The Little Fish that could | Teen Ink

The Little Fish that could

October 13, 2015
By CookiesNCream BRONZE, Lake Bluff, Illinois
CookiesNCream BRONZE, Lake Bluff, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a town called Planktown Land. In that very happy town lived a little fish named Fae. One day in the summer there was a great shock. A family of SHARKS had moved into the town!
Little fish Fae was never too quick to judge every family that moved into the town, but there had been times that she was nice to them even when she had a bad feeling about the new fish family. Of course she thought that the last family of jellyfish that moved there were deep fishy business.
Fae had a sister, a brother, and two fun parents.
When Fae went to school that day she was so excited because of the new school year. She could meet up with Dede and Mawna, her best friends.Dede was a baby blue dolphin and Mawna was an amazing Sea Horse. As she swam excitedly to the pod of fishes on the bus. she saw the shark who moved in across the sand from her. She was too distraught to notice that her friends Dede and Mawna had been calling for her.
“FAE!” Dede said frustrated.
“EARTH TO FAE!!!!” Mawna screeched with her high pitched voice.
“Whaaaa….” Fae said confused as she turned to see Dede and Mawna staring at her pointing to the empty spot they saved.
She swam quickly and attempted to get to the spot when the shark had taken her spot.
“Ummm…Hi i'm Fae and I believe that you may have sat in my spot....” Fae said scared.
“Oh well deal with it i'm Steel and as you can’t tell i’m the meanest shark you’ve ever met. Or maybe you haven’t because after all you’re as big as the coral you probably eat for breakfast.” Steel said as everyone laughed at little fish Fae.
Fae took a deep breath and swam to the back of the bus and sat there with tears swelling in her eyes
All throughout the day she was laughed at and made fun of because of what Steel said on the bus. when she went to answer a problem for math, Steel made fun of how shy she was. When she was about to go on the bus home she could see the smirk on Steels face as she stared at Fae like a hawk searching for it’s prey. As she went down the long swim to her house she thought of why Steel was so mean to her.
She had remembered in preschool when a boy named glo had swam around chasing her because he blamed her for knocking over his colored fin paper that they had as a project.
The next day she decided to try and stick to what she was always taught and treat steel with kindness instead of giving her an eye for an eye. As Fae swam onto the bus to her seat with Mawna and Dede talking about the new shows on taddpool center, a channel with a lot of fun shows to watch. All of a  sudden a big puff sounded as they saw Steel, her eyes full with anger and frustration arrive onto the bus. Everyone stared as they saw steel walk up to Fae, eyes filled with rage.
“WHY ARE YOU SITTING IN MY SEAT!?!” Steel asked eyes filled with rage.
“I’m sitting with my friends….” Fae said fearful of the response.
“Well, you’re in my seat you slow wimp,” Steel said with a smirk as everyone laughed at steel’s belittling jokes.
“I’m not moving…” Fae glared as Steel pushed aside and sat in the back with the other bullies.
For the rest of the school day Fae wondered if she really was a slow swimmer. She thought about it mostly at gym when they were doing many activities that had to do with swimming. Instead of happily running she sadly sat on a slimy rock with a pink sea flower shaped into a star. She picked it up an automatically thought of a way to get steel to like her and stop picking on her.
The next day she went to the bus and she sat in the seat across from her friends saving a perfect spot for Steel.
“Hi Steel.” Fae said happily
“What do you think you’re doing?” Steel said, glaring at her.
“I saved you the spot you always got mad at me for sitting in.” Fae said with a big bright smile of her face, fin pointing to the spot.
“You really think that I cared about that spot?”Steel asked.
“You’re so annoying and small. Not only are you small you probably have never ever won a race let alone would beat anyone.” Steel said and then giggled along with the whole bus. Everything was the same except she never left that spot after Steel had said the same thing to her everyday for the next week.
One day Fae was swimming trying to find Dede and Mawna when she saw Steels friends all in a circle yelling at Steel .Afterwards they all swam away and laughed. Fae swam over.
“Hey Steel, You okay?” Fae had asked.
“What do you care you’re just she slowe and smallest fish in school”Steel Yelled.
Fae swam away and ran into the playground looking for Dede and Mawna again.
The next day Fae went to her normal spot where Steel had been sitting and sat down. Steel started to swim faster as she saw Fae sitting laughing with her friends.
“Seriously do I need to make it clear to you about where I sit?” Steel said glaring at Fae.
“no.” Fae said fearful yet again.
“Whatever you're still the smallest slowest swimmer in the town.” Steel said with aggression.
“Hey Steel! I’m not the slowest fish so why don’t we prove that with a race.” Fae said confidently.
“Fine. A week from today during recess be there or be square.” Steel said confident of her defeating Fae.
So little fish Fae practiced and stressed about her being in tip top shape until the day of the competition she confidently swam to her spot on the bus. Instead of the usual conversations Steel ignored her.All through the day Fae became more anxious and scared of losing to the shark who had been evil to her for the past couple of months. Finally it was the time for the race. Everyone had gathered around the empty sand. Steel smirked when she saw Fae coming.
Everyone became silent.
“READY! SET! GOOOO!” Wezlyn said.
The world froze for Fae as she looked only forward in hopes of her being in the lead. She felt the wind and bubbles coming up around her as she was swimming. She looked around after she finished, No sign of Steel. Behind her she saw Steel. Everyone laughed as she Steel finished.
“FAST FAE! SLOW STEEL! FAST FAE! SLOW STEEL!” Everyone said as they laughed and giggled.
A couple minutes after she saw everyone leave she saw Steel lying on the sand.
“Hey Steel” Fae said confidently as she swam down to her.
“What do you want you won? Your fast Fae and i'm slow Steel” Steel said.
“I know what it’s like to be constantly laughed at and it’s not a great feeling.” Fae said hopeful she wouldn’t make fun of her.
“I’m sorry. Fitting in is hard when everyone else isn’t as big as you. everyone else is so much more different than where i was before.” Steel said sad.
“Your unique. That’s not bad.” Fae Said
After Fae and Steel talked for awhile  they started to learn a lot about each other and they found things in common. From then on Steel had became best friends with Fae, Dede, and Mawna.

     The End

The author's comments:

I wanted to write something that sent a message about how imortant it is to treat other how you want to be treated.

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