The Map | Teen Ink

The Map

November 13, 2014
By Anonymous

Frank was walking home one day from school. He was walking when he saw a little paper on the ground, but as he was about to pick it up he got chills. As he opened the paper it was a little map to a old school.
     He still had a couple of hours till he had to be home so he followed the map. As he walked up to the old school, it looked like no one had been there for years, there was windows broken, cob webs every were, and doors that creaked.  When he walked in, he didn’t think it would be bad, but he saw so many things. He saw dead rats, and other animals and it smelled like a garbage truck in there. He walked forward and he saw a person standing there at a corner, he started getting nerves and a funny feeling in his stomach so he ran to the door. But when he got close to the door he looked back to see were was person, and he didn’t see him but when he looked forward there he was. He stood there in front of Frank with a large sharp knife, after that night no one heard from Frank again.

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