Into the Dark | Teen Ink

Into the Dark

December 16, 2014
By Analisia Yazzie SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Analisia Yazzie SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

   There was time when the fairy folk lived out in the open, among the humans sometimes. Both humans and the fairies lived together in harmony, everything was always tranquil. Perfect even. They lived like that for thousands of years, of course somehow the humans became corrupt, and they were no longer pure as they as the fairies were.

  Human men became filed with greed they began to believe they had to attack the fairies before they faired wiped out the human. Had they forgotten fairies were nothing but peaceful creatures? Or where they just tired for sharing the land? Either way they began to steal from the fairies. Stealing was the least of the fairies troubles. Humans began to kill the young fairies and the mother fairies.

  At this point the some of the fairies became enraged, they insisted that the fairies must make a stand. Fight for their right to live the way they choose to. The elder fairies refused to start a war with the humans, knowing a war between fairies and humans would never be a fair and equal fight. Many of the fairies left after that and became to be known as Tenebris.

The Tenebris were dark fairies, the ones who believed the humans needed to be humbled and be taught to respect nature. They began to cast wicked and unbreakable spell on all humans not even sparing the children. Crops were dying so were the cattle. Nothing was safe from the waft of Tenebris not even the powerful armies that the humans controlled could stop what was happening.

  The humans went back to the other fairies for help, they begged and begged the Lux (good faires) to help them defend themselves against Tenebris. The Lux were at a turmoil though they did not agree with what Tenebris was doing to the humans they were still the Lux’s true blood, but they also believed they humans would lose and die out if they did not help the humans. Giving in to their good and pure hearts the Lux deiced humans were worth saving.

  The humans were grateful for the help they received, they never really expect the Lux to help them in any way. They apologized for all the crude things they had done to the fairy people. The Lux just look down upon the humans and said “It’s all alright. What you did to us is in the past. We must now help you in your time of need.”
The war was soon just between the Lux and the Tenebris, the light powers were matched by the overwhelming power of the dark. Many lives were lost in this final battle. Fairy against fairy, destroying each other, destroying the community they once had. The tranquility. The light had won as good should always defeat evil.

  The humans had planned this all along. They sat and watched the fairy fight each other laugh at their stupidity. The Tenebris knew what the humans had done and how wrong it was.  They were really the light and good. Humans knew that, but they were smart and had to be stop. The only way to do that was to play victim.

  Now the Lux live among the humans in secret, protecting them from harm. The Tenebris are hiding in the dark waiting to get their redemption.

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