Time Traveler | Teen Ink

Time Traveler

October 29, 2015
By Jazzynickster12 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
Jazzynickster12 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Theo Frankford ran for his life, as the town gathered in rage. Theo tried every thing he could but the crowd still followed him even after every twist and turn. If I could just lose them at the next turn, I’ll be home free, Theo thought. As Theo raced down the street, the corner got closer and closer. Theo was relieved as he saw the corner thinking, I can finally escape this nightmare. As Theo turned the corner a figure step out of the shadows. It was a TTP agent, or Time Travel Police agent. The TTP agent pushed Theo backwards into the street. Theo knew he couldn’t escape this time.
Theo Frankford just like every average teenager. He went to school every day and came home like any normal teenager. Unlike every average teenagers, Theo was a time traveler. He discovered time traveling when he found old blueprints along with a machine on a table in the back of an old house. It looked like the machine was started but never finished. Theo worked day and night each time stopping only to dream what kind of machine could this be. Finally after weeks worth of building the machine was complete. It was a backpack shaped machine with a display screen in the back. It also had two wires coming out and connecting to two handles with a button on each. The color of one of the buttons was green and the other was red.
"Strange", said Theo as he pressed the red button. Nothing happened as he pressed it. He pressed the green button next. Still nothing happened.
"Must be out of power.", Theo said
"I spent all week building this just so it can not have power!", Theo exclaimed in rage. As Theo took off the machine he set it down to rest. There must have been something that I missed, thought Theo. As Theo examined the machine, he found a button. The button was a squared and was roughly the size of 1 centimeter.
"How could I have missed this!",exclaimed Theo. Theo pressed the button slightly, but still nothing happened. Just great, still no power and I found the power button, thought Theo. Right next to the button was a slot in the machine. It must have been one of the already built parts, thought Theo, because surely he hadn't built it. Theo slowly shined a flashlight into the slot and found a with object, obsessively put in there. Theo slowly pulled it out, taking his time as if it could explode. Finally the object was completely out, and it revealed the on the other side was a wall connector for electricity.  It must be the battery. I thought I saw a power cord earlier, Theo thought. Finally he found the cord and plugged in the battery. Will this work, thought Theo. Only time would tell now.
The day was a blur, and as school got out Theo couldn't stop thinking about the machine. Would it finally work, Theo thought. He had left it charging all night, so it should have full battery. As Theo approached the battery pack, that was charging where he left it, and pulled it out of the power cord. Theo then carefully slotted the battery into the slot and stopped. Do I really want to know what kind of machine this is? For all I know it could kill me, Theo thought. The pushed the button slightly and waited. 3 seconds went by and nothing happend.
“ Does this really still have no battery!”, Theo screamed. Then when the 5th second past a green light appeared. Is it on?, Theo thought. Theo then pressed the red button again. Nothing happened, but when he pressed the green button a timer started. What is that?, Theo said. On the timer 3 sets of numbers came up. The timer displayed 11/04/2115
“Wow,” Theo exclaimed, “what is that for?” Theo pressed the green button again. Now what happened was very strange. The machine sucked in Theo and then disappeared.
Theo woke up on the hard silver floor. “Where am I?”, asked Theo. Theo looked up and saw a car flying just above his head. I must be hallucinating, I’m seeing flying cars, Theo thought. Theo got up and just when he was examining the scraps in his pants, a man stepped out of the car.
“Are you ok?” said the man,”Are you hurt anywhere?”
“I’m not hurt, and I’m ok.” replied Theo. Who was this man, and what was that?, Theo thought. The man got back in his car and made sure Theo was ok.
“Are you sure you're ok?”, The man asked.
“Positive”, Theo replied. The man then sped away with his car. Theo picked up his machine and decided to walk around for awhile and think. Why was that car flying?, through Theo. As theo walked around he saw many impossible things. Hover boards, and and more flying cars. Theo walked past a dealer ship for the cars. He learned that they were called airborne automobiles. Then a car started racing towards him. It was going to crash through the wall. Theo started to back up, into the street. The car went straight through the wall and straight through Theo. What the heck, thought Theo. Theo kept on walking and found a hoverboard park. There were kids all over the place on hoverboards doing cool tricks. Theo look over to the left of the entrance and saw a dispenser. It looked like it was giving the hoverboards out for free. Theo walked over and got one. As soon as he got one a screen popped up. It was the safety tips for the hoverboard. Theo quickly read the instructions and put on the helmet.
“Let's ride!”, Theo yelled. He jumped onto the hover board and raced through the hoverboard park. As he raced around people stared at him. Why were they looking at me?, Theo thought. All the people in the park were staring at him now so Theo decided to leave. As Theo reached the door a man walked in. He was wearing a vest that had the words TTP on it. On his side was a pistol of some kind.
“Where is he?”, The man asked. All the other people in the park pointed a Theo. Theo was just stood there holding the door open. The man turn towards him and said,”Sorry son but you have to come with me.” By the time the man finished saying that, Theo was down the street. Theo had to lie low or else someone would get him. Theo grabbed the handles as he walked. How does this work?, Theo thought. Theo pressed the green button, but nothing happend. Then he heard a voice.
“Come back here kid”, a man said. Theo turned around and saw the TTP man again. Theo pressed the red button. The machine sucked Theo back into his own time.
Theo didn’t want to go back to that horrible time. He set the machine down and raced out of the house. Then when he got out it wasn't his neighborhood but a desert town. He was in a corner of the town. He walked out and into the middle of the town. Everywhere he went all the towns people look at him. After exploring the town he tried to go home. He pressed the green button but nothing happend. Maybe he should try the red button. It still didn’t work. Then he heard a noise. The towns people were gathering in a mob. Theo ran as hard as he could. Theo tried every thing he could but the crowd still followed him even after every twist and turn. If I could just lose them at the next turn, I’ll be home free, Theo thought. As Theo raced down the street, the corner got closer and closer. As Theo turned the corner a figure step out of the shadows. It was a TTP agent, or Time Travel Police agent. The TTP agent pushed Theo backwards into the street. Theo knew he couldn’t escape this time. The TTP agent look at the mob then at Theo, he took Theo’s hand. He pulled Theo up and helped him run away.
When they got far enough from the crowd the TTP agent took his hand and said, “You're in a lot of trouble son.” Theo wondered why the TTP agent was helping him when he was in trouble.
“Why are you helping me.”,said Theo
“Because if I didn’t help you you could of broke the history.”, exclaimed the TTP agent. Theo understood now. Time traveling back in time could change the future.
“what are your going to do with me?”Theo said.
“Take you back to your own time and hide that machine.”, said the TTP agent. Theo and the TTP agent returned to Theos time. The TTP agent grabbed the machine and put it in a backpack lying on the floor.
“Thank you.”, Theo said but when he turned around the TTP agent disappeared.
“I wonder if I will ever see him again?”,Theo said. What to do now, thought Theo, I think I saw some other blueprints on that bookcase.

The author's comments:

I did this for school to get a good grade and epress myself.

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