Kam vs the World | Teen Ink

Kam vs the World

October 15, 2015
By connorlennox BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
connorlennox BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“LET’S GO BLUE! LET’S GO BLUE!” The crowd was energetic in Ann Arbor, Michigan as the number one ranked Michigan Wolverines faced off against their rivals the Ohio State Buckeyes. You could smell the popcorn in the air at Crisler Arena. The score was tied with 10 seconds to go. Kam Chatman had the ball and was dribbling it up the court. He was a 6’5 inch freshman in college who had a medium build and almost always had a smile on his face. Kam took two dribbles to the right and then crossed over to his left. The crowd chanted, “4, 3, 2…” Kam rose to shoot and released the ball into the air. Falling backwards after the shot, Kam couldn’t tell if the ball went in or not. “EERRRRR!” the buzzer sounded. The next thing Kam new there was confetti splashing on the court; and the fans were going absolutely wild.
“Kam, you won the game!!” said teammate Spike Albrecht. Kam knew he would never forget this moment for the rest of his life.
“Kam wake up! Kam!” As Kam started opening his eyes he saw his team mate Spike. Spike was a rough kid who was always the one who was willing to get in a fight. He had long blonde hair and was short, but his muscles made up for his lack of height.
“Where are we?” asked Kam.
“I’m not sure, but one thing is for sure, something very bad happened.” They were both in a forest feeling environment with a bus above them stuck in the trees. They were still wearing their jerseys but they were all ripped up.
“Come on, let’s get up and go look around,” said Spike.
“UGGH!” yelled Kam as he tried to get up. There was a gigantic gash down his left leg.
“What happened to you?” asked Spike.
“I’m not sure,” replied Kam. Suddenly a man came sprinting in from the bushes.
“Finally some other survivors!” yelled the man.
“What happened here?” asked Spike.
“Millions of robots came down from planes to destroy the whole country!” exclaimed the man.
“Do you have anything that can help me with my leg at least?” asked Kam.
The man pulled out some bandages and applied them to Kam.
The man said “I think you guys should come take a look at this.” They walked a little bit past the trees and looked out into the city to see it completely destroyed. Buildings were on fire, trash surrounded the city and millions of millions of small bolts, nails, and metal pieces surrounded the floor.
They walked inside the basketball arena which was completely trashed. Kam looked around and found his Back pack he used for basketball. Inside were his Jordan 11’s, his basketball that he took everywhere, a Gatorade, and a sweat shirt.
“So what do we do now?” asked Spike.
“First, we got to find where these robots are, and then we have to find a way to destroy them all and save the world.” Said Kam.
“How are we supposed to find out where they all are?” asked Spike. Right then Kam looked down at a piece of metal from one of the robots. “WASHINGTON DC” it said with huge letters.
“Next stop Washington!” said Kam.
“How are we supposed to get there?” asked Kam.
“My grandpa owns a private jet just a mile or so away. We could take that over.” Said Spike.
“Good idea,” said Kam.
“It’s me and you against the world baby,” said Spike.
They got in the car and started driving. They saw lots of robots on the sides of the road but they were speeding by too fast for the robots to get them. When they arrived they noticed the house door was wide open.
“That’s odd,” said Spike.
“WATCH OUT!” Kam yelled.
A robot came sprinting at Spike with a knife. Spike turned quickly and punched it right in the chest and pulled out tons of wires and bolts. They continued to walk in the house and grabbed the private jet keys.
They started driving the powerful jet and went zooming through the sky. Six hours later they arrived in Washington DC. They started walking by the city that was completely trashed. Then suddenly they heard tons of footsteps and banging sounds coming from the street behind them. They turned around to see hundreds of robots chasing after them.
“RUN!” yelled Kam.
The two men started dashing for their lives down the street. Kam found a rock about the size of a basketball, turned around quickly and threw it behind his back taking off three of the robots heads.
“Nice pass bro!” said Spike nearly laughing.
They were still getting pursued by the robots when they neared a dead end. When out of nowhere a red and black Camaro came gunning in right in front of the men.
“Get in if you want to live,” said a young woman with blonde hair and brown eyes. They both hopped into the sweet car, and they went speeding off. As they were driving she was running over all the robots.
“Thanks for saving but um... who exactly are you and why are you saving us?” asked Kam.
“My name is Madisun. And I’m here to save you because it’s been rumored you were trying to save the world, so I figured you guys may be our only hope.”
“Ok, so then what’s your plan on defeating the robots?” spike asked Madisun.
“Well the robots seem to keep coming from inside of the Lincoln Memorial. I have a feeling if we can get inside, there will be a central circuit controlling all of the robots that we can destroy.”
She drove them to a hotel near the Lincoln Memorial and they went inside to the third floor.
“If we’re gonna pull this off we’re gonna need some weapons. You got anything good?” asked spike.
Madisun went over to her car, opened the trunk and pulled out a large case. She opened it and there was a full arson inside. It consisted of a shotgun, three pistols, a machine gun, and a super powerful sniped rifle with a scope on it.
“I want the sniper,” yelled Spike immediately.
“Alright here’s what were gonna do. Me and Madisun are gonna go to the Lincoln memorial as spike will stay back and give us sniper support. Madisun will get the shotgun and a pistol.”
“Don’t you want a weapon too?”
“Nah this will do.” Said Kam as he pulled his basketball out of his bag.
Kam and Madisun started walking out towards the Lincoln memorial.
“First were going to have to get by the guards. Spike will shoot all three of them real quick with the sniper then we will move in.”
Over the walkie-talkie Madisun counted down, ”three, two, one.”
“BANG BANG BANG!” the sniper went off and all three guards hit the floor.
Madisun and Kam continued walking when ten robots came charging at them. Kam threw his ball clean through one of the robots head going through to hit another down. Madisun pulled out here pistol and shot three of the robots. There were five robots left. Madisun grabbed Kam’s ball and threw it up to him. While he was in the air, he caught the ball and came down slamming it on a robots head. Four left. One robot grabbed a wire and started choking Madisun with it so Kam, with perfect accuracy, nailed the robot and it fell. As Madisun turned she shot all the remaining robots. But, before she noticed a robot came out of nowhere and right before it got to her she heard a long bang and the robot fell.
“Nice shot Spike.” Yelled Madisun.
They walked into the Lincoln Memorial and saw a huge box with tons of buttons and controls and wires. It had sparks shooting out of it. Kam started pulling all the wires out and destroying the box. Just then all the robots around them fell to the ground.
“That should do it.”
“Now that all the robots have been destroyed and the world is saved, who could have possibly made all the robots?” asked Kam.
“Son, I made all the robots.” Said a voice from the shadows of the room.
“Dad?” said Kam.
A figure merged out from the shadows. It was Kams’ dad.
“Dad, why would you do this? You destroyed the whole nation!” exclaimed Kam.
“At my old company where I used to work, my boss told me to make millions of these robots, and I had no clue why. One day, after I completed all the robots, my boss took them all in these plains and dropped them everywhere to destroy the world and then he fired me. The real enemy here is my boss, Mr. Craft.” Said Kam’s’ father.
“So where is he right now?” asked Kam.
“I’m sure he’s off somewhere enjoying his life, but if he ever try’s to come back I know exactly the three people I’m calling.” Said Kam’s father.

The author's comments:

My hope from this story is that people get entertained by it and enjoy my story.

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