Perseid | Teen Ink


February 24, 2015
By Ida@ACHS BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Ida@ACHS BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

   A very long time ago, before the time of Christ, the land of Aradia was where the Skateeros, monstrous cannibals, lived. King Leo and Queen Lyrid ruled over the Skateero and the human race. They had many children, but Perseid was their favorite and so they made her Immortal. Queen Lyrid was the goddess of the Solar System; she controlled the Sun, Moon, and the Stars. She had long white shimmering hair that sparkled in the Sun, her eyes were a mix of turquoise and green. Lyrid loved Perseid more than she loved herself so nothing Perseid did frustrated her. Unlike Queen Lyrid, King Leo was iron-willed and the god of the ocean no one dared to disobey him.
     Perseid was different from the others. She had beautiful brown eyes that glistened like an amber gemstone, long jet-black hair and her silvery voice brought attention onto her. Sometimes she sneaks to their chambers in the middle of the night to give them food. Perseid loved to watch the stars so she and Dandio, herlover, sneak to watch it at night. Whenever she was close to him she felt mad passionate intensity she loved him with all her heart, but what the unsuspicious hero doesn’t know is that Dandio is playing her heart for his protection.
    The next morning, as humans did their jobs from out of nowhere they all start chanting some chambers were set on fire the whole place was upside down; it was the most indelible scene the guards had ever seen. “I declare war against the humans for their fatuous actions” King Leo proposed.
Over at the chambers Dandio hatches a plan to kidnap Perseid in favor of their freedom.

    Since Perseid trusted Dandio she comes to the chambers and gets kidnapped and kept in an unknown forest with heavy chains all over her body.
     For months the Earth was in absolute darkness and pounded with thunder that grumbled like a beggar who hasn’t eaten for days. The humans eventually killed Perseid and escaped about two days later the messengers found her body and took it to Aradia. It was the most horrific thing they’d ever seen so Lyrid went on her knees and put her hand on Perseid’s chest and sighed…
“You would always be in my heart and curse the hard-hearted beings that did this to you” she lamented.
“Those dreadful humans would pay for this, they would pay” King Leo screamed causing immediate thunder and lightning.
      On the night of her burial Queen Lyrid and King Leo performed a meteor shower in honor of her bravery and the love she had for her people. Till this day, every month King Leo and Queen Lyrid perform Meteor Showers in her remembrance and that’s why one of the meteor showers is called ¬¬¬PERSEID.

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