Into the Eyes | Teen Ink

Into the Eyes

February 3, 2015
By CreatingmyWorld BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
CreatingmyWorld BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There will always be a reason why you meet people, either you need them to change your life, or you are the one that will change theirs." By Madeline Sheehan.

 Another day coming home from school. Getting bullied because I am different. Nothing really new or interesting. I am punk and believe in many different things; that’s why I am bullied.  I would be that person that would take the road less traveled; I don’t follow the crowd. I am myself.  I get home and do my routine: I go to my room, shut the door, lock it, throw all of my things onto my bed, then head to bathroom.  Looking in my mirror I see the makeup running down my face like niagra falls; the bruises and scars  which I had gotten from the verbal beatings today add to the physical scars on my body.  
      I have the urge to cut, so I roll up my sleeve, but instead of cutting I look at all my scars and begin to cry more .  When I finally stop I stand up and just look straight into my turquoise eyes, but when I look there is something different instead of turquoise one of my eyes changed.  My eye’s pupil turns into the form of a clock showing a specific time - 3:45 - but its not just that, the clock has a design of what appears to be a multi-colored spark.  That’s the signal - when my eye changes from turquoise to the multi-colored clock.
I didn't always know what it meant, the first time was actually quite frightening.  I remember it like it was yesterday: my mom had just died, I was starting my freshman year of highschool, and I started to get bullied.  I had become depressed, and for the cherry on top, my dad really never loved me; it was my mom who cared for and loved me. She’s dead now, and my father became an alcoholic who not only beats me, but is rarely home because he is always sleeping at women’s houses.  Needless to say, I am mostly home alone, when the bullying started I tried to ignore it but its intensity increased and I couldn't help but draw attention to it, I didn't let the bullies know that, I just kept enduring it.  I came home and my dad wasn't there.  I walked to my room, shut my door, locked it and headed to the bathroom.  I walked into the bathroom and started to cry; it was my first time getting bullied, and I started to cut.  Feeling that deep pain pierce my very skin felt so good - watching the blood spill out was like watching the pain leave my body.  I stood up and watched my blood slowly drip onto the counter; it was then that I looked up into the mirror and saw something happen to my eye; it transformed into a clock with a mulit-colored spark. Shocked, I put my hand onto the mirror and a symbol appeared on the glass.  It started to illuminate, and it turned into a rainbow swirl that started to suck me in.
      Before I knew it, I was awake covered in sand. At first I thought it was a beach but then realized it was a lake, wait this lake looks familiar, can someone say deja vu?  I stand up and head to the water, I see my reflection, but it doesn't look like me.  I have long black hair with multi-colored high lights, my new transformed eye, the rest of my face looks the same; but now I have my dream body and i'm wearing a crop top with a skull, ripped up black skinny jeans, and Doc Martens Pascal hell themed.  I turn around and see a huge castle, supernatural creatures, and it looks empty.  I start to walk around but before I go a strange mist starts to cover the ground, I decide to turn around and head towards the lake. 
      From within the mist a figure appears, and starts walking towards me.  The figure gets closer and I start to make something of what it is; it gets close to me and turns out to be a boy.  He has brown swishy hair that is a little above his neck, ice blue eyes, and pearly white, straightened teeth.  So we were sorta standing there awkwardly, so I decided to speak up so I said hey.  The figure opened his mouth and responded with what's up?  His voice was scratchy, he seems about my age.  I told him my name; not to much info, he still is a stranger in a strange world that came from my mirror.  He said his name is Brad and he just appeared.  I then asked if he knew anything about this, and how it was created.  He suggested we head towards the castle; as we kept walking this place looked more familiar.  He saw a look on my face and asked what was wrong.  I told him that when I was young and before my mother died of Parkinson’s her and I spent so much time with each other.  Since I was young I would take naps in the afternoon and we would make up these stories of an imaginary world and this looks just like it.  We arrive at the castle after that personal conversation that also brought up painful memories.  We enter and see this gigantic stained glass window with a picture of a women on it who looks familiar.  All of a sudden Brad turns around, so I turn around and see an old man who began to speak in a raspy voice.  “Young child,” he started, “this picture and world should look more than familiar; you may have been young, but you should have figured it out already. If you haven't the women is…”
      As he was about to say who it was I was transferred back to my world, leaving me with that thought what was so familiar about this world and that picture?  Which brings me back to now, going back into this world to meet with that old geezer and find out what he was going to say.

The author's comments:

This piece focuses on a real life problem bullying.  Some may say it sounds like this girl is on drugs but it is so much more then an illegal substance.  This girl's mother dies from Parkinsons, after her mother's death all of her problems start, but so does her adventure.  I have shared this with my family and they had said it reflects some of my personal problems, so without me knowing my subconcious took the wheel with this story.  Join this girl on her adventure, feel whats she feels, see what she sees.  Please lkeave commments, all comments are welcomed even critiscism; i may make a part two.

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