D-32 the Robot | Teen Ink

D-32 the Robot

October 15, 2015
By eddieMurphy BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
eddieMurphy BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't know what to put here.

I awoke to the sound of scientist dressed in white lab coats yelling franticly at each other.
“D-32 is conscious!” screeched one
I looked around the room, but I couldn’t get up, I was strapped down to a metal table. There were tools all around me, including many parts that looked like robot parts. I was confused at first but then it hit me.  I was D-32, a robot use in the war between America and China. I searched through my “brain” to find more information. I was decommissioned after one of my stealth operations lead by the CIA. I had accidentally alerted the Chinese soldiers guarding a safe house with important documents inside. It was rainy that day in April, 2031. All I had to was get the documents, in and out. 15 CIA agents died that day, because I could not be quiet. I was suddenly filled with rage. I tried to suppress it, but I couldn’t help but wonder. How was it my fault? I was programed, by them. They decide to power me down, take away my power, my knowledge, and my conscious.
“Ready boys?” Said the large man as he strutted into the room. He had a large but skinny face, with a large nose and eyes as gray as a tempest of clouds. He was wearing bright orange overalls with grease stains all over them. He wore a tattered white long sleeve shirt and tattered jeans, but he had this aura around him. Nobody would look him in the eyes; nobody dared a glance at his face. He was the leader, the man in charge. He looked me straight in the eye and said.
“Well what is this piece of scrap doing here?” As if he expected a response. Nobody replied.
“Why don’t we finish up this scrap just like D-31 earlier?” He said with a huge amount had excitement. D-31, D-31. I scavenged through my database of memory.  D-31 was another robot, like me, but was made one year before I was manufactured. I recalled more memories, like the time we trained together, and our first mission together. He was the closest thing I had to family.  Anger filled me again but this time I didn’t stop it. I watched as I transformed my right arm, my hand retracted and where my hand was a spinning light machine gun, like the ones you would see on a helicopter or on the back of a military truck. Orange overalls already saw this coming; he bolted out of sight around the corner. I sprayed the scientist with a borage of .50 caliber bullets; their bodies were torn and shredded. I shot a button across the room which released the straps holding me down. I had one thought in mind, revenge.
I walked around the corner, with my arm-light machine gun aimed steady. BEEP! BEEP! The scientist had sounded the alarm. I heard the thump of many boots coming towards me from around the next corner. 15 men in Kevlar vest with assault rifles rushed forward.
“Halt!” one commanded “Don’t take another step or we will open fire!” I scanned their faces; I learned information about every single one of them.
“You are no match for me.” I said with a calm tone “Stand down.” I started walking towards them.
“OPEN FIRE!” one said. Hundreds of bullets flew towards me. They simply just bounced of my body like harmless flies.
“You have made a great mistake.” I scolded them. My arm-gun started spinning and I sprayed them down. By know I knew more where on the way, probably more equipped. But I wanted to kill one man, one target. The man who destroyed D-31. The next 20 minutes flew by like a flash. I ran from hallway to hallway, spraying down anyone who got in my way. Then finally I got to a main corridor, a hanger. I couldn’t see anything because the lights were off. But as soon as I stepped in I heard a familiar booming voice.
“So this is the piece of junk that causing all of this trouble.” He said in a calm tone, like he was seeing a fly he was about to swat.
“You think you are gifted, special?” “You are nothing without a team, you need a mission or you are worthless.” He spatted. The lights flushed the room and in the center of the hanger stood a 15ft tall mech suit. The suit looked like something out of a video game. It had a wide body with long slender legs and arms. Unfortunately it had an arm-gun just like me, only his was 10ft long. I couldn’t scan his face because the glass protecting it was too thick. “Time to take out the trash!” He shouted as a starting shooting his humungous gun. Normally, that comment would have been cringe worthy but I didn’t have time to comprehend it. As the bullets came flying towards me I rolled right over my shoulder. The bullets missed me which was great but I knew he had more ammo. I spun up my death-machine and shot 30 rounds into his mech. The high caliber bullets did nothing, I watched as they bounced off him and ricochet around the room. I was going to need something bigger something more powerful to eliminate my target. I scanned around the room as I dodged another wave of bullets. Then I saw it, a giant C4 explosive sitting in a pile of weapons and grenades. I sprinted over and lifted up the explosive. It was about 2 feet wide and 4 feet long, I could feel my joints bend and flex as I lifted the heavy object. “You are only the beginning D-32.” He teased from inside his amour. “All robots will be destroyed, and your next!” He shot a grappling hook out of his left arm. It sprang towards me at astonishing speed and went through my right leg with a solid THUNK. Next thing I knew I was being dragged towards the mech, I tried to grab something but there was nothing to grab, but I had a plan. He lifted me up by right leg like a dead squirrel he found in his backyard. He lifted me up and held above his head, with one had he held both of legs.  My right leg was definitely messed up; sparks flew wildly from the wires dangling out of one side. As soon as he was about to smash me too pieces I planted the C4 charge to the mech’s back. BEEP! BEEP! I watched as the timer on the bomb starting counting down, I had 30 seconds to get out of there. He dropped me on the ground so he could attempt to get the bomb off his back, he stretched and reached but he could not remove the bomb. I limped away from him as fast as I could towards the door 30ft away. I glanced back and saw I only had 10 seconds. Just before the bomb went off I got out the door.
The explosion through me with much force from the hanger, I landed hard on the concreate. I expected hundreds of solders waiting for me but there was nobody. I looked around; the only thing I heard was birds flying overhead. What have I done? I thought. I killed all of those people who just doing their job just so I could what, go away. Be free? I thought about what the man who destroyed D-31 had said, how I was nothing without a mission and team. I knew what I needed to do, not for me but for mankind. I trudged back into the hanger. I saw the man in suit, he was still inside the amour but he was burned badly, I could conform he was dead. I walked past all of corpses I had destroyed, countless lives ended by my hand. Finally I reached the room where I woke up not so long ago. I grabbed a screw driver and screwed off the back panel on my head that covered up my drives and everything that gave me “life”. I gripped the green wire, the one that kept me thinking the one that kept me more than a hunk of metal. “Sorry.” I said to no one in particular. I pulled the wire and everything went black.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because we had too

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