The Fishing Trip | Teen Ink

The Fishing Trip

June 12, 2015
By JCrispyn BRONZE, Montville, New Jersey
JCrispyn BRONZE, Montville, New Jersey
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It was Thomas’ first time fishing and he was ready. Armed with his grandfathers fishing rod and an accomplice, he set off. Along with his partner in crime, Jason, they reached the lake in the middle of the woods in the early morning. With the sun rising over the trees in a barrage of yellows and oranges, Thomas knew that it was time. After retrieving the fishing pole that has been in his family lineage since the civil war, Thomas positioned himself by the grand, murky green lake and cast his line out. Jason watched from afar, his body leaned onto the truck.
With only an hour of sunlight left, Thomas was about to give up. The only bite that he got was from a baby catfish and that wasn’t even satisfying for the pro fisherman. Jason’s snoring was carried over from the truck to where Thomas stood, the rumbling sound most likely scaring the fish. With a sigh, Thomas decided that this would be his last cast. He began to reel in the line with a rhythmic pattern, over and over again until it reached the shore. Hoping to make the biggest catch of his career, he removed a bull worm out of his worm jug and attached it to the fishing hook. Jason’s snoring was interrupted for long enough for him to ask, “are you using the bull worm?”
“Yes. I am,” Thomas answered.
“So you’re that desperate,” Jason replied.
“Bull worms are the most expensive worm, but they can catch almost anything, Jason.”
“Can they catch you a sea monster Thomas?” Jason laughed. Thomas sighed and cast his line, the arc of the nylon string reaching the top of the treeline. The line reached the middle of the lake and Thomas gave a whoop of happiness. Jason rolled his eyes and returned to his nap. The sun was almost under the trees when Thomas felt a slight tug. Thinking that it was just another small fry, Thomas let the line sag and hoped that the fish would get his signal.  Instead, to Thomas’ utter surprise, the tension only increased.
Quizzically staring at the fishing pole, Thomas was then jerked forward with a force that can only be described as monstrous.  Refusing to lose to a mere fish, Thomas used his strength to pull back and called for Jason. Jason rushed over and reached around Thomas’ narrow waist and yanked backwards. Their strength combined brought the fish to the surface, its emerald scales shining in the dim light.
The creature was bigger than the duo’s van and a mouth full of sharp knives. And in the middle of the mouth of horror was a small hook. Thomas immediately dropped the fishing pole and backed onto Jason, who tumbled onto the ground in a domino effect. With both men on the ground, the serpent-like beast was making it’s way towards the shore. Jason, in a moment of clarity, pushed himself off the sand and grabbed his friend. Thomas was still in shock and had to be forcibly pulled to the car.
“My fishing pole,” he muttered before his voice was drowned out by a horrific bellow. Jason kept his eyes on the van and slammed open the passenger door, throwing his friend inside. Opening the driver door for himself, his hands were shaking uncontrollably to the extent where he could barely close the door. He attempted to enter the key into the ignition, begging, “c'mon, c’mon.” The creature answered Jason with a call of its own, and once the car was brought to life, Jason pushed on the gas pedal like a professional racer. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this during my Creative Writing class.

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