Shortstory2 | Teen Ink


June 2, 2014
By swerveberg BRONZE, O&#39Fallon, Missouri
swerveberg BRONZE, O&#39Fallon, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What is it that causes humans to push themselves, to search for answers, and to evolve technologies? It is obvious that we believe there is something else - something intangible and ineffable to our conditioned minds. We have become cyborgs. Machines are technological extensions of our biological bodies. We have lived symbiotically with the life force of technology since our creation. We did not survive animalistically by using our hands, but rather we used spears, arrows, and bows to survive. The way in which humans evolve is incredibly fascinating in that they evolve physically as well as mentally and technologically.
Now we have ventured into the vast sea of space to find more resources and possibly other life. As our ship approaches the planet we have been scouting, I notice a bright speck, glowing in the distance. As I look closer, it draws nearer. Once in the clear sight of my naked eye, it begins to circle my ship. The windows of my craft begin to fog up and I can not see out of them. I hear what sounds like mechanical instruments operating around my ship. I run to the boarding hall and clear a space on the window so I can see.
The ship is connecting a connection hall to my ship. I begin to panic and run towards the weapons cache to grab a gun. I snatch a stun gun and sprint back to the connection hall to look through the window. I see a strange being begin to slowly walk down the connection hall. I enable my invisibility application, grab a nano robotic bug, and throw it down the connection hall. I turn to my watch and observe the view through the robotic bugs camera. The alien being notices the small speck, buzzing around him and squashes it. Now I am really terrified. It speeds its stroll into a brisk walk and peels off the door to the connection hall. My invisibility application is useless now because of the loudness of my breath. It spots me and raises its weapon.

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