The day Zombies took over Hillsborough. | Teen Ink

The day Zombies took over Hillsborough.

June 1, 2015
By Cooper Hench BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
Cooper Hench BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a dreary tuesday morning in alabama, it was calmer than usual to calm.  I got up to walked around the town to see why it was so quiet. The first place I checked was at my bestfriends house.  When I got there the door was unlocked so I let myself in and the wall spelled “THE ZOMBIES ARE COMING”.  I looked down from the wall and saw my friend and his family dead on the ground.  I ran home as fast as I could to tell my parents what I had just saw.  I came back and saw that my parents were on the ground with their head split open and brains eaten out.  I ran upstairs to where I knew my dad keeps his guns and grabbed a 12 gauge shotgun and a pistol.  I also got tons of ammo so if I run out I have more to reload my gun with.  I started to walk around when I heard a groaning sound and I turned around and saw a zombie walking towards me.  So I lined him up and shot him. The bullet went straight into his head, blood splattered out and the zombie fell to the ground.  Once I shot him all the zombies in the area slowly converged on me.  I used a lot ammo but I slowly, one by one, they fell to the ground as my bullets met their head, but I had two shots left on my shotgun I had to use them wisely.  I started to use the pistol I realized that it takes multiple shots to kill the zombies. 
I heard a noise and turned around and shot a zombie that was about to get me. I thought “I need to go back to the house and get more ammo”.  I ran upstairs and grabbed a machine gun and all of the ammo in the safe.  I walked outside and there were 75 zombies climbing up the stairs where I used all the ammo I had trying to Kill them but 10 zombies did not die so I had to try to escape and get to an dick’s where they had more ammo. I was not able to get their and the zombies ate my brains and I turned into one.  After I was a zombie I thought maybe I could kill the others zombies so I picked up a knife and try to kill all of them but then once I killed them all I killed myself so that all zombies were gone. 
Later that day one family was left and they had to repopulate the world.  After 100 years the world was almost back to where it was before the apocalypse.  After the zombie apocalypse the zombies slowly came back stronger smarter and faster.  They learned how to be able to shoot guns, hide behind something for protection, and learn physics for motion.  If the zombies ever got back to full force the humans would have a tough time trying to stop them and being able to win the war.  After about another 50 years the zombies were back at full force and were starting to plan their attack on the people. 
The day that the zombies came in 2250 was the worst wave of zombies ever.  They had guns and were eating everybody's brains they were winning in every aspect of the fight except for that that the humans had a nuke waiting for this day to launch.  The citizens were told if they heard a siren they were to run home in the their nuke shelters that were below their house and wait for a call that it was safe to come out.  Then out of the blue the siren was going off and every citizen home hoping they would make it their before the nuke blew up.  Most of the families that heard the siren got home except for a couple of people who had somebody with a disability.  BAMMMM the nuke went off and all the zombies all died of the explosion and all the radiation.  Now the families were not allowed to go outside of their house due to the radiation so they had to live on whatever was left in their homes and hope it lasts them long enough so the radiation can be cleared up. 
Most of the families did not have enough and slowly starved to death and some were ready and had a lot of canned food and had been planning for this day for years.  It took the cleaners about 5 months to get rid of all the radiation so that the people could resume their lives as normal and go and get some real food. After a while to sanitation crew that was cleaning up the streets found the base of the zombies and figured out why the battle was so hard.  That was the day when the zombies rose up and tried to take over hillsborough.

The author's comments:

It is about a girl who wakes t find that her city has been overrun by a horde of zombies

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