Downfall of Xogar | Teen Ink

Downfall of Xogar

January 12, 2015
By Anonymous

Chapter 1
     Centuries ago five men created the Kingdom of Xogar. Xander, Onis, Gareth, Aelek and Raeg, each with their own purpose. Xander was given the task of defending the kingdom. Gareth was to provide food and shelter for the people. Onis was put in charge of spreading knowledge throughout the land. Aelek was the leader of the church. Raeg was the man in charge of justice. One of their actions brought turmoil to the kingdom, this is their story.
It started with a simple lunch between men. On a gloomy Sunday afternoon Aelek sent his squire to invite Xander to lunch. Atop the Church of Elder they ate their veal and drank their wine. The conversation that was about to unfold would change the world as we knew it.
  “Some fine eats on a fine day of God, wouldn’t you say?”asked Aelek.
  “Why yes, I would say so.” responded Xander.
  “I’ve been thinking, the castle’s been feeling mighty crowded lately.” stated Aelek
  “I’m not sure I understand.” inquired Xander.
  “What about him?”
  “I just feel his time spent ruling needs to come to an end.”
  “Why do you say that, have you no respect for your brothers?”
  “Believe me, I have nothing but respect for him, it’s just…”
  “Spit it out!”
  “The list is endless!”
  “Then tell me one reason.”
  “He spends too much gold on the peasants, never joins us when we shoot game and is sleeping with your wife!”
  “Blasphemy, show me your proof!”
They make their way to the Court Chamber. Aeleks squire is sitting on the witness stand.
  “Sir Marstus do you swear to speak the truth on this day so help you God?” said Aelek
  “I do.”stated Marstus
  “Let us proceed then, did you or did you not see King Gareth leaving the Bathing Chamber with Lady Xander?”
  “I did.”
  “There is your proof Xander, do you believe me now?”
  “I,I,I…”mumbled Xander.
  “What is the meaning of this!” Shouted Raeg as he entered the court.
  “Gareth needs to die!” yelled Xander as he started to sprint out of the room.
  “Halt, d--- you, Explain yourselves.” commanded Raeg.
  “I was simply explaining the reasons to Xander on why Gareth needs to be removed from leadership and well, Xander got a little emotional” replied Aelek.
  “Emotional, the b------ defiled my beautiful wife!”screamed Xander.
  “Is this true?” asked Raeg
  “I’m afraid so” replied Aelek
  “Sir Vid, my squire, fetch Gareth at once, he has a lot of explaining to do.” demanded Raeg.
  “Why yes my King.” Sir Vid replied as he scurried down the corridor.
And so he went to find Gareth. Sir Vid searched the dining hall where Gareth spent his time handing out food, no luck. So he went down to the shelter where Gareth often played cards with the homeless children. Then it struck him, Gareth was an outstanding man with an enormous heart and even if he did sleep with Lady Xander the good he has done outways his one evil deed. Sir Vid stopped his search and made his way back to the courtroom. When he arrived he soon regretted his decision.
  “I want to kill him! his head will be mine.” screeched Xander.
  “Calm down and show some decency Xander, he is like a brother to all of us” replied Raeg
  “Where is Gareth?” Raeg said sternly as he turned to Sir Vid
  “Well I could not find him and well…”
  “Silence, find him at once or I’ll have your head” shouted Raeg
  “Yes sir, sorry sir” said Sir Vid as he once again left to find Gareth
After searching for over an hour Sir VId found himself with no clue as to the whereabouts of Gareth. He mustered up his strength and went to confront Raeg and share with him the bad news. Things had not calmed down in the courtroom. As Sir Vid creaked open he heard Raeg shout,
  “It’s about time, Gareth show yourself”
  “I’m afraid Gareth is nowhere to be found” said Sir Vid
  “You miserable swine, I gave you one task and you failed, step forth to accept your punishment”
  Sir Vid slowly made his way up to Raeg and with one swift blow he was beheaded. “Sir Marstus clean this mess up, I need to find myself new squire and where the hell is Gareth?” concluded Raeg. Raeg had posters made up all around the castle. Printed on them was “King Gareth, Wanted for Treason, bounty 100 gold pieces”. Dark times were on their way to this Kingdom.
Days passed and there was still no sign of Gareth. He was thought to have fled the Kingdom. Meanwhile at the Castle, a dinner was being had between the four kings and their wives. With Gareth missing, decisions needed to be made as to who would take on his responsibilities.Aelek said he would take over Gareths responsibilities if he could use more of the kingdoms resources for strengthening the church. With everyone else's plate full  the decision was made. Aelek would take on Gareths duties. After the dinner Aelek had a conversation with his wife.
  “Honey, I’m confused why did Gareth flee in the first place”
  “Many reasons, he wasted valuable time and money on those worthless peasants etc.”
  “But surely that was not the reason he fled”
  “Can I trust you?”
  “Of course we are married to one another”
  “I may have created a little lie about Gareth and you lady Xandertogether”
  “But why, he was a good man”
  “I needed him gone”
  “But why?”
  “Reasons, will you keep your mouth shut”
  “I just don’t know why you had to soil my name, all the other women will think poorly of her now”
  “Your reputation is the least of our concern, My reputation is all that matters here”
  “And what if I were to publicly tell the truth”
“I would not let you…”
“How would you stop me?”
“Give me ten minutes before you make your decision”
“Follow me”
“Where are we going” Lady Aelek said as they headed down a flight of stairs”
“Somewhere no one else can ever know about”
  After a couple more minutes of turning down what seemed like random corridors Aelek stopped, turned to the wall, pushed in a stone, turned a candle and shook a suit of armour hand.
  “What was that all about?” asked Lady Aelek
Aelek waited in silence. within a few moments the wall they were facing opened up and revealed a winding staircase down to what seemed like the center of the earth.
  “Watch your footing, its awful dangerous down here” stated Aelek
Lady Aelek cautiously made her way down. when she got to the bottom all she could see was the darkness.
  “Aelek where are you?” Lady Aelek shouted frightenedly
There was no response. suddenly the  floor beneath her fell through and she landed in a pile of dirt. She looked up as a torch was falling down to her. she picked it up. as she turned to figure out where she was. She saw the terrible sight of a malnourished Gareth shackled to the wall.
  “This is how I can stop you!” Aelek shouted from the top never to be seen again.
Lady Aelek quickly made her way to Gareth side.
  “Are you alright how did you get here?” asked Lady Aelek
  “Aelek tricked me into following him down here, said he had to show me terrible evidence about how Raeg was planning a coup. He threw me down here said I was the weakest link and needed to be broken off. I woke up tied up the next day ”
  “Oh God”
  “I was mistaken on just who was planning the coup”
Lady Aelek reached under her dress and pulled out a dagger
  “I had hoped I needn't have to use this, I guess I was right not to trust my husband, let me see what I can do about those ropes”
  “Thank you Marta, we must stop him at all costs”
  “It’s going to be tough from down here”
  “Oh we must try for if not chaos is sure to ensue, Aelek is a dangerous man with an even more dangerous temper.

Chapter 2
Aelek got up the next day, took a bath, cleaned his teeth, got back into bed cleared his throat and let out a tremendous scream. Sir Marstus rushed in sword drawn.
  “What is it my King?”
  “It’s my wife, she gone”
  “Are you sure”
  “It has been 20 years since she has not said good morning to me, something must be wrong”
  “She may have gone one a morning stroll”
  “Then find her at once!”
  “As you wish my King”
Marstus searched for Lady Aelek everywhere he could, getting more and more worried as he came up short. Considering Sir Vid’s brutal punishment for his failure in finding Gareth. He hoped not to share a similar fate. Hours of searching passed yet no one in the castle had seen Lady Aelek since the night before. As his determination to find Lady Aelek ran out, Sir Marstus went to visit his family for he may be executed for his failure. Sir Marstus opened the door to his families room. as he entered he saw his only son Vladimir sitting on the bed waiting for him.
  “Can I help you Vlad?”
“I’ve seen some things, very confusing and scary things.”
“Did you have a nightmare?”
“I thought it was but I never woke up…”
“What did you see?”
“It was King Aelek and his wife”
“When was this I’ve been searching for Lady Aelek all morning”
“Last night”
“Well go on then”
“I was walking around the castle because I could not sleep. I heard people talking so i ducked behind a table. When I looked up I saw King and Lady Aelek walking, they stopped and went into some secret room behind a wall… Only King Aelek walked out.”
“Are you sure of this, accusations such as this could get one killed.”
“Father, I’m positive”
“Okay I believe you, just promise me this does not leave this room.”
“I promise”
  Sir Marstus knew he had to face Aelek soon but with this new information it would make their conversation even harder. Sir Marstus entered Aeleks quarters. when he walked in he saw out of the corner of his eye, Aelek quickly make a frown.
  “My King I am deeply sorry, I’ve searched high and low for your wife but she is nowhere to be found.”
“This saddens me Marstus, leave me to my lonesome, I need time to grieve.”
“As you wish, I will be in my quarters if you need me.”
“The only thing I need from you is to find Gareth or my wife.”
“I will try my best my king.”
Marstus was on his way back to his quarters when Vladimir came up to, a look of despair written across his young face.
  “Father, I feel we need to tell someone of what I saw for the pit in my stomach is growing deeper.”
“My son I do not think you understand the weight of this situation.”
“I think it is you father, who does not understand.”
“You are a mere boy in this world, respect my decision Vladimir.”
“ I respect you father but I’m afraid I cannot go on without sharing this horrible secret.”
“In the end it is your choice my son. Don’t say I did not warn you.”
  So went  young Vladimir, on his way to speak with Raeg, King of Justice. As Vlad neared the courtroom his hands began to tremble and his legs started to shake. The conversation he was about to start would be the spark that started the War of Kings. Raeg was sitting in his chamber when Vlad approached him. Raeg looked up at Vlad, a look of despair across his face.
  “What is it Vladimir, I have a lot of work to do seeing as Gareth and Lady Aelek have both gone missing.”
  “I actually have information on the disappearance of Lady Aelek.”
  “Is that so? What is it?
  “Will I get in any trouble for telling you this, my father says it is dangerous.”
  “Vladimir, I am in charge of all justice in this kingdom, you would be in trouble if you did not tell me.”
  “Well, the night of Lady Aeleks disappearance I was walking throughout the castle because I was having nightmares and I saw Aelek and his wife walk into some secret door and um, do you promise I won’t be in trouble?”
  “Vladimir, finish your sentence.” said Raeg,sternly
  “Only Aelek came back out of the door, I think Aelek may have had something to do with her
  “You are sure it was Aelek?”
  "I am positive"
  "These are some very serious accusations young Vladimir, you mustn't tell anyone else of these until I am sure, is that clear?"
  "Yes but I have already told my father."
  "I trust Marstus knows to keep his mouth shut."
  "He did not want me to tell anyone of this but I thought our King of Justice needed to know."
  "And you were right too, I will take care of this just keep quiet."
  "Go tell your father to send Aelek to me."
  "Of course."
Vladimir went straight to his father from Raegs chamber. When he confronted him about sending Aelek to Raeg he was struck across his face.
  " I told you to keep me out of this!" 'shouted Marstus.
  "I am sorry father but it is a punishable offense to lie to Raeg in his courtroom."
  “ You did not have to go there.”
  “I’m sorry but you know the pain it was causing me to keep secret.”
  “I know son but what you have done could tear down this kingdom.”
  “I did what needed to be done.”
  “I will fetch Aelek, stay here and out of anymore trouble.”
  “Okay father.”
  “I just don’t want you getting hurt.”
  "I can defend myself now I'm almost 14."
  "Son, be safe, I must go now and fetch Aelek."
"Aelek, we have a problem." stated Raeg as they sat down for lunch
"And what would that be?"
"Marstus' son, he knows you were involved in Marta's disappearance."
"He saw you take her to the pit."
"Well then, what is our plan of action?"
"We must find a way to keep him quiet, the son also told Marstus so be wary."
"I think I have an idea."
"Go on."
"Marstus' son is just a little boy, he shan't be worried about but as for Marstus himself. Well, he must be silenced."
“Aelek, are you suggesting we murder your own squire just to hide a secret?”
“A secret thats puts our entire plan in jeopardy, yes I think we should.”
“Do what you think must be done, I will have no part in this. In fact this conversation never happened, are we clear.”
Chapter 3
  Later that day Aelek was shooting game with Marstus. They had been out for almost three hours and Marstus was growing tired, for he was carrying all of the equipment. Marstus fell to his knees and asked Aelek if they could break. Aelek lashed him with his walking stick.
“You are weak Marstus, stand strong in front of your king!” hollered Aelek.
“Aelek you are a bad man, I lied for you under oath and this is how you treat me!” blurted Marstus.
"How dare you speak of that day."
"I know about your secret door in the hallway you despicable b------."
"You dare defy me!"
  Aelek leaped toward Marstus. Both of them fell to the ground. After a couple seconds of fumbling Aelek had his arms around Marstus' neck. Aelek slowly dragged Marstus deep into the forest. He left him at the foot of a cave bears cave. Silently, Aelek watched as the bear came out of the cave and devoured Marstus' corpse. Aelek walked back into town with his head down and a tear down his cheek. He went to Eliza,Marstus' wife and told her that Marstus was mauled by a bear in a hunting accident. Eliza was none the wiser but Vladimir knew it was no accident. Vladimir knew that Aelek murdered his father and he knew it ws because of his actions, he vowed vengence on that day. Vladimir knew there was only one man that could help him find justice,Onis. The Hall of Knowledge, sitting in his study is where Vlad would find Onis. When Vladimir entered the study he shut and locked the door behind him.
"Can I help you son?" Asked Onis.
"Yes,yes you can." Replied Vlalimir.
"Okay what is it?"
" I have reason to believe King Aelek has murdered my father and god only knows how many others."
"I have always had my suspicions of Aelek but a murderer, do you have proof?
"I told my father about how I saw Aelek bring his wife into a secret corridor and only Aelek came out, the next day my father died in what Aelek called a "hunting accident"."
"I see, I will call a meeting of the council and figure this whole mess out."
"Thank you sir, I will do whatever I can to help, I will gladly die for this cause.
"Strong words for such a young man, let us hope you will not have to."
A meeting of the council was called by Onis the very next day. The meeting that marked the start of the war.
"I have called us here today for there are many questions that need answering." Stated Onis.
"Quit wasting our time Onis, I have many tasks I need to attend to." Ranted Aelek.
"It is you, Aelek who is the reason I have called us here." Replied Onis.
"Oh this should be good." jested Aelek
"Brothers, we started this kingdom as one but one of us is trying to break that bond." declared Onis.
"Gareth he is the one who defiled my wife than fled!" blurted Xander.
"Most would believe so but a wiser man can see Gareth did not flee but was instead abducted." insisted Aelek.
"Where is your ground for all these accusations?. questioned Raeg.
"Vladimir, he knows what you have done Aelek." replied Onis
"A boy! that is your proof? I do not have time for this." remarked Aelek
"I agree let us leave now." agreed Raeg.
Right before Aelek and Raeg were about to leave the door to the council room flung open and in walked Vladimir, Marta and Gareth.
"Aelek you son of a swine! I almost died in that pit." shouted Gareth.
"We should leave Raeg, now head for the east door." demanded Aelek.
No one tried to stop them everyone was in utter shock. Xander went down to his knees before Gareth and begged forgiveness. Gareth happily accepted.
"Aelek has fooled me too Xander it is not your fault." said Gareth
"I know but the awful things I have said about you, I feel so horrible." replied Xander
"It is okay, now we must focus all our efforts on stopping Aelek and Raeg." responded Gareth.
Just as they were discussing their strategy a massive explosion took down the council building. Xander lay bloody in the wreckage no sign of a pulse. Together Onis, Gareth and Vladimir vowed to stop Aelek and Raeg before they destroy the kingdom. The war started shortly after that day. All of Aeleks followers stood by his side for taking power over the kingdom. Xander's army were willing to fight in his honor but Onis' students refused to take up arms. The war raged on for years, thousands of men laid down there lives. Xander lost his life on the first day of the war. Raeg lost his life at the battle of Two Suns. Gareth was murdere in his sleep. On the eve of the final battle that would decide the war, Vladimir snuck into Aeleks headquarters. A mission that could only end two ways. Either with Vlad or both of them dead.
"Who goes there?" shouted Aelek.
"Vengence has come" whispered Vladimir.
"Vladimir slid his dagger into Aeleks throat."
Vlad was struck down before he made it out of Aeleks quarters.
"I declare peace for this kingdom for this brutal war has come to an end. As your leader I hope we can keep this peace for many years to come." declared Onis.

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