missing panda! | Teen Ink

missing panda!

October 12, 2015
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 “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” princess Tortuga yelled when she woke up from her dream. Her best friend Princess Panda stayed the night. She heard princess Tortuga scream so she woke up. Princess Tortuga woke up crying. She was crying because she had a dream from when her mom died. It was a lovely morning when her mother heard a knock the door. Her mother went to go answer the door but when she opened it she found a present. Inside the present was a jack in the box but instead of a stuffed animal she found a knife. When she opened it, the knife came flying out into her head. Princess Tortuga heard  big thump when she came down stairs she found her mom on the floor lying in a big puddle of blood. That’s how her mom died when she was ten. Princess Tortuga is now fifteen. Princess Tortuga and Princess Panda went for a walk to town. On their way there they saw her mother’s worst enemies son, Sharknado. At first she hated him but then she realized he was nice.
              Princess Tortuga said, " How was your day?"
Sharknado told her, " My day was okay but my dad past away last night."
Princess Tortuga sadly said, "I'm sorry about your loss"

                The next morning she found Sharknado knocking at her door. But when she answered it he said "I'm sorry."
She asked"for what?"
He answered with "I have to do it."
"What do have to do?" She said with worrieness
"Goodbye" he said nervously
              She tried running after him but he got his on his motorcycle. All day she tried to find him. Twenty minutes after 11 o'clock at night she finally went home. She found a note her door. It said that tonight at midnight something bad would happen to her. She stayed up till 12:00. She finally went to bed after that. Before she fell asleep she was trying to wonder whose handwriting it was. After five minutes of thinking she realized that it was Sharknado’s  handwriting.
                The next morning she went to go find her best friend Princess Panda but she didn't answer her phone. She thought that was weird. She walked to her house. On the way there she saw a turtle on the side of the rode. It looked hungry so she went to give some food. Instead of it biting the leaf it bit her hand. Her hand had green stuff on where it bit her. After that she hurried to Princess Panda's house.
                  She knocked on the door but it opened when she knocked. She looked inside for some band aids but she couldn't find any so she put paper towel on it. She went around her house to find Princess Panda but instead of finding Princess Panda she found a note. That note said that if she didn't go to the river walk at 2:30am princess panda would slowly die. When she got mad she realized she was she shrunk and she turned into a turtle and she was flying in the air. She flew to the river walk and  waited for five hours for someone to get there.
              When she looked up, she realized it was Sharknado. She was surprised. She jumped and demanded her friend.
"No not until you defeat me!" Sharknado yelled.
"Oh you don't want this to happen," She told him.
                 Then she was shocked because Sharknado threw a huge rock at her. Good thing it missed she thought. She got really furious and turned into a turtle and flew on his head and bit his nose till it almost came off. Sharknado was crying but instead he shot sharp teeth from his fingertips. One got her on the legs and arms. But while she suffered from the pain she shot lasers through her eyes. When she did that, Sharknado burnt to pieces.
                 She looked around and saw Princess Panda hanging from a cliff. She flew up and missed her and accidentally cut the rope. Princess Panda fell from a cliff .  Princess Tortuga flew and and caught her five inches before she hit the cement.
                 "Thank you so much tortuga for saving me!" Panda said happily.
"No problem Panda, it's the least I can do. I mean we are best friends," Tortuga said back.
"That's true," Panda said loudly.
"Let's go to my castle for some pizza and watch Netflix," Tortuga said excitedly
"Ok let's do that," Panda said
"Yasssssssss" Tortuga said.
Princess Tortuga and Princess Panda walked to Princess Tortuga’s castle. After two hours of watching Supernatural they forgot that they had chocolate cake from a couple nights ago. They took it out of the fridge. When Princess Tortuga cut a piece for Princess panda. She was in the middle of cutting her a piece when she heard her scream. She turned around and her cake was on the floor and Princess Panda was on  the counter. Princess Tortuga saw that there were maggots in the cake. She threw that away. They paused the show and went to the store. They got a new cake. They promised each other to never leave each other sides.

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