Potestatem - Chapter One: What is this Solution? | Teen Ink

Potestatem - Chapter One: What is this Solution?

January 6, 2015
By Chari_Uchiha BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
Chari_Uchiha BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
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     Long ago, there was a war that caused the countries of the world to choose sides and fight against one another for power. As the war progressed, the most powerful countries started to bomb the smaller countries. Eventually, the most powerful countries started bombing each other.  Men, women, and even children died as a result of this meaningless war. It has been ten years since the world has fallen into ruin. Destruction and utter chaos is all that is seen by the survivors which is known by all as the apocalypse, what makes things worse, some humans and animals have started to gain strange abilities or mutations. Some think it’s the radiation from the bombs and others think it is God’s way of giving a prize for surviving this hell. The world has become more separated than before and people have to either group up to survive or die alone. There are many groups that are out to find a way to make things better with their new found abilities in order to restore justice. There are also groups or organizations that want to collect as much power as they can in order to rule what is left of this world. The Black Crows, a band of visionaries and revolutionaries , plan to find a solution to this problem and with their cunning leaders Trevor, Tyrone, Lewis, and Takumi a dear friend and an assassin of Tyrone’s, use their new found abilities to bring the world back to its former glory. The Black Crows protects and governs an area called “Valhalla,” which is where many states like Ohio, Kansas, Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia, and Virginia were.
     The story begins with our hero, Ty, talking to the Black Crows and civilians of Valhalla about the solution to the apocalypse, “My fellow Black Crows, my brothers and sisters, stand tall! We are survivors, we are so close to figuring out how to make the world good again.” The crowd praises him as they cheer his name and embrace him. Tyrone tells them that Takumi, Lewis, his younger brother Dominic, Cort, and other Black Crow agents may have tracked down and found the solution. One of the Black Crow audience members asks, “What is this solution?” Unfortunately, Tyrone couldn’t disclose that information to them. The crowd erupted into an Uproar of questions and confusion.
     Trevor asked everyone to settle down, but they didn’t then he asked them to be quiet. The crowd got louder and louder, which caused Trevor’s rage to appear. He yelled, “Everyone shut the hell up,” the crowd started to settle down. Tyrone then said, “Thank you … Brother!” Tyrone told everyone the danger he would put them and their new civilization under if they knew what it was. He ended the meeting and let them continue their daily activities. When the crowd had left, some had little hope for the new solution and some with a feeling that they should know more about this so-called solution.
     Trevor called for a secret meeting which is where the Higher-Up Black Crow Agents discuss necessary tasks, political stances, their monthly agenda, new enemies, or allies and the status of the earth. Chapman, the younger brother to both Trevor and Tyrone, has recently become a Higher-Up Black Crow as a result of his high intelligence and skill. He is a calm individual who keeps to himself much like Takumi, probably because Takumi is Chapman’s master. He is very defensive those he holds dear and only talks to his brothers and Takumi.
     Everyone walks into the secret meeting room that can only be accessed by retinal scans, passwords that each individual member has to say orally, and finally a finger print recognition system. Trevor starts the meeting by asking Tyrone if the solution would really work and frankly doubted that Takumi could find it before someone else does. Tyrone replies by saying, “Relax brother, I completely have confidence in Takumi’s abilities, we’ve been friends for a long time. Don’t forget he’s really fast and has the genius far superior than our enemy.” Axel painfully agreed with him by saying, “This solution may be able to solve all the problems, as long as we don’t disturb it too much.” Dajanee fiercely counters Axel’s statement, because she feels that the solution may make things worse. She stands up and yells to Tyrone, “Do you ever think things through.” Chapmen’s face becomes increasingly annoyed, he looks at Dajanee with this ill will. He calmly says, “Do not talk to my brother like that. I will burn you where you sit!” He then ignites a fire ball in his hand. Dajanee uses her power to make two guns appear while saying, “Want to go, let’s fight!” Tyrone rarely gets frustrated, but this situation has sparked a nerve and his eyes started to glow crimson red. Tyrone then shouted, “Daj and Chapmen stop! Now!” Everyone in the room watch with worried or amazed expressions, except Trevor who was laughing in the corner. Tyrone used his telekinetic abilities to restrain them both to separate walls. Trevor jokingly tells Tyrone, “Way to grow a pair little bro.” Tyrone embarrassingly tells him to be quiet and apologizes to Chapman for getting a little too carried away. He respects everyone’s opinions, but he still stands by his own ideals about finding the solution. Tyrone tells everyone he and Chapmen are going to assist Takumi and the others in finding the solution. He leaves Trevor in charge and appoints Alex in his place and Axel in Takumi’s place. Alex thanks Tyrone and Axel vaguely replies, “It’s whatever.” Everyone leaves the secret meeting room. Chapman and Tyrone walked to their quarters and looked for suitable clothing and weapons needed for their journey. They finished packing, then use their powers to fly to Beijing to meet up with Takumi and the others.

The author's comments:

This is a story about a post-apocolyptic Earth that I will submit a chapter about weekly.

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