The Puzzle | Teen Ink

The Puzzle

October 15, 2015
By KieraHatfield BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
KieraHatfield BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lying barely conscious on the ground, Poseidon was surrounded by girls. The girls were startled with his blonde hair, and blue eye combination. Athena, the first one ever to be sent to the Puzzle, sensed something was wrong. There were only girls, no boys, well besides Poseidon, and every other person in the place was blonde hair with brown eyes. Many of the girls were whispering to each other, “Why is he here? Can he help us escape?”
“Silence,” Athena squawked. “I know we are all thinking the same thing, what could this mean? Well there are only two options, one being that he is just another person like us, or that we can finally escape the Puzzle.”
Poseidon sat up, dazed he questioned, “What’s the Puzzle?”
“Oh you know just the place we live in, which was probably one of the most fun places to be, until you got here. Who knows what’s going to happen now.” Athena sneered.
“I… I… I’m sorry, I don’t mean for anything bad to happen. I don’t even remember why I got put in this place.” Poseidon stammered.
“Neither do any of us,” the girls stated.
All any of them had learned at their time in the Puzzle was, there was only one way out, and each person had different powers that were contributed to the escape. Athena’s talent was wisdom, poetry, art and war. Aphrodite was good with love and beauty. Artemis seemed to be attracted to the moon, hunting, and nursing. Hera liked to think that she was the leader of the group, but only because she was good with other girls.  Poseidon had yet to find out what his power was. He wanted to know if he was the one to help them with the last part of the Puzzle.
Poseidon jumped to his feet and exclaimed, “Let’s go see what I can do!”
“It takes longer than one hour to figure it out,” Aphrodite mumbled.
“Well how long does it take?” Poseidon questioned.
“It varies. We’ve had people figure it out the day after they arrived, mostly a couple days, but I’ve seen someone take a month to find out,” Athena protested. \
Only Athena knew the dates every one arrived, because she was the first one to arrive. She didn’t like to tell her story; it was a very mournful time, being in the Puzzle by herself. She’d gone through so much trouble to learn new things, for her ideas to be ruined when the next person showed up. Every time someone showed up, she studied their actions very intensely. By the time they figured out their power, Athena would already have jobs for them to do. Many of the girls didn’t like Athena. They thought she tried too hard and worried too much, but Athena didn’t care, it gave her motivation. She knew that everyone would be thanking her one day, thanking her for getting them out of the place.
“How long will it take me?” Poseidon questioned.
“I have an idea of who you are, and what your limitations are,” Athena proclaimed.
“Then tell me so I can help you get out of this community!” Poseidon shouted.
“It’s not that easy, I have to train you.” Athena said trying to keep her patience.
“There isn’t enough time!” Poseidon said, clearly freaking out.
“What do you mean, ‘Not enough time’?” Athena asked nervously.
“Look, all I remember is that whoever put me in this place, said something about us only having a week before the trial is over,” Poseidon complained impatiently.
“What else did they say,” Athena was questioning, eager to find out new information.
“Like I said, I don’t remember!” Poseidon said, starting to raise his voice.
“Okay, okay but I think you are the key to help us escape,” Athena said with a devious smile. She was already making a new plan.
“I know that look. This cannot be good,” Artemis stated.
“What do we have to do this time?” Hera asked with a nasty look on her face.
“Well since we don’t know what he can do, we can just go test it. Instead of training him first, we can take him to the last part of the Puzzle. If we test what he can do, it will make it easier for us to train him in a couple days,” Athena said.
“That could be dangerous,” Aphrodite chimed in.
“It could be, but it’s the only thing we can do,” Artemis sided with Athena.
“I don’t want to die!” Poseidon exclaimed.
“You won’t as long as you stick to my plan,” Athena stated confident that it would work.
“What do I have to do?” Poseidon said with a shaky voice.
“All you have to do is hold your breath until you get to the bottom of the pit. It’s all under water, and there are many obstacles.” Athena informed him.
“Well what kind of obstacles?” Poseidon asked nervously.
“The walls start to close in after 1 minute and the pressure increases as you get deeper.” Artemis said, in a creepy voice, trying to terrify Poseidon even more.
“Is that it?” Poseidon questioned.
“All that we know of. We’ve all tried multiple times, but none got anywhere close to the bottom before almost getting smashed to death.” Aphrodite groaned.
“How do we know this is the only escape?” Poseidon still asked, although he knew the answer.
“It’s the only part of the Puzzle left, and all the other parts of this place have been solved,” Athena said defensively, because she didn’t like the fact that Poseidon was doubting her.
“Well when do I start?” Poseidon said nervously.
“We can see how far you can swim down tomorrow morning.” Athena said, still thinking about her plan.

“Good morning!” Athena yelled, for the people to get up.
“It’s too early for this,” Hera complained.
“Yeah, why do we have to do this so early?” Poseidon whined, clearly not wanting to go and put his life in danger.
“Quit your complaining and get up! We only have a couple days to get out of this place!” Athena yelled.
“What if I can’t do it? What if I’m not your way out?” Poseidon questioned, starting to doubt himself.
“Look, why else would you have been sent here? Why would the government say that we only have a week left? We have no other option than to test you and train you for this last puzzle,” Athena tried to say confidently, and not let her worry show through. She’s been up all night asking herself the same questions that Poseidon had just asked her.
“Fine let’s just go get this over with.” Poseidon grumbled.
Poseidon, Athena, and anyone else that wanted to come along, arrived at the water pit very cautiously. Athena hadn’t been this scared since she first showed up.
“Remember what I said?” Athena asked, making sure that her plan was perfect.
“Yes, I won’t be able to do it the first time, but I am just doing this too test what my limitations are, and if I get to the bottom come straight back up to explain what I saw. How do you know this is even going to work?” Annoyed, he repeated her instructions.
“I don’t know this will work, but I am pretty sure that you are an expertise with water.” Athena claimed.
“Oh yeah? What makes you say that?” Poseidon said defensively.
“Well first off, the color of your eyes is blue, and blue is the color of water. Secondly, the government wouldn’t send you in here if you didn’t have a purpose. Everyone here has solved at least one part of the Puzzle, if not more.” Athena said annoyed.

Poseidon submerged under the water.
Is this what water is normally like? I don’t feel wet at all. Poseidon sat there examining his hands, seeing if what he thought was actually real. There is like an air bubble around my skin. I can breathe normally. After being surprised, Poseidon started his adventure down the pit. He swam and swam, but he didn’t feel like he was getting anywhere. He swam at least 100 feet down, but didn’t feel anywhere close to the bottom.
After a couple more seconds, Poseidon heard loud buzzing sounds, and then the walls started to close in. Where is the bottom of this place? He thought hopelessly. His head started pounding; he didn’t think there was a bottom.  He urged himself to keep going.
Just as the walls about crushed him to death, he saw a cube like opening.  He swam even harder. He felt like his head was going to explode. He barely made it to the opening. Once he reached the opening, the walls sealed shut behind him. The water then began to diminish, and Poseidon was relieved. There was no turning back now. How am I going to get back to Athena? Poseidon wondered.
“You have now entered the exit to the Puzzle,” A voice boomed through the cube.
“Let me out! I need to get back to my friends!” Poseidon shouted furious at the government, not even knowing if anyone could hear him.
“Are you sure they are really your friends? They seemed to be just using you to get out.” The voice stated.
“Well I don’t think that’s true. Now let me go help them!” Poseidon said offended.
“The only way you can help them is by exiting the Puzzle. Now please follow the blinking arrow.” The speakers echoed.
“Fine,” Poseidon said with an attitude. Little did Poseidon know, he was putting his friends in more danger if he left.
Poseidon followed the blinking arrow until he reached the end of it. How could this be helping them? I don’t even know what I’m doing. Poseidon just wanted it to end. He was miserable and he had only been there for a couple days. He felt sorry for Athena who had been stuck in there for many years.
“You have 1 minute to escape this box,” a new voice stated over the intercom.
“What? I thought I was done with this place! I can’t see anything!” Poseidon screamed in frustration.
“59… 58… 57…” The voice ringed. Poseidon frantically pounded on the sides of the wall.
“HELP ME!” Poseidon screeched desperately. Clawing and scratching anything he could touch.
“20… 19… 18… 17…”
Poseidon’s head was swirling, he didn’t know how to get out. He sank to his knees, sobbing into his hands helplessly. He felt shameful that he failed his mission to help the others escape.
“3… 2… 1… You have failed to complete the Puzzle.”
It was over. Poseidon had been gassed to death. The government was ashamed that Poseidon hadn’t thought of using his power to get out of the box. That he hadn’t even tried. That Athena had jumped to conclusions so fast, and didn’t take time to train him. It was her fault he had died. It was her fault that they were all going to die in the Puzzle.
“You have disappointed us greatly,” The voice thundered through the Puzzle. “Poseidon is now dead, because he wasn’t trained. Our trial has failed miserably.”
Confused and devastated with the news, the girls listened intently.
“You now only have yourselves to thank for no escape.” The government stated, not feeling sorry for the girls.

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