Tested From Birth | Teen Ink

Tested From Birth

November 10, 2014
By Bezzantine SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
Bezzantine SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Guardians gathered around the mother.

"The child Gwen, we need to test him," said the eldest. The eldest didn't have a cruel, dry, raspy voice, instead, he had a smooth, deep, rumbling voice. When he spoke, it was like muffled thunder.

"Just another moment please Aaron," Gwen begged, "I can't let him leave me yet. I'm terrified that he might not return to me as the man I want him to be."

"We will watch him, and send the Guide when it is needed," the eldest Guardian replied.

"Goodbye child," Gwen whispered, kissing her boy on the head. She slowly passed her newborn up to the Guardians, putting her child into their care.

"Don't worry Gwen, if he suceeds, he will be with you in the end as a more perfect being. And he won't be there forever, just a short period of life for you and us," a new Guardian spoke up, rushing before Aaron so that his view could be shared.

"But it may seem like an eternity knowing he's down there, that he may make a mistakeand not spend the rest of his future here with me and his father."

"Do not fear Gwen, he is of the Elect, chosen for this time because of his potential abilities. He will return to you, and bring with him those who wouldn't otherwise be able to return to you," the eldest Guardian, Aaron, said this.

The Guardians walked away, holding the sleeping baby in between all of them on a multi-handled carrying crib. The child didn't make a noise as it was carried out of the palace of its parents. The Guardians reached a perch where an owl sat. The owl would carry the baby down to his testing ground.

"Goodbye, and may you always be open to the voice of the Guide. We do care about you, and wish you the best," the Guardians told the child.

The baby was then taken down to a world without anyone, who he could see, knowing what he was supposed to do and who he should become.

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