The Storm | Teen Ink

The Storm

June 4, 2015
By Emeline BRONZE, Hillsborough,, North Carolina
Emeline BRONZE, Hillsborough,, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No matter what you're going through, there's a light at the end of the tunnel and it may seem hard to get to it but you can do it and just keep working towards it and you'll find the positive side of things.
Demi Lovato

It was a stormy Friday morning, I had just turned on the news and there was a tornado warning in Hillsborough. My parents were at work, it was 6:00 am so I decided to walk over to my friend friends house. When I walked outside it was freezing the road turned into an ice rink. Cars were sliding down the highway, as I was walking over to my friends house. As I was walking there was a big snowstorm coming very quickly. All of a sudden hail the size of  golf balls started falling from the sky. I finally made it to my friends house with a couple of cuts and bruises.
As I walked up the steps her dad came out to pull me inside so I won't get hurt. After about an hour freezing, it started to get hot. We looked at the temperature and it was 104 degrees outside it felt like I was going to melt. As the temperatures started to rise, it started to get dark we walked outside huge funnel clouds started gathering together. About 5 tornado's started forming all around us, and started coming towards us. We started running       towards the car, it was about the scariest thing that happened to me. All I could see was the tornado's coming together, and following us!
Soon we were in shelter, I looked outside watching everything being destroyed. I started to wonder how many lives were taken and if my family was still alive.  As I was worrying about my family the tornado's started coming towards us.
Duck your heads, and hold on to something! said the store clerk
  All of us were holding on for dear life, as the tornado was getting closer. It hit us, we were very lucky because when the tornado hit it was gone and started to rain. We walked outside to the horrible site. It was devastating to see, thinking of how many people died.
Later on we started to help clean up, hoping that it was over. The storm destroyed Hillsborough. News reporters were everywhere, police crews, firemen, helicopters, and ambulance. I started to cry, in all my life I never would have thought that a storm this big could ever happen. Thousands of people were killed, we found many survivors in the rubble, I had severe wounds to my head, arms, and a broken leg. Me and my friend were in the hospital that night, when the nurse called saying there is some people who would like to see ya’ll. To our surprise it was our parents, they had severe wounds to there head. I asked my mom were my sisters were, she said that the tornado hit their school, and that firemen found their bodies under rubble. She told me that they had broke bones, and were in commas , the doctor said that they will not be able to remember anything for a while. I started to cry asking if I could see them, but I couldn’t walk or stand.
Weeks went by it was going about one month before I can fully recover. My sisters were still in comas at the hospital, when the doctor called. He said that they woke up and want us to come to the hospital right away. We were so happy to hear that they woke up, but when we got to the hospital they didn’t know us or knew who they were. The doctor said that the commas are temporary and could take them a few days  for them to get their memory back, but just show them things that they like and tell them about you. My parents were relieved that none of us got hurt. No one will ever forget the day Hillsborough was destroyed.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write The Storm was from a movie that I wathed called "Into The Storm". I wrote my artical similar to the movie but with many different changes. The Storm is a Sci-Fi fantasy. I hope that after you read my story that you will check the movie out, I think that it is a good movie and hope that you like it. I hope that after you watch it that you would like to learn about science more.

Thank you!

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