Earth [0-2020] | Teen Ink

Earth [0-2020]

October 16, 2015
By melmitch BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
melmitch BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Story goes they lived in our universe
in some galaxy
in one of the solar systems
Earth I believe

They started off small
not much of anything
but after a while
they had many blooming things
like animals,plants,dinosaurs,and those humans of course
some of the animals went extinct because of something natural
but how humans went extinct is because of something quite different

In those millions of people
inventors and other talented people were created
they invented many changes to their normal ways of life
they created home's, languages and other resources

But not even 100 years ago (in their year system)
they created one of their first technologies, a computer
they weren’t the best but everyone wanted one
as soon as they became affordable everyone got one
but with this computer came more and more technology
the camera, the first phone
so everyone interacted
people were talking and connecting more

Until one human came up with a touchscreen phone
with messaging and games
which separated them more and more
they then forgot what they originated from
yeah they all lived on the same planet
but they were all divided
yeah they created things
but it took them from interacting from their other human beings

They were too busy distracted on their technology
when some other life form gave them a visit
and they took everything from those humans
even their lives
which is why we are here to pick up their remains
their planet was indeed quite beautiful
but those humans didn’t even notice

We could have helped them with our technology
we are one of the few friendly aliens
now it’s one less life form in this universe
now we must travel from this Earth
from this solar system
of this galaxy
into this endless universe

The author's comments:

   It's written as like a alien wrote about earth after it was already extinct. It also gives off a dark vibe, something like "The Twilight Zone" (1959)


   The deeper meaning of this poem is to make you think about our Earth and how something like this could happen. I want people to understand that life is short and valuable and you should make the most of it, instead of just being on your phones and technology. I also want people to understand that we should all be interacting, sharing and creating ideas together and aim to be in unity and grow as a nation.

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