Letters of Yesterday | Teen Ink

Letters of Yesterday

November 13, 2014
By Anonymous

It is World War III. The stage: America, New York City. The Russians have made their move on the United States. Russia has taken all of Europe, and all that stands in their way is the United States. These are the letters of Adam Morris, a young military man excited to experience war and become a hero.   

December 28th, 2021

Dear Hannah,
It’s been a long, tough fight here in New York. Sorry I couldn’t write on Christmas, I wish I could’ve been with you. We aren’t making much ground upon the Russian Military. New York is still theirs. My team’s objective for tomorrow is to try and push to Central Park, two miles from our base camp. That’s two miles through the heaviest of the Russian defenses. I hope everything is going okay at home, I just hope we can get this war over soon so I can make it back home to see your beautiful face. Remember that you’re the reason I am here, to not let those Russian bastards get any closer to harming you than they already have. I will write again soon.


January 1st, 2022

Dear Hannah,
It has been a couple days since I wrote, haven’t had the time with all the casualties. Captain Stevens has us working nonstop to try and keep advancing on what remains of the Russians in New York. As for the December 30th mission to Central Park, it was successful, but not without loss. We lost twelve good men and women out there. You remember Mikey from back home? He took a round straight to the head blowing it clean off, he’s gone.  My best friend was gone in an instant. I am beginning to dread this war, as it seems it will never end. That’s my New Year’s resolution this year, put an end to the war.

Happy New Year,


January 9th, 2022

Dear Hannah,
We have the Russians cornered finally. After a long miserable week of fighting, it might be done soon. We are setting up a task force to invade the last base of the Russians on Liberty Street down by the 9/11 memorial. I have joined the task force, Stevens pretty much told us this is a suicide mission. Don’t worry about me, I do not plan on dying. I am going to make it home to hold you and hug you and kiss you just like things were before the war. I love you don’t you ever forget that, you are the only reason I keep going anymore. Remember the first time I saw you, I remember making that first eye contact in our high school english class, your brown hair and blue eyes glistening by the window. From there it has been one hell of a ride, thank you. xoxoxoxo


Adam Morris 142-64-1392
Council Bluffs IA, 51503
January 16th, 2022

Letter of Condolence

It is today with a heavy heart that I inform you that Adam Morris was reported K.I.A. (killed in action). He was a great man who died changing the world. We sent him and what was left of our special operations group or as you would know them Seal Team Six, into the battlefield to end this long gruesome six year war.

Adam’s last mission was successful, Seal Team Six took down the Russian army holding New York. I watched the video from the transmitter on one of his team members, he raised the stars and stripes unlike any man that i’ve ever seen. Gun fire in all directions, explosions lighting the skies and all while firing his gun right back at ‘em, it was the mark of a true hero who has helped bring an end to this war.

In your hour of bereavement I want you to know that Adam was a great man and a hero to this country. We will continue with the mission to take back the rest of New York following in his ways of honor and bravery.

Signed, Captain John Stevens

The author's comments:

This piece outlines the fictional story of World War III

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