Fountain of Youth | Teen Ink

Fountain of Youth

October 2, 2014
By Bryson Key BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
Bryson Key BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
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In the year 2325, there are no limitations to what modern science can do.  In the last 145 years, the average human lifespan has gone from 80 to 150 years due to modern medicine.   It is because of these medical miracles that I am still here to tell this story at the ripe old age of 135.  My story is one of greed and insanity.   I would like to say that I have no regrets in my long life but, sadly, that would be a lie.   

The beginning of my downfall began in the year of 2217.   I was a recent Harvard graduate looking for a job at the local hospital in the city of Las Vegas.   To my surprise and excitement, I was called in for an interview with the great, Dr. Adam Ebenezer.   We shared the same drive and passion to preserve and prolong the human life so it was a sign that we would make a great team.    Our determination led us to do some questionably unethical things.  Our experimentation began with freshly deceased bodies from the hospital morgue.  We often would “borrow” them to inject living cells into to see the effects. Realizing that what we actually needed was a living being, we started to look for other specimens.   We didn’t have to look far with a lab full of mice and guinea pigs down the hallway.  After many experiments and countless hours of observations, we knew we were onto something.  We had discovered a way to prolong the average life of an animal using methods I’m ashamed to even discuss here.  These experiments were, of course, not approved and could have gotten both of us in extreme trouble.  That is why we had to be so secretive about our experiments.  Even our families knew nothing of what we were doing.  Over time, we became so confident in our methods that we thought there was no way that they couldn’t work on human beings.  Because we were the only ones that knew of the experiments, we were, naturally, the next candidates for the experiments. 

      Adam and I were eager to try out our “foundation of yourth” injections.  We started to look like new men.  Our appearance was more youthful and we were full of more energy.  I had not felt that young and energetic since my twenties.    Once other people started to notice our youthful transition, they began to ask what we were doing different.  We kept it a secret for a short time but people became to become more and more curious.   One day, Adam met an elderly, wealthy gentleman who struck up a casual conversation with Adam.   The conversation led to the wealthy gentleman sharing with Adam that he was dying and would give any of his millions of dollars to have the opportunity to extend his life.  Adam saw this as a great opportunity to make lots money and to experiment on someone who had nothing left to lose. 

        Months of trial and error on Adam’s new patient proved to be very successful.  The elderly man did, in fact, begin to look healthier and feel more energetic.  So much so that people in his life and work began to ask him how they could get treated by this miracle man.  Adam and I soon became wealthy from our “fountain of youth” injections.  It became apparent that we needed a new place to work to keep from being found out.  We soon moved our lab to a ranch on the outskirts of the city in a small town called Gomorrah.  Everything was going extremely well until Adam became restless and bored.  There was no longer a challenge for him.  He set his sights on bigger challenges.  He decided he wanted to build a cryogenic lab.  The lab’s purpose would be to freeze those persons too sick to benefit from the “fountain of youth” injections.   His hopes were that those people would remain in a frozen state until medicine was able to find a cure for the diseases that had destroyed their bodies.  He didn’t have to look far for his first cryogenic client.   Adam came across a woman who had been diagnosed with cancer and had been expected to only live for another few weeks.  Her chances of survival were very slim.   She made the decision to be frozen, in hopes that someday there would cure and she could be revived and cured.  Her family, hoping to spend their remaining days with the woman, were opposed to her being frozen.  The family pleaded with the woman to change her mind but she refused to listen.  In an act of desperation, the family went to the authorities and reported Adam and I for suspicion that we were practicing unethical and illegal acts.  In truth, we had been performing unauthorized, unethical, and illegal acts for sake of science.   It wasn’t long before the authorities came to question us.  In the beginning, we both denied any wrong doing but it was apparent that we’d soon be found out.

          I didn’t tell my family what I had done until the authorities had started questioning us.  Of course, my wife was scared and disappointed.  The fear of me going to prison and her being left to raise our small children alone was overwhelming.  I decided that the best thing to do was for us to be honest with the authorities and to hope that our honesty would not go unrewarded.  I called Adam to discuss this and he seemed to agree with me at the time.  Later on I realized that it was just act.  When I contacted the authorities and then, later, led them to our lab, Adam was gone along with all of our equipment.    I would have to face judgement alone.

 It was several months into my prison sentence that I received a visitor.  Adam’s wife, Mary, came to see me to find out more about the man who had become a stranger to her.  She wanted to find out more about how all of this came about.  Mary also told me about how she had tried to convince Adam to turn himself in.  Adam told her he had to leave for long while.  She said that she gave him her bible and told him that he would need it to help him find his way back.  He looked at it with a scowl but accepted the gift.  It was apparent to her from his reaction that he had no plans to read it.  Over the years, I wondered about Adam and whether he ever had regrets as I had.  No one had seen nor heard from him since that last conversation he and I about confessing.

Many years after my release from prison, Adam showed up at my door unexpectantly.  He had not aged a single day since the last time I saw him.  He told me of how, to avoid imprisonment, he had put himself in a deep freeze and had set the timer to unfreeze him in a hundred years.  He had hoped that I would still be alive because of the injections so that he could find out about the life he had missed with Mary and the kids.  We took a trip so that I could show Adam the houses of his children, Timmy and Annie, where they had lived with their own families.  Then I took him to the gravesites of Mary and the children who had passed away of old age years before.   The sadness on his face was apparent.  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a bible that had obvious wear from use.  He explained that he had awaken a few months ago in a strange place and in a state of confusion.  He told me that he did not even know who he was or why he had been in a strange box.  In his pocket he had a bible that would, eventually, help him discover who he was.  Day after day, he would open the book and read from it, hoping to discover the meaning of why it was in his possession.  Eventually, he discovered pictures and notes from his wife and his children.  Those items triggered his memory and helped to lead him back home.  He soon realized how long he had been frozen and became aware that his family would, more than likely, be dead. 

             Since that time Adam has truly become a man who helps people live forever.  Before losing his family, he was driven to find a way to preserve the human body.  He now helps people live forever by helping them discover eternal life with Jesus Christ.    Just as Mary had said when she gave him the bible, it would lead him back.  He now realizes that what she meant was not their home but God’s home, the church.




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