Why Me? | Teen Ink

Why Me?

May 23, 2014
By Anonymous

“YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS, PEOPLE KNOW WHERE I WENT. SOMEONE WILL EVENTUALLY REALIZE THAT I AM NOT IN ROTATIONS.” I shouted from my dinky cell. I should not even be here like only two weeks ago I was in the comfort of my own city, my own house, my own bed. All these thoughts and regrets rush through my head and abruptly they are interrupted by the guard making rounds to check up on us.
“How is it going in there fresh meat?” he asks me. I can hear his Chinese accent as he struggles to speak perfect English. I recognized his voice, he was one of the nicer and more civil of the guards. I start rambling and venting to him about how I completely messed up and how I want to go home. I know he is not listening to a word that I am saying, like any other male species would react to a female that was running her mouth, but I would rather talk at him than sit by myself to think alone.

Before I finish he stops me by saying, “Listen here kid, I understand that you are scared and you do not belong here, but you messed with the way of a perfect law and a happy way of life and now you have got to pay the price.” and with that he walked off to check up on other prisoners.
But it wasn’t perfect and I wasn’t happy.

about 3 weeks earlier

I sm awaken by the screaming alarm clock precisely at 6:23 a.m. just as I am every other morning for the past 10 years. And just as I will continue to do so until I turn 18. I get out of bed and go to my bland closet to dress in the same clothing as I wear every single day. I think to myself, I’m stuck, I’m so stuck.

I reminisce about when I was young and felt so free and alive. That was before the outbreak and before Mama was sick. We were a normal happy family; my dad, my mom and me. Daddy worked hard when he was in his 20’s and 30’s so we never use to worry about money. I remember my cat, Cuddles. Now all I hear from my parents is about how everyone is in the dump and the government is doing so well, but my parents aren’t the only ones who have said this around me. All adults have something to say about it. Although some governments knew more than others, such as the Chinese government.

Everyone gets $400 a month per family and yeah that sounds like not enough, but the family size is only allowed 3: a mother, a father and son or daughter. It was horrible when the League of Nations decided this. Parents were forced to choose which child they wanted to ‘keep’ while the other ones were taken by the officers, no one knows what happened to the kids taken. Some say they were taken to labor camps hidden away on government property, but no one can be 100% sure. My parents were the lucky ones who only had me and they weren’t forced to choose. I remember showing up to classes that next week in and my peers were gone, they weren’t so lucky. Mansions were taken down and all house were built on the same structure. The whole Earth was one big suburb.
I don’t understand why the people stood for that, maybe it was the fear of the League of Nations or maybe it was in the water that they gave us monthly. For some reason I see right threw the government’s bullshit with that. Why me? I sit here thinking over and over again. Why me? Why did I have to be different? Why did I have to see the actual way that they were treating us. I’ve thought before that I’m the only one who can stop it because I’m the only one like me, but am I..? I guess I’ll never know. Well besides China’s government, they knew all along. Why wasn’t I like everyone else though? What made me so different? Gosh, sitting in this cell this long is literally going to drive me insane. Back at home I bet some government official came to my mother at home and informed her that I would not be returning home. My rotation officer would be informed next, they would not think anything of it, if they are told by the government that it is okay, anyone would believe that it was okay. So there it is. I was going to wiped off the face of the Earth and no one would know why. Oh how I wished that I was like everyone else, I would be at home right now with my loving mother and father in the comfort of my home, but no, I had to try to be the hero and now I am in deep s*** and there is no sign of me getting out of it.
The Chinese government are living like royalty because they’re taking money out of the League of Nations Bank and no other county sees the problem with that. The United States use to be on top and then Ko Chi Chang came along and represented the idea of ‘perfect society’ and boom, just like that all other countries fell under his spell, except me. Now all of the countries are slaves and they’re all blind to it.
I’m brought back to reality by a guard coming to my cell to take me to trial. The guard comes and yanks me up from the floor. They hastily pull at my arms and unlock my cuffs chained to the ground along with the ones around my ankles. They’re immediately replaced by shackles. We enter a room full with Chinese government people. They all look the same, Chinese people have always looked like one person to me. I get up to the stand and without even saying the word the judge gave me one look and stated “GUILTY” and slammed the gavel.
“Young lady sit down!” the judge orders. His voice is stern and cold. “Your punishment isthe death sentence”
“For obstructing a perfect society. Maybe if you were normal this would not be happening. It is your own fault and now you must face the consequences.”
Tears are running down my face; I don’t even know how to process this. Again guards are pulling me around, but I don’t care anymore, I barely even notice. I being taken to be hung in front of everyone on national television. I am told that I am being honored as an example to anyone else that wants to step out of line. The only thing that’s going through my mind is “Why me? Why me? Why ME? WHY ME?” Everything goes dark and I’m gone.

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