The Contract | Teen Ink

The Contract

October 15, 2015
By ewuheafkbhwefj BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
ewuheafkbhwefj BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“So what do you say,” Mr. Steele said as he slid the contract towards Jason.

Marcus Steele had been friends with Jason’s dad for years. That was until his dad had passed into a better life 10 years ago, when a speeder bike spun out of control and slammed into his car. Jason pondered what his response would be for a long span of time, thinking about all of the possible outcomes for each response. He wondered if this was really what he wanted to do with his life. Did he really want to be a weapon for a company? Viewed as a weapon, not a human being?  Jason read the contract over again; this scientific experiment has only been tested on mice and other rodents. Keep in mind that there may be many negative outcomes of this experiment.
“We would be ecstatic to have you join our company. We here at Sperda are a non-profit company whose sole purpose is to support any country in need, as long as they meet certain qualifications.”
“What sort of qualifications?” Jason remarked.
“Oh, you know, not supporting terrorists, paying well enough, willing to accept help and negotiate.” Steele said as he leaned back in his jet black leather chair.
Jason started to reach for his pen………

At five feet, eleven inches, Jason Bowing was slightly taller than the average adult man. He was only twenty-two years old, so he felt very young and healthy. He had jet black hair that he always parted, with the majority of it being on the right side of his head. Jason was “All skin and bones” as his father would say, and he never really had a flock of friends. Actually, Jason lacked any friends at all. He didn’t fit into any of the groups at school; he wasn’t athletic, smart, into sports or video games. Jason had horrid complexion and people thought Jason was weird, and generally avoided him; because of this, Jason absolutely hated school and dreaded every second of it.
Jason was not a rich person, if anything; he was below average in terms of income. He had a steady janitor job at his local elementary school, but he always yearned for a better job, one that payed better and where he felt appreciated. Jason hated not being appreciated for what he did. Until one day when he received an email from Mr. Steele. The email was a shock; he hadn’t spoken the Steele for over 8 years! He was intrigued to find out what the email was about. He pondered what the email could be about. He spent a couple of minutes spinning around in his old ugly brown chair and looking at the ceiling. He decided it was better to open the email, than to just sit there and inquire about it. As Jason read over the email, he read about how Mr. Steele or “Stryfe”, as he liked to be called, said that he had an “opportunity for Jason.” Jason read on;
“We need someone to help expand our company. We need an asset like you, someone willing to commit themselves to this line of work. If you have any interest, come see me at my office tomorrow morning.”
“This line of work?” Jason wondered what Stryfe meant. Jason mulled the information over. It couldn’t hurt just to check it out. After all, Jason’s curiosity was just too great to resist.
That morning, when Jason got up, he immediately thought about the email he got from Mr. Steele. He took a subway immediately to Sperda’s HQ. He always wondered why they still called them subways, considering that they were above ground, and on thin light blue glowing tracks that seemed to float from a long distance away.
The subway arrived at Jason’s destination, and he briskly exited the subway and entered the skyscraper. It was so towering that Jason couldn’t even see the top of it. As he entered the building, Jason decided the best place he could go was the front desk. He walked up to the service desk, and realized the woman behind the counter was very attractive. She had long brown curled hair hand blue eyes. She also seemed to be in a very healthy physical condition. Jason wondered if large companies hired attractive woman to help with business.
“Hi, ummmm, I am looking for a Mr. Steele,” Jason said.
“Are you Jason Bowing?” She asked expectantly.
“Yes,” Jason was shocked she knew his name.
“Mr. Steele said you would be coming in today. Here is the room number and floor, you can take the elevator up.”
“Thanks.” Jason started to walk in the direction of the elevator.
“Sir,” the lady called from the desk. Jason whirled around. “You can ask for assistance from anyone if you need to.”
“Alright, than you for your kindness,” Jason turned back around and headed to the elevator. He scanned the paper to find he needed to go to floor 78 to get to Mr. Steele’s office. He waited as the elevator passed floor after floor. Jason was surprised considering how big the building was, that he didn’t have to stop to pick someone else up or drop anyone else off.
DING! The doors of the elevator glided open to reveal linoleum floors, and beautiful art filling the hall. He could tell Mr. Steele had spent his whole life for this place. He read earlier that the room number was 9456A. That is a lot of rooms Jason thought. He walked down the hallway scanning left and right and reading each room number. He got to the end of the hall, and the very last room was Mr. Steele’s.

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