Lost in a Perfect World | Teen Ink

Lost in a Perfect World

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

His name was Finnegan he had no way out, He was stuck in this picture that everything was perfect, and he didn't know how to escape. Finnegan was very different from all the others. He felt like he was the only one to even be thinking of trying to escape this brainwashing. Everyone around him was so in depth with the fact that everything was perfect and that's all it would ever be. He felt like he needed to act like the others just because that's how he was born and raised to be like. But for some reason he felt like he needed to be different. He would go on with his life but he wanted to leave, travel the world, be himself but he just felt like he couldn't. He lived in a little town called Bayview in North Carolina. he Worked at the local factory just like all the other men in the town. They had a certain way of living, wake up, go to the factory or if you're a woman than a shop in the town, then go home spend time with the family, and sleep. And do the same thing every day, And life was perfect for everyone besides Finnegan.

One day Finnegan was walking in the town when he spotted something he has never seen before. It was a beautiful lady that looked like she was new in this town. He stared at her for a long time til she walked up to him and said

“Do you need something” He just stared for a little and then responded with
“I have never seen you before, and that's very unusual in this town” She laughed
“I know i can tell how everyone acts, But you’re very different!” the conversation kept going til he asked
“What is your name”
“ I'm Kylie Perone” “What's your name?”
“ My name is Finnegan Johnson” “But you call me Fin”

The day went on and the conversation got longer, he felt like he finally found someone who doesn't expect life to be perfect. They had so much in common, from favorite music, to what they like to do in their spare time. He felt... Different. Kylie and Fin did everything together, Fin stopped going to the factory and Kylie woke up and would go to Fins every morning til late night.

The days got longer and the nights got shorter, Fin and Kylie were falling in love, but they knew they couldn't be together in this town, Because that's not how people are in this town, and if breaking the law bad consequences would happen to them. They wanted to escape, so they could be together and adventure the world. All day they were trying to plan how to get out Bayview without getting caught.
“How are we going to do this” Says Kylie
“I have no idea, we need to get passed the wall and into the woods”
“What happens if we get caught?” Kylie says
“Thats a good question” “If I knew this would be much easier”
Many days went by and they still had no idea what they were going to do, Til one morning
“I HAVE AN IDEA!” says kylie
“What is it?”
“We can wait til it gets dark and dig a hole under the fence!”
“that is a great idea” Says Finnegan
“So when do you want to do it!”
“Tonight!” “I'm sick of waiting”

So they got all the supplies and waited til the darkest part of the night. They snuck through the town and made it to the fence next to the woods. They started digging, and digging and digging. Til all of a sudden an alarm starts ringing! They started panicking and kept digging til someone grabbed Finnegan!
“What the hell are you guys doing!”
“Who are you!” Says finnegan
“ Im Bruce, The head guard of BayView” “Answer my question”
“I'm not going to lie but we were trying to escape”
“And why were you doing that”
“Because we want to travel and see and experience new things” Says Kylie
“And who are you” Says bruce”
“I'm Kylie and That's Finnegan”
“Well Kylie and Finnegan, you're gonna have to come with me”
“Because you know there are consequences when you try to escape this town”
“Please Bruce, it's not like 2 people leaving is going to affect you”
“That's true, but I have to listen to the law”
So Bruce took them to this strange place they have never seen before, they were put in this cold dark room with nothing but a dim of light coming from the window. Kylie was so scared that they were going to split her and Finnegan up, and they wouldn't see each other again. She knew coming to this town would be a terrible idea, but she didn't want to tell Finnegan that. As the room got colder the more worried they both got, they had no idea what the consequences were, or if this was the consequence. Finnegan wanted to escape, but Kylie didn't think that was a good idea.
“We have got to try and get out of here” Finnegan says
“What if there is more to come though, we could get killed for all we know and no one would ever know”
“I know that but we at least have to try.” Finnegan strongly says
“This plan has to be better than the last, because there are more people and guards just like Bruce here”
  So they sat all night in this dark room, figuring out the ways they could escape. Morning came around and they heard someone coming, they stayed up all night, and they were not prepared for what is coming next. They stood up as they heard the creaking of the door opening. It was 3 big men that resembled Bruce
“please come with us the 3 men say”
So Kylie and Finnegan followed, holding hands and staying as close to each other as possible. They were sat in this large room with pictures hanging on the wall and stacks of books all over the place. They sat there and waited til someone walked in.
“I'm Henry, I'm the so called leader of Bayview” “what are your names”
“I'm Finnegan and this is Kylie”
“Well it's nice to meet you guys” Henry says
“you as well” says Finnegan
They were so confused on why he was so much nicer than Bruce, what made him act the way he is. Was this part of his plan?
“So Bruce brought you here, Correct?”
“That's correct” they both say
“and why did he bring you here”
Finnegan was sick of these questions
“you know why we're here” “So let's just get passed these questions” “What is going to happen to me and Kylie”
“I'm sorry I asked questions but sometimes these guards lie about really happened,so I think you should tell me atleast what happened” Henry nicely says
Kylie responds
“We are trying to escape this hell of a town, it isn't perfect and we want to experience new things, so we were digging a hole on the east side of the town under the fence, and the alarm goes off, and Bruce came and took us away to here”
“And might I say I've never seen this place” Finnegan says, “so where even are we, are we even in BayView anymore”
“That's what Bruce told me, and you know there's consequences to trying to escape the town” “we are not in Bayview, we are in a town next Bayview that no one knows about, and that's all I can say” “you guys have to deal with your consequences and face what you did”
“ so what does this mean” Kylie says with a concerned look on her face.
It means you are going to stuck in that room you were in earlier for eternity.
“ETERNITY” Kylie and Finnegan yell
“I'm sorry about that, but that's the rules and I can't break those, especially for you 2, you guys have been awfully rude to me”
“Now leave, the guards will be waiting by the door to take you to your rooms”
“Are we being separated”
“Sadly yes, you guys can see each other every other day”
Kylie cried, they hugged each other and walked out the door, 2 guards took Finnegan and 2 guards took Kylie, they walked next to each other til 2 hallways met, and they split ways, Finnegan was observing how everything was, to make a plan to escape”
So they sat, it felt like years, but it was only 1 day. They finally got the chance to see each other, and Finnegan was going go tell the plan. They met and talked about everything and anything. They missed each other so much.
“Kylie, I have a plan to escape this place”
“Don't talk to loud, I know they are listening”
“Okay, but they have a certain time the generator goes off and the doors unlock” “every door?” Kylie says
“Every door. Including the gate to outside” “I heard the guards talking outside my door while they thought I was sleeping”
“ what time is that at” Kylie says
“3:43 am” Finnegan says
“I will come to your door tonight, and we will dodge the guards, and escape.”
“Kylie.. I love you”
“I love you too Fin”

So they went back to their rooms and waited til the time struck 3:43. It felt like it went by so slow but it was finally time to get out of here, and hope nothing bad happened. So the time struck 3:43 and the doors clicked. Finnegan slowly opened the door, and ran to where the split up. He couldn't find her room, he had no idea, so he just opened every door. Til he found her. They ran and ran til they saw the end, they stopped. There were 3 guards by the gate, and they had no idea what to do or say to get by. They stood for a moment

“What should we do?” Kylie says
“Well we have to find someway out of this place without the guards knowing.”
“ I know maybe let's take a look around the building to see if there's anything else” Kylie says

and they walked around the building. They found uniforms that the guards are wearing, so they said they might as well just put them on and hope they don't recognize them. So they changed and went back to the gate. They waved to the 3 guards and didn't say anything at all.

Kyle and finnegan started walking and and made it into the woods, They kept walking till they found a town that had lots of people with normal lives, just like Kylie and Finnegan wanted. So they settled down with their lives, and started growing the life they wanted. They both had jobs, they bought a beautiful house, fin even proposed to Kylie, and they still tell the story of how they met to their kids and people in the new town about how they escaped the “Perfect world.”

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