Bambi's Revenge | Teen Ink

Bambi's Revenge

March 24, 2015
By Anonymous

It was a new day and Bambi, the leader of the terrifying Deer Klan, was surveying his prisoners, lording over the massive defeat that had befallen the humans in Washington state. His prisoners, and soon to be slaves had assembled themselves warily under the podium of which Bambi had been standing, and Bambi cleared his throat. “Humans, I have you by the hundreds, weapons at the ready so that if you do choose to resist, I shall use the only force that I deem fit for your race.” The people gathered were now trembling in fear, some wondering if this was the end of civilization as they knew it, some pondering if they should try to organize and rebell, and the rest simply accepting their defeat. Bambi called his advisors (as every self-respecting supreme leader would naturally have at least one of) and asked what would be the best way to split up the labor. After some minutes had passed, the two decided that the humans should be divided into their original specialties, or at least something akin to the jobs the people originally had. The humans were given minimal rations, were forced to work from 3:00 in the morning to 11:00 at night, and all quartered under thick trees. Many died from disease and exhaustion, and Bambi did not mind, having found a new favorite delicacy that was being eaten daily, seeing as there were daily human deaths. Soon, Bambi had almost everything he wanted… almost. He had slaves, female deers, loyal subjects, and a daily expanding kingdom to boot, but there was a feeling that had not yet been satisfied, a feeling deep down. It was the satisfaction of revenge. Although he did not know it, Bambi did not truly obtain sweet revenge. It was driving him mad, not enraged, but mad as in crazy. It was like an itch that he could not scratch. It drove him to the point of near insanity (I’m pretty sure that he is already past that point, but just roll with it) and in a rage, he went to a nursery and threw a newborn human infant in the furnace on the other side of the room and ordered it removed and if it was still alive, skin it. If not, then put it back in the furnace and cook it there. It was getting late and Bambi was tired. He went to his sleeping quarter and went into a fitful sleep. Bambi awoke the next morning to a commotion in the mess hall.
“Oy! I know you took my gun and I want it back!”
  “I didn’t take a monkeys left nut! Besides, why would I want your stupid gun? I got my own, you blind, friendless creep! ”
Bambi was easily annoyed lately, and instead decided to shoot them both. Who did what to who did not bother him the least, as long as people learned to keep it down. “Carry on, I have something special planned for the humans and I want to get to it today!”. The other deers did not argue, for they did not want to meet the same fate as their colleagues. The deer directed the humans in the project, but not telling them what it is. There was a rumor going around that it was an arena. Lo and behold, it was an arena, and Bambi sent for the humans to be gathered. “Humans! I have thought of a great way for you to earn your freedom, as well as a little entertainment for me: two of you will fight in the ring, and the winner has to fight nine more, consecutively winning, and if the victor dies in the middle of the ten streak, the new victor will have to start from the bottom. The rules are simple: you may win by any means necessary, but make sure that it is the messiest way possible, with entrails laying around if you would please, and the other rule is try not to die. It would not be good for your wellbeing if you did die. Once one bests ten of my choosing, I shall consider letting that individual be free. If I choose not to let him or her go, I shall simply order your painless death. It is a great gamble, but the end result may be worth it.”. One man threw a rock at Bambi and told him to go the same way as his mom. “Oh, how fun! We got our first contestant! Anyone want to join him? C’mon everyone, he can not Fight Club himself, one of your kind has to contribute to this man or any other’s slightly possibly bright future!” The crowd did not budge, seeing as no one wanted to die that day. Bambi chose a random person out of the crowd. “You, my man! You shall be the first player against my very rude friend!” The man slowly stepped into the ring and simply sat down. “What are you doing? stand up and rip out his spine or something, what is wrong with you people?!? Besides the obvious, of course.”. The man just sat there and looked up at his supreme leader and just blankly stared with a vacant look in his eyes. Bambi could not suppress the rage in him and said “If you do not get up and fight, I will have the both of you skinned and forced to walk through a field of cacti and just before you die, I will take a cigar, light it, and burn your eyes out with it. And I will enjoy the screaming that sounds like music issuing from your mouth, until you spend your dying breath pleading for mercy! Then, I will take anyone in relation to you, and cut off the top of their head, and pull out their brain, one strand my one until they die.” The surrounding deer looked just as mortified as the humans, even Bambi’s closest advisors, for no one would have ever thought of such a gruesome punishment. The surrounding audience started to slowly back away, as if the punishment would make it’s way to them. “You see, I have unlimited power, and nothing can stop me! Why do you think I made it to power, I am revered as a god everywhere, and rightfully so? It is because I deserve it, I have since the moment this pathetic planet was blessed with my presence to now, this beautiful day and beyond, where our kids and grand kids will remember me and only me! You think that any of you matter? No, none of you do! All of you are expendable and shall be replaced with the greatest of ease with a wave of my glorious hand!” Now, everyone saw Bambi for the egotistical megalomaniac he was, and his comrades now felt nothing but pity or even disdain. What could have possibly snapped an innocent mind to the point of controlled insanity? It could have not been only his mom dying, there has to be more, maybe his alcoholic father always beating on him? Maybe it was his brother’s constant bullying, and that is why he was erased from any and all records. People will look back and wonder what it was, but not being able to put it together. After Bambi’s death, which took place some twenty years later, the deer and humans put aside their differences and helped each other rebuild humanity and basic civilization. At the time of the horrifying speech, the two did duke it out, and the man who sat down eventually won, but only for Bambi to gleefully order his immediate painless execution instead of the more enticing offer of freedom. From the day of Bambi’s death, there was a lesson learned and to be remembered by both human and animal: do not p--- off wild life, because it can really come to bite you in the butt.

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