Monochrome | Teen Ink


March 27, 2015
By Liliyas BRONZE, Saratoga, California
Liliyas BRONZE, Saratoga, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They say there is no light without dark, no good without evil, no male without a female, no right without wrong. That nothing can exist if it's direct opposite does not also exist. No black will survive without colors...
Colors. Long lost from this monochrome world. The world that was once vibrant and full of life had been robbed of their colors. Black and white, that was law. That was the absolute rule. Generations after generations, a miracle appeared. Few children born with strange eyes holding what seemed to be color. The color that had been long forgotten. On top of that, these children each had the ability to see the color same as their eyes, and were able to control an element. Those who possessed red eyes would control fire, those with blue had water, those with green eyes controlled over plants, and so on. These colors gave hope to this simple monochrome world. Even though colors had been reborn, many seemed to like the black and white world, and obeys the absolute law. Those born “colorless” and those born “color” didn’t seem to get along. In order to maintain the absolute rule of the monochrome world, those born of “color” were forced to hide. Each time a “color” is found, they would be immediately killed, right on the spot. While the “colors” knew that there weren't much of them, they seek rebellion. Rebellion to once again bring up color to this simple world, to make the world vibrant and full of life once again. “Colorless” roamed all over the city, as hunting for “colors” had been part of their life ever since “colors” were born. Those “colors” that are brave enough would stand in the middle of the city, trying to convince people there should be colors. They knew they will be killed at anytime if they did that, but they were desperate. Desperate for colors to fill the world again. They won’t even know when colors will start blooming again. Maybe decades later. Maybe a few days. Or, maybe colors will never ever be able to survive in this world again.

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