything I need to know in due time. At this point I’m not the one who’s going to talk back to him. He seems to be able to prove me wrong every time I state something. So I just take his hand without question. He looks at me right as we’re about to step through the portal. He smiles that brilliant smile that radiates his perfect features. His blond hair blends in to the brightness of the portal. His forest green eyes are greener than the forest surrounding us. I can’t help the bubbling warm feeling swelling up inside of me. He is beautiful I think. I push my thoughts far back of my mind, I don’t want him to read that thought. But I realize it’s too late when he lets out a little laugh. I feel the blood rising into my cheeks, I must look like a tomato. I guess he sensed my discomfort, because believe it or not, he stopped laughing. He just looks at me, he tucks in a strain of my copper hair behind my ear. I hold my breath. Just as we step through the portal he opens his mouth and say:
“I’ve been searching for you for so long Jasmine. And now my search is at its end.”

The author's comments:
"I take his hand and offer a smile"

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