Bobby's Confusion | Teen Ink

Bobby's Confusion

June 4, 2015
By King_Osiris BRONZE, Grafton, Wisconsin
King_Osiris BRONZE, Grafton, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Hey you! Yes you...did you know that Bobby always gets confused while trying to study Egypt? Well if you don't want to learn about his new adventures I suggest you close this book and read a different book about ponies or or Carebears or....hmm I’m running out of choices! Well whatever you get the point. If you don't like Egypt, then you should probably go somewhere else. Oh you’re still here? Great! Lets get started!

Chapter 1
The Argument
Look Bobby had no clue what a “host” was..

“Clare! Seriously why are you making such a big fuss about the idea of my traveling to Egypt?” asked Bobby
“Ugh, Bobby. You do realize that it is very dangerous to be in Egypt in this type of year,” sighed Clare. (Bobby’s Mother)
“Don’t worry I know all about Egypt especially after studying the history for years,” said Bobby.
“Honey, please...come sit with me,” said Clare, “I need to tell you about our family.”
Okay hold it right there. Lets just say that I was trying to drag the truth out of her because she was always getting scared whenever someone said “Egypt.”
“What do you know about Egypt mom?” I asked.
“Bobby not tell anyone that I told you this. Not even your uncle or anyone close to you but your Father and I,” she said, “We are not from America.”
“Wait what...then where are we from?” I demanded
“We are Egyptian. You have a hard path ahead of you son, prepare yourself for great danger ahead of you,” she said, “ Your sister knows what you should do. Consult her for more information...therefore I must not speak to you until you find her.”
That moment I heard the tv turn channels. It buzzed and went to channel 94, which is the news channel for the nation. The broadcaster said, “Attention Americans! A very ancient artifact from Egypt got destroyed just an hour ago! Some witnesses say that they saw a glowing red figure in the distance!” That is when I realized my dad was at the Museum in New York.

“Oh no...I knew this would happen! I Should have stopped Evan from breaking the Rosetta Stone!” mother said.
“I will find out what this is. I will save dad from where he lies. I will do this for you Clare, but first I will find Thoth.” I told her.
“I will not live by the time you return. I am locked in the house, I cannot leave. Go my son, avenge our family.” she said wearily.
I left the house and hopped into my car. I drove 400 miles and reached the museum. Then I saw the entire area empty, no cars, people, or even any animals. I knew something was wrong. I stepped into the museum and noticed a bright red light in the distance. I walked towards it slowly and look around the corner. There, lying on the ground was my dad. He didn’t look like he was in good condition. The red figure said, “You released the entire civilization that lived deep in the Duat. I do appreciate it but you hold the power of Osiris. The king of the gods. Oh, did I forget to mention, your son just contained the spirit of Osiris?”
“No, this can’t be, he is at my wife’s house, unless he is here...,” his voice trailed off as he caught a glimpse at me, “Bob? Go! Run, do not turn back! Find your sister, she lives in DC! Go now!”
“Ah, if it isn’t Bob? It is a pleasure to be able to catch the sense of your flesh! I will not let you escape from the disastrous zone!” the figure said in a deep howl.
That is when darkness surrounded me, taking me off the ground and I slammed into a purple vortex. I figured it was a portal to the Duat, yet it was. I landed really hard and noticed a snake in front of me, I named him Apophis The Devourer. He rattled towards me and I said, “Eat me! My life has no destiny!”. Then I realized that I had mistaken that phrase, I got swallowed and consumed. Taking over my life. To the afterlife I went with my father. There I told myself these last words: “I loved my childhood life and I will never forget it in the afterlife.”

When I went to the underworld, I noticed the god Anubis taking me to the Great Hall. There I saw my father on the throne. King Evan / Osiris gave me life in the Underworld with him. I took it as a gift because he loves me very much and I do more back.

Why do these things exist?
A wheel without a nail
winter without hail
fire without heat
knocks without a beat.

bees without a sting
doorbells without a ding
bites without pain
storms without a drop of rain,

hills without ants
gardens without plants
pencils without lead
computers without led,

light without power
school without a hour
mothers without a ring
fathers without a thing.

The author's comments:

Sequel to Bobby's Dliemma written my me also.

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