Neblar 38-e | Teen Ink

Neblar 38-e

October 16, 2015
By EugeneKrabs12 BRONZE, Germantown, Ohio
EugeneKrabs12 BRONZE, Germantown, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In 3026, aliens invaded North America and took hostages back to their home planet, Neblar 38-e, for research, which sparked an inter-galactic war. Neblar 38-e was on NASA’s list of planets with possible life, so NASA asked the UPMW (United Planets of the Milky Way) senate for permission to send a spaceship and crew to Neblar 38-e. The mission was a fail, the ship was shot down over the Obogato System. The aliens inspected the wreckage for survivors and found a 5746-Plasma Rifle and coordinates for Earth and all of the planets in UPMW. They invaded Earth (the home of the UPMW Council and Senate). The aliens wanted to find out how smart humans were, so they built a course to test their survival skills, this is where we come in…

    My name is Tup, my friends call me that, because I forgot my old one. We think we are on Neblar 38-e, but we aren’t sure. We have not found any signs of life here, other than us. We have a small village that we built over the years, the Tuskas brought us here in 3026, it’s 3034 now. The Tuskas are the aliens we found in 3020. So far we have made a plasma rifle, and are working on a ship and transmitter to contact Earth. The Tuskas left us with nothing but pocket knives and three weeks of food and water. The Tuskas drop off letters every week about how the war is going.

    Tuesday, June 24,
   Today we’ve had some complications, a few zoids attacked us. A zoid is a bug-alien hybrid that have large teeth and claws that rip at you until you’re inside out. The zoid ripped up two houses and five people. We are holding the funeral next week. I think the Tuskas are sending creatures to kill us because they think we are too good at survival. Last week we had a similar incident, a single zoid got in and broke our water lines and two soldiers. We are still fixing them.

    Wednesday July 1,
   “Tup,” I heard in my sleep,”Tup, wake up.”
“What,” I replied tired.
“Their at the hospital,”
“Impossible, that is the most heavily guarded building in the village.”
“Ya, they’ve broken through.”
“Let’s roll,” I replied as I grabbed my rifle and ran out the door.
   When we got to the hospital, it was a horror movie, bodies on the floor, smell of death, blood everywhere. “Check for survivors,” I ordered soup,”I’ll follow their trail.”
“No, we need to stick together,” Soup replied
“Agreed, we’ll check later, now we must hit the zoids.”
“No, not zoids. ughhh,” we heard from the right,”It was the Tuskas, Their trying to eliminate us.”
“which way did they go, Bridge?” I asked.
“Down the south corridor and to the lefffffff…”
“Bridge! Bridge!” Soup cried, “Stay with me buddy come on,”
I Knew the truth, “He’s gone, Soup.”
“Okay, let’s go.”
When we got to the control room, the Tuskan general was waiting for us,”Well hello there survivors. We know of your plot to attack us.”
“What plot,” I answered with rage.
“Oh, I see your pal, Soup hasn’t told you yet.”
Soup responded, “Yes, it’s true, we didn’t tell you because we knew you'd revolt and somehow get us out of it.”
“Why would you even dream of this?” I said.
“Well… I don’t pity you, Tup,”
“What are you going to do, generall?”
“This.” Bang!

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