The Void | Teen Ink

The Void

January 26, 2015
By DarkPassage BRONZE, Opelika, Alabama
DarkPassage BRONZE, Opelika, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Where am I?" It was the first thought I had within reachable memory, my eyes where closed and I had a floating sensation with out any solid feeling under me, yet it didn't feel like I was falling. "Where am I?" The thought flowing through my head over and over again. I opened my eyes, only to realize, they already where open, yet I could only see darkness.  I tried again, not convinced they weren't still closed, only to yield the same result; they were already open, and this darkness around me was all there was.

I moved my head trying to spot any difference in my surroundings, but there was none. I looked down and moved my foot around trying to find some sort of purchase, something solid, yet I couldn't. Out of curiosity, I slowly lifted my legs forward then quickly kicked them back which resulted in a jerking sensation in my legs, and then I was spinning head over heels, not seeming to slow down. I don't know how I did it but eventually I managed to stop the spinning, and when I did I couldn't quite put my finger on it but something was off, then it hit me, when I was spinning I couldn't feel any air flowing over my body, and in that moment, that split second, the reality of my situation struck me. I was in the void, the space of nothingness, the area between universes and in the place of universes that once where.

I sat there doing nothing, letting my thoughts wonder, trying to remember who I was and where I came from, but nothing came. I had no recollection of who I was or where I had been. I could only recall what was: grass, trees, buildings. I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts by some movement in the corner of my vision. I quickly turned my head looking for the cause of it. Then there it was again, running across my entire span of vision. It was a small glowing ball that I could only describe as a spark that never went out, I watched it as it circled me slowly moving closer, then it stopped and just sat there as I watched it. I don't know how long I sat that way before it moved again, but when it did it came straight for me now, so fast I barely registered it. It hit me square in the chest, sending me flying backwards, spinning again, and in my head I heard a voice that did not belong to me, "They shall be touched by the light." I started to slow, and then I realized why I had known I was moving backwards, I could feel air flowing over me, and then I stopped spinning.

I looked at my feet and tried stepping again. This time under my foot and in a small area around it, grass appeared, bathed in light. I set my other foot down and the same thing happened. The floating sensation was now lost as gravity took hold. I started walking forward and wherever I stepped more grass appeared. Then I thought of a tree and how nice it would look with the grass, and with my next step forward a grand oak appeared before me. I then heard the voice again, "And they shall recreate what once was in their own image."

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