Dragon Village | Teen Ink

Dragon Village

December 2, 2015
By EmmaEDW BRONZE, Castle Rock, Colorado
EmmaEDW BRONZE, Castle Rock, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was walking around in Dragon Village when I run into my best friends, Burst the phoenix and Skyfire the dragon. Burst is new to Dragon Village. When she gets excited her flames get bigger and she just bursts into huge flames. That’s how she got her name, Burst. Skyfire is a relatively big dragon and he is a mix between yellow and red scales. He has been my best friend since I moved here three years ago. Burst, Skyfire and I met at the Dodo Cafe and grabbed something to eat. Skyfire and I like to eat them raw, but Burst always cooks hers with her own flames. This shop is Skyfire and I’s favorite hang out along with Mystic Library, Wake Up Call (a coffee shop), and Mythical Park.
“Hey, Starseeker, do you want to come with us to the gardens? I’m showing Burst around because she is new here,” asks Skyfire.
“Sure, I would love to,” I reply. We fly downtown to grab some food before we go, then we stumble upon a huge hole that you can’t see the bottom of.
“What is this?” asks Burst nervously.
“This is the pit. They say that when you fall in, you lose your ability to fly, and then, you die down there,” said Skyfire. To my side, I can hear Burst silently gasp.
“Actually, that's not true. I fell down there and made everyone eat magenta colored crystals, and everyone was able to fly out.”
“That’s really heroic, but can we go to the gardens. This place is creeping me out,” begs Burst. So, we all fly off, away from the pit. After an hour or so of flying, we finally make it to the gardens. First stop: the Meadows. The Meadows is a place with a field of long, soft, green grass that you just want to run around in.
“The grass is long, but not too long to where it is annoying,” Skyfire starts.
“And it’s so soft, but not as soft as troll hair. Soft enough to want to just sleep on it,” I finished. The three of us ran around, layed down, and had fun in the meadow until Burst wanted to move on.
The next place we went was the Edge. The Edge is a cliff at the edge of the meadow, and below the Edge is the beach. When we got there, Burst was extremely scared because she is afraid of heights.
“Don’t be scared. If you fall off, you can fly, and you will land in the water down there.” Saying that really calmed Burst down and gave her a boost of confidence. She neared the edge and looked down. She gasped a little, but she laughed and let the wind brighten her flames.
We all stepped to the edge with Burst and stood there until I said, “Hey, Skyfire, can you take Burst down to the beach? I’ll meet you down there.”
“Well, okay. Come on Burst.” Burst and Skyfire walked east down the path and disappeared around the corner. I stood there taking in the wind on my glistening silver scales under my wing and on the back of my neck. I held out my wings to catch more wind and sunshine. Then, after a while, I turned around and walked away. Once I get down the hill, I run up, jump off the Edge, and I let the wind hold me up and guide me to the ocean below. I could see Burst and Skyfire watching me below. The wind holding me up stopped, and I spiraled down into the sea, or as we dragon's call it, The Blue Floor.
I got back to the beach eventually and collapsed from exhaustion. Skyfire is eager to get me up and show Burst the best part of this tour. He leads us around the corner to a cave in the cliff. Inside, there are crystals poking out of the walls, floor, and ceiling. I would have to say there are about 200 crystals in the cave.
"Burst, this is what we call The Glisten Cave," I say. "We got here at the perfect timing, as the midday sun is about to shine on that crystal." I point to the biggest crystal in the middle of the cave. Once the sun hits, it reflects from that crystal to every other crystal in the cave. We all just stare in amazement at the rays of light.  After a couple hours, we all step out onto the beach and stare at The Blue Floor.
"Ooh, the best part is coming. At the end of each month, a huge tsunami hits, and it's wonderful, unlike what the humans think. We call this wave the Tidal. People predict that it will happen today," says Skyfire eagerly. As we wait for the Tidal, we play around the beach, tell stories, and relax.
At about three o'clock, we see a wave forming in the distance. We get up and prepare ourselves for the impact. The wave slams down on us, and we drift in the water in all different directions. When the wave sinks back into the ocean, I get up and try to find Skyfire and Burst.  When I find Burst, she is jumping with excitement and screams, "That was awesome! It was nerve racking, but totally wicked!" I calm her down, and Skyfire comes out of The Glisten Cave.
"I was able to find you because I heard Burst scream," says Skyfire. As the day winds to to an end, we start heading back to Dragon Village. We get back at dark, and everyone in the village is asleep. I go to my house and lie down, recounting the wonderful moments today.

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