The Blue Hoodie | Teen Ink

The Blue Hoodie

November 18, 2015
By Halo5 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
Halo5 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One day I was in my kitchen with my mom, Rebecca, and I was baking a cake while she was cooking dinner. My brother, CJ, was watching TV, my dad (Cody) was sleeping and my other brother, Tyler, was at his friend's house. All of my family had brown hair and glasses. At the time I was 12 years old and my brothers were 13 and 18. My parents were in their 30’s. It was fall around October almost November, it was cold outside and was snowing, our town was small and kind of creepy but I loved it. At the time it was around 6:00 at night and my mom asked me to lock the door like we always do. When I went to lock the door I heard something coming from outside, Then the door handle started to move back and forth. I thought it might be one of my friends pulling a prank on me and I was about to open the door and say very funny guys, but then I heard him say in a deep loud voice,
“Come on you, stupid door open.” I froze. I tried to yell out for my mom or anyone, but nothing came out, like I had just lost my voice or something. Then my mom asked if something was wrong and I pointed at the door. She rushed over and opened it. There was what looked like a man wearing a blue hoodie, he was running away with something it was my brother. I ran and looked at the clock he was supposed to be back from his friend’s house at 6:00, it was 6:05. I ran to tell my mom but she didn’t believe me and then one hour later she realized I was right and called the police..
The police told us to get our stuff lock the doors and live with another family member like our grandparents, But I wasn’t going to retreat. I refused. So I went to the store with my parents and we bought cameras for our security system. After my dad and I set up the security system, I locked all of the doors and windows then went to the security base. I waited and waited for months  just sitting there missing school and all of my friends just to sit and wait for the man to come back so we can catch him and put him in jail. Meanwhile, my brother is probably somewhere being tortured  and worked to death. After two months of sitting and doing nothing I was fed up I asked my parents for weapons to protect myself and they said no so they had to come with me to catch the criminal and we searched and searched for the tiniest hint of a clue. Until we came across this hill that looked like a small mountain and there was a big house well more like a mansion on top of it so we went up the hill and knocked on the door.
There was a man who answered the door he was wearing a blue hoodie like the one the guy who took my brother was wearing. It looked like he was wearing a mask and a hat under his hoodie but I ignored it. I asked him,
“Have you seen anything suspicious lately?” he said,
“No, did something bad happen?” Then I told him what happened and he gave us a sad look and said,
“Well that’s not good.” and walked away, but he left the door open so I told my parents to get in the car and keep it running just in case something happens and I walked in. I saw bookshelves everywhere covered in dusty old books. There were old dusty stuff everywhere like couches, stairs, doors and an old TV usual home stuff. Then I saw it, a clue. A door with glowing blue light coming from it so I sneakily army crawled to it opened the door and walked in, then all of the sudden a flash of blue light, I was on some super high tech thing.
What is this am I dreaming? I thought. But I saw the blue hooded man with what looked like a mask on the top of his hood, I ran up to him and tapped his shoulder, he turned around and he wasn’t a he I think “he” is an alien. The alien was green, slimy and scary. I screamed loudly, then said nervously
“You are an alien why did you take my brother are you going to eat him.” My brother (Tyler) peered around the corner and said,
“Hey sis what are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here what are you doing here with aliens they are going to eat you.” I said angrily
“I can communicate with them they need me to help save the galaxy so go home you have missed a lot.” he said with a laugh. He started to communicate with the aliens by tongue clicking it was weird. After that happened I ran to the only glowing wooden door on the super high tech thing and appeared back in the old house. After that I went to get in the car but the car was missing and so were my parents. How long was I gone it was only a couple of minutes maybe less than that where did they go, I thought nervously. What if the aliens killed them I wondered, so I ran home dodging everything in my way and saw. When I got home my parents were dead and there was alien slime on the floor. I whistled for my dog a little black and white Chihuahua named Ratchet, I waited for a minute then sat on the floor and closed my eyes and when I opened them he was there licking my hand. I then thought he must have hidden somewhere, I don’t see any slime or wounds on him. Then I ran into my basement to see if my brother (Cj) was still there alive and he was alive with his Katonah sword. There were dead aliens on the floor, so I told him about the aliens in the house mansion thing on the hill and what they were doing. Then we went to the house on the hill. The room with the blue light faded and didn’t teleport us so we just stood there like idiots for five minutes. After all of that we had to go home get our stuff and find a place to live for now. (Who wants to live in a house covered in alien slime and the aliens could come back and kill you). We will never forget what happened that day, but I think we will have bright futures and maybe learn to build a spaceship if my brother Tyler ever comes back.
Ten years later
A long while after the alien attack my brother Tyler came back from the spaceship tracked us down and found us. At first, we didn’t recognize him because he has turned into an alien. But my other brother Cj and I don’t care because he betrayed us and we moved on. He begged us to let him live with us but we said,
“You are an alien so you have to live with aliens.” So he lived with the aliens and all was right with the world well sort of, not really.
The End

The author's comments:

I wrote this story for my creative writing class and it has inspired me to keep writing and looking over my work to make it better than it already was.

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