The Underground Lounge | Teen Ink

The Underground Lounge

October 15, 2015
By ellieklotz20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
ellieklotz20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“We will keep you updated on the underground ‘monsters’,” said the news man.
    Alisa flipped of the TV because she needed to get ready for work. She opened the balcony door of her third floor apartment just in time to feel the nice, cool breeze as it blowed through her long brown hair. She stepped out onto the concrete floors and sat down at the table right by the ledge. She loved to sit outside and watch all of the cars go by, and the people on the streets walking before she went to the news station where she worked. It was almost time to go to work, and so she got up and walked into her bedroom and started french braiding her long hair. When she braided her hair it made her blue eyes stand out, and that is good when she worked as a news reporter on television. She made her way through the bedroom door, and into the bright kitchen where she grabbed a bagel with cream cheese and scarfed it down. As she was walking out the door of her apartment she said goodbye to her German Shepard guard dog Winston. He wagged his black tail as she shut the door.
She finally arrived at News Center 321. She waved to her best friend Bethany, and Bethany waved back smiling. Alisa went and sat down at her chair by the weather table beside Bethany.
   “We’re going live in five, four, three, two, one,” said the camera man.
   “Good morning listeners. This is Alisa. Today’s weather forecast is nice and sunny. The temperature is seventy-five degrees. There is a slight chance of a storm. We may get some rain here and there, but not too much. So overall today should be a pretty nice day. Now to you Bethany,” said Alisa.
   “Thank you Alisa. Today our topic is safety. Make sure you get out of those thunderstorms today. Stay safe and have a good day,” said Bethany smiling.
   “Cut,” said the camera man.
   “Bethany and Alisa you did a very nice job today,” said the president of the news channel.
   “Thanks,” said Bethany and Alisa at the same time!
Alisa and Bethany walked out the door of the news station and stood in front of the door talking. They talked about the “monsters” that lived in the core of the Earth that secretly watched the humans above them. The “monsters” had only been sighted once, by a miner. The miner had said that the “monsters” were approximately and a half feet tall. They had big, dark eyes, and humungous feet like the size of a trash can laid on its side. Imagine coming so close to a ginormous creature that you could reach out and touch it. They looked sort of like Bigfoot. Nobody really knew if the “monsters” were actually real or not, or what their purpose is. One thing everyone knows is that it sure does scare a lot of people.  Alisa and Bethany were finishing up their conversation when Tim walked by and waved.
   “Hello,” said Tim.
   “Hi,” replied Alisa, as Tim walked pass them. Tim was in a hurry to get to his job as a police officer that specialized in fighting the “monsters” if they came up, so he couldn’t stop and talk.
   “Well I need to get back home to Winston,” said Alisa.
   “Okay. Goodbye. I will see you tomorrow. Great job today,” replied Bethany.
   Alisa started to walk away and blurted out the words,
   “You too!”
   Alisa finally arrived home. As she walked in the door, Winston greeted her.
   “Hi boy!”
   Alisa walked over to the TV and turned it on the news channel. The second she turned it on she heard the words “monsters” and she was instantly drawn to the screen. The main news man was talking about how scientists had developed cameras to dig a hole while making their way down to the core of the Earth to see the “monsters” live. Of course the camera had to be able to withstand the vast amounts of heat. The news channel then showed the camera being set off into the ground. The main news man then said that the camera should be back up to the surface of the Earth in approximately four days. It took two days to get down to the core of the Earth and two days to get back up.
   “For more information, watch the news at six,” said the main news man.
    Several minutes passed. She was still wondering about the “monsters.” She kept on thinking, what will happen on the day that they come up onto the surface, or will they get mad and attack if they see the camera? Her mind was racing so fast, she could hardly keep up with herself. A couple of hours had passed by and she was now only thirty minutes away from watching the news at eleven. She could barely bare the wait. Twenty minutes. Fifteen minutes. Ten minutes. Five minutes. One more minute. Alisa was getting really nervous when she pushed the power button on her TV remote control. She had just texted Bethany and said to turn on the news.
   “Good evening,” said Jackson, the assistant to the main news man, “As we said earlier, the camera was already launched down into the ground to look at the ‘monsters’. The camera should get down to the bottom about later tomorrow night. When it gets down there the video that the camera takes will be shown at the news eleven. We will keep you updated.”
Alisa and Bethany kept on texting about the news showing. They both said that they cannot wait for the news at eleven tomorrow night. Alisa told Bethany bye on the text conversation. She was going to take Winston on a walk to the park because it had been such a long time. She hooked Winston up to a leash and walked out the door. Whenever you said the word walk, Winston got so excited. They started to walk when it started to rain, so they had to back inside. They decided to go to the apartment complex’s indoor pool instead, that allowed dogs. Winston loved to swim. He just gets so happy and makes a big splash. So they swam for a couple of hours and, when they got done swimming they went back to their apartment and went to sleep.
   The next day passed and finally they were thirty-five minutes away from the video tape of the “monsters” being revealed on the news. The thirty-five minutes passed and Alisa had her TV already on and her phone ready to text Bethany because the she couldn’t watch it. The news channel came on and they brought the video camera footage up.
   “Well folks these are ‘monsters’ you have been desperately waiting to see. There are about 1,000 of them. The camera screen picked up glimpses of their big red eyes, and their huge footprints that they made. They seem to be getting bored and anxious down there in the core. Who knows what they will do next? Hopefully, they stay down there, but there is no telling. See you next time.”
   Alisa was thinking to herself about the “monsters.” She was not as scared and nervous as she thought she would be. She was actually quite calm. So when she went to bed, it was actually quite easy for her to fall asleep. She slept for a couple of hours before she heard the unbearable deafening knocking at the door. She scurried to the door and opened at so quickly that it scared Bethany when she opened it. Bethany instantly moved into the foyer and started blabbering to Alisa.
   “Woah, woah. Slow down,” yelled Alisa.
   Bethany’s words came to a holt.
   “The monsters….,” Bethany paused, taking a huge gulf of air,    “They came up onto Earth. I know you probably think that I am crazy, but they really did! I saw them myself. Oh Alisa, what are we going to do?”
   “Hold on, you’re talking way too fast. How long ago?”
   “About fifteen minutes ago!”
   “They must have gotten angry when we sent the cameras down there,” said Alisa.
   “I sure hope not!”
   The girls both ran over to Alisa’s window. There were tons of citizens running around like headless chickens. Then they spotted big, humungous creatures marching down the sidewalk like a huge marching band. There were hundreds of thousands of them. Suddenly, Winston started barking his head off.
   “Oh no! Are they coming up here?” asked Bethany panicking.
   “Just stay calm,” stated Alisa, her eyes getting bigger.
   Just then something started banging on the door of the apartment. It was so loud, louder than gunshots.
   “What do we do?” asked Bethany as tears strolled down from her eyes.
  “Follow me,” said Alisa, grabbing Winston and running into the bedroom.
Bethany scurries after Winston and Alisa. They shut the door and pushed the bed, dresser, and mirror in front of it. Just then, they heard a loud crash in the living room. They started frantically running around the room like maniacs. At that moment, the banging moved to the bedroom door. They froze at once. The door fell over. All of the furniture slid out of the way, and they were standing face to face with a huge, hairy creature. The “monster” started inching towards them bit by bit. The girl’s heart beats were beating faster than they had ever beaten before. Then the creature reached out and grabbed the girls by the arm. The creature grabbed the dog, who was barking constantly, by the collar. He took him out into the living room and sat them on the couch. Then he started making the peculiar sound, and suddenly another creature strolled into the room, his footsteps vibrating the whole apartment building.
The two creatures grabbed Bethany, Alisa, and Winston and took them outside and threw them into a truck. Bethany and Alisa were shaking and crying so hard you would have thought that they were going to pass out. The truck started to take off. There were other people from the apartment building in the truck, who were all panicking. The truck was an ambulance, so the “monsters” must have stolen it from the ER. The smallest “monster” was driving because he was the weakest. It must have taken them along time to get from where they were to where they are now. The “monsters” led them into a cave. It only let a little bit of light in, so it was fairly dark. There were a lot of people and animals, including Winston, in the cave. It was tight and cramped. There was hardly any circulation in there. The people I there were so quiet you could hear the croak of the frog and the chirps of the bats. The creatures had a grin on their faces which made the people even more scared. There were two “monsters” guarding the entrance of the cave. Suddenly there was a rumbling noise above their heads. Then the cave started to vibrate. They could hear screams of people and roars of the “monsters.” People in the cave started to freak out. They were screaming, too. Then one man with a sword came running down the entrance of the cave, with two guys following him. The “monsters” that were guarding immediately killed them. This went on for hours. Then, at once, the screaming and the roaring stopped. The noise went silent.
The “monsters” guarding the gate made their way out, and motioned for the people to come out. They people frantically rushed out of the cave. When they walked out, they saw dead bodies lying on the ground. The people were confused, including Alisa and Bethany. They couldn’t figure out why there were so many people lying on the ground. Then, it hit Alisa.
“Okay,” said Alisa, “I know this sounds crazy, but I believe the ‘monsters’ were trying save us!”
“No way,” said Bethany.
“Yeah way! Think about it! The ‘monsters’ practically kidnapped us to save us. There was a war, and the ‘monsters’ were just trying to keep us safe and alive! Why else would they hide us in that cave, and then let us just go free?”
Just then, the “monster” started to make the peculiar noises again when Alisa was finished with her sentence. The rest of the people started to agree with Alisa that the “monsters” were trying to save them. They started to be grateful for the “monsters”. They realized that they were not so scary anymore. All that they were trying to do was protect the city from danger. So the special “monster” fighters were hired for nothing. The mayor of the city wanted to thank the “monsters” for protecting the city. They decided that to let the “monsters” come up from the core anytime, and go anywhere they want. The built the “monsters” their own apartments for when they come to Earth’s surface. The “monsters” loved that idea and enjoyed it.
Just then, Alisa woke up.
Woah! That was a crazy dream, Alisa thought.
“I should probably get up and get ready for work shouldn’t I Winston,” she said quietly to Winston.
Then she got up and got ready, and then she was off to work.

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