Alec's Magical Hot Dogs | Teen Ink

Alec's Magical Hot Dogs

March 11, 2015
By Anonymous

There once was a young boy named Alec. Alec became the most famous person
in the world because he beat Joey Chestnut at the world championship for hot dog eating contest. Joey ate 87 hot dogs in ten minutes, while Alec on the other hand shoveled down 1,207,987 hot dogs in ten minutes. After he achieved that incredible feat the crowd at the contest shunned Joey and in addition to that Alec gained the special ability to shoot ketchup and mustard out of his hands, fly, and shoot hot dogs and hot dog buns out of his eyes. A few days later Alec made a life changing discovery, he was going to protect the world and keep peace and order in the world by giving the people that were having troubles in their lives hot dogs.
A few days after discovering that he wanted to help people, Alec began flying around New York and shooting hot dogs at people in need and they were all happy, all except one person; Joey Chestnut. Since Joey lost to Alec he devoted all of his time and effort to building a machine that would give him powers that would help him defeat Alec. Finally after two months Joey created a machine that gave him super strength and the ability of flight and he hoped that those advantages would be enough to stop Alec.
Alec was on top of the world. He could not have been in a better mood because he had just finished his daily routine for giving hot dogs and he finished with extra time which he would use to relax. In that time, Alec enjoyed playing Xbox and since Joey had been watching him 24/7 he knew that it was Alecs only weakness. So Joey devised a plan to destroy Alec beloved possession. So that night Joey crept through Alecs window and snatched up his Xbox and then he threw it out of Alecs window and then laughed as he heard the device hit the ground with a smack. That morning Alec awoke from a horrifying dream that appeared to be real; his Xbox being destroyed. So he went to where his Xbox should have been and he started to turn on the TV but at that moment he realized his Xbox was gone. Alec then profusely cried his eyes out because his most favorite object was gone. After recovering from his loss Alec thought to himself who could have done this terrible thing and he only had one answer… Joey. So Alec decided it would be best if he confronted Joey and so he did. He found Joey in the park sitting on a bench. “What’s up?” asked Joey.
“You know.” replied Alec.
“You know I’m just messing with you. What do you want me to do about it?” smirked Joey.
“I’m over the moon now that I found the culprit so know that I know that you broke it you’re going to fix it.” yelled Alec.
“Hold your horses, I will as soon as I can which of course means that I am not going to help you so scram brat.” said Joey.
Alec then proceeded to say “You and me fight tonight at the park”.
“Ok” Joey screamed at the top of his lungs.
That night as expected Joey and Alec met in the park. As the two men squared up to fight Alec had an epiphany and realized that Joey was as tall as a giraffe and also that he was as strong as an ox. So Alec resorted to dirty tricks. He shot ketchup on the ground surrounding Joey and then shot joey in the eyes with hot dogs. As Joey was stumbling around and yelling as loud as a toddler without her stuffed animal he slipped on the condiments and fell to the rock solid ground. After that scene Alec called the police as fast as a cheetah and told the operator that Joey tried to kill him and he also destroyed his property. The police were on the scene and then the police put him in the car and took him to the jail where Joey would spend the rest of his days devising a plan to escape and take revenge on Alec. While he was in the jail he met someone who also believed Alec was a poser and wanted to destroy him. Her name was McKenna. So Joey and McKenna worked on a plan to escape and destroy Alec and eventually they would succeed in escaping. But ahead of them the task still remained; to eliminate Alec……………. 

The author's comments:

My friend Alec talking about the hot dog eating contest.

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