Nerver Again | Teen Ink

Nerver Again

October 2, 2014
By blackhawk1524 BRONZE, Cumming, Georgia
blackhawk1524 BRONZE, Cumming, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
practice is perfect

      I take my first step to freedom. An october breeze brushes my warm tear down my blister face, for i have lashes from my own parents. I drag my sorrow soul back inside so no one knows immediately the tear of warmth falls in a blister on my face and it melts my face. The hate of my parents swarms my soul. I turn back around reaching for the door nub a secound time, until my dad grips my hand and cut my pinkie off, "Next time you even think about going out there again i will cut off your entire hand."

      My mom rushes unannounced "whats going on."

      She stompes on my cut off finger " oh well we will have that fixed in no time dear."

      "Are you going to say somthing to dad?"

      "How dare you talk to me like that now go to your room or you will get ten more lashes."

       I stomp to my room, slam the door, and yell in my pellow. I started to tear down everything insite from my bed to my walls. Then, after the destruction i packed my bags lunged out the window dashed acros the meadow and never turned back.

The author's comments:

My teacher told us to write about how a person feels with thier emotions, but no to say the emotions.

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