Our Forever | Teen Ink

Our Forever

October 9, 2015
By CandyKitty BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
CandyKitty BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Destery you need to be ready in three minutes!" Leaden shouted at me.
I am ready. I have been ready for thirty minutes now. I can't tell her though because she has her door shut and she yells at me when I knock. She hates knocking. And clapping. And any other noise I could make to get her attention. See, we were both born "normal", but then something just had to go wrong so, BAM! I can't talk.
She opened the door to see me sitting on the floor waiting.
"Ready?" I signed.
"Oh. I didn't know you were waiting for me." She apologized.
"It's okay." I signed and stood up.
We went out to the bus stop and waited. The bus was only about a block away from our house so we got there just in time. That's good because Leaden hates waiting. And standing in lines. And being in the same place for too long.
When we got on the bus, I couldn't help but notice that someone had taken our usual seat. Leaden likes to sit in the same place everyday. The third seat on the left.
"Excuse me." Leaden said to the boy sitting in our seat.
He looked up and took out one of his earbuds.
"This is the seat we sit in everyday." She said calmly and politely. "Would you mind sitting in another seat?"
He ignored her and placed his earbud back into his ear.
"Is there a problem?" The bus driver asked with a tone. She glared at Leaden and I.
"No. Well, not really. We just wanted our seat back." Leaden explained.
"Just sit down somewhere else! I have three more houses to get to!" The bus driver yelled.
Leaden was in shock. She couldn't just sit somewhere else! Her mind would not allow it. The only other number to not cause a mental breakdown for her was six, so I dragged her to the sixth seat and made her sit down.
"It's okay." I signed trying to calm her down. "Just try not to think about it."
Apparently, Leaden's breakdown had everyone's attention because someone started to shout at us from the back.
"Hey freaks!" Someone yelled. "Why can't you just act normal for once in your life?"
We ignored everyone for the whole ride. It was easy since that's all we ever do anyways.
We got to school after what seemed like forever and the bus driver told everyone to get off. I stood up with Leaden by my side and walked towards the front. I was only six steps away from the door when someone grabbed my backpack. I didn't realize what was going on until my head met the cold floor. Everything became a blur and I was suddenly laying on the sidewalk. A boy that was probably three times my size stood over me.
"Destery!" I heard Leaden yell. She tried to run and help me but someone held her back.
"Oh is this your girlfriend?" The boy asked mockingly.
"He's my brother! Let him go!" She screamed.
"Oh! You must be the freak twins! Don’t worry princess, I won't hurt him too bad.” He said and sent his fist flying towards my face.
It didn't hurt until I saw the pool of blood on the sidewalk. I tried to stand but everything went black. Every sound mixed together in my mind. Leaden screaming. People cheering. My head throbbing.
Suddenly, all the sounds went away and I was standing in an open field of flowers. I looked around and saw a girl in a small tree. She looked to be about eleven with long brown hair flowing gently in the wind. It was a younger version of Leaden. I ran to her but she kept getting further. I couldn't reach her. I began to feel dizzy and I fell down in the grass. Everything swirled away from me and I woke up cold.
My eyes fluttered open to see the nurse standing over me. I must be in her office. Did I pass out? Where was Leaden?
I looked around the room frantically for her.
"Try to lay still please." She said. "Can you tell me your name?"
I spelled out my name before realizing that she would not understand me.
"One second sweetie." She said and went over to her phone. "Hello? Yes. Could you come down here really quick? Okay. Thank you!"
She put the phone down and looked back at me.
"Don't you have like a helper teacher or something?" She asked.
I shook my head no.
"Well then how do you talk to anyone?" She questioned.
I just stared at her. It's not like I could tell her about Leaden or anything.
A lady walked in the door and looked at me. She then turned to the nurse.
"Is this the boy?" The lady asked.
"Yes." The nurse responded. "I don't think he can talk."
The lady turned back to me.
"Hello! Can you please tell me what your name is?" She signed.
"I'm not deaf." I signed back.
"Okay then, what is your name." She asked with a slight tone.
"Destery." I spelled with my hands.
"Last name?" She asked.
"I don't have one." I told her.
She looked at me with a puzzled frown, and then turned to the nurse.
"He said that his name is Destery." The lady told her.
"What's his last name?" The nurse asked.
"He said that he doesn't have one." The lady said like she didn't believe me and then turned around again.
"Do you have any family members that I could contact, Destery? The lady asked me.
"Leaden." I signed.
An hour past as the lady's sat making calls and emails to try and figure out who I was before Leaden walked in.
"Destery!" She shouted with joy. "I was so worried about you! They wouldn't let me leave class to check on you!" She came and sat next to me. "You look much better than earlier."
"Excuse me miss," the nurse said, "are you his twin sister?"
Leaden nodded.
"Do you, by chance, have a last name?" Asked the nurse.
Leaden stared at her, unblinking, until finally saying no.
The nurse made another phone call. "Excuse me. Do you have any record of twins called Leaden and Destery at this school?" She paused. "Okay." Her face went white. "Thank you."
She put the phone down slowly and looked at us for a long time.
"I know that you two are lying to me." She said forcefully. "The last time that there were twins here called Leaden and Destery was 300 years ago."
I looked at Leaden and she looked at me.
"Shall we return home?" I signed to her with a smirk.
"We shall." Leaden said grinning.
Then, we both vanished, and teleported back home to the planet called Nala. Our own little planet where we could live forever.

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